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I'm at the point where I think that I need to consolidate my boards and not having to carry around 2 boards everywhere. Right now I have Radair Hornet 150 and Nitro Blazer 163 (all 140 contact)

Next month I'm going to Colorado for the first time and want it to be perfect. My favorite board is Radair which is pretty much an exact replica of Volkl renntiger of the same vintage. I want my board to be universal - to be able to make tight turns an the local crowded resorts and still enjoy myself in Colorado. I feel that 140 is a bit small for me and I can handle something bit bigger (144?)

I just got a Blax dsms off the ebay to replace Burton Furnace and planning on getting Catek stepins


If you really want one board to rule them all, a Factory Prime is definitely not that. Get a Donek Axxess, Prior 4x4, Madd BX, or Coiler AM.

And when it comes time for a new dedicated carver, the FP isn't the latest and greatest either.

he FP isn't the latest and greatest either.

Nor is it latest and greatest pricing ;)

For a one board, I think its hard to beat the Axxis if you are looking for a SL type ride with versatility.


If you're headed to Colorado, try to get to the SES in Aspen Feb 10-16. Even if only for a day or two. That is where I figured out exactly which board was right for me. Think I probably demoed 20 boards before deciding. And remember we all ride differently, and have different preferences.


I second the Axxess recommendation. I started out on a Liquid Race 159 and then a Donek FC 163, but the Axxess 172 was the board that I really "grew up" as an alpine rider on. It was very similar in terms of sidecut and effective edge as the FC 163 however it was a friendlier ride on anything except scraped-off "packed powder". I think the tapered shape helped too, I remember that little FC being downright scary when I got in the back seat and got going too fast!

My Axxess 172 was the only carving deck I ever kept until I wore it out (camber gone, toeside turns are way soft presumably due to cracked core, 120+ riding days, I am a known gear abuser). That says something. The only reason I didn't buy another one was that I've come to love AM decks with a bigger sidecut radius.

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