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Loon/WV Opening Days


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***k guy,

just back handed kamackenzie for punching me in the mouth witth a bud lighting in my mouth. wtf, i just got my chicklets fixed last year. what a f@%&^ing idiot, so i slapped in the mouth, i think he $hit himself. also just punished a division 1 wrestler at the bitter end bar in a grappler m,atch. syfracuse my a$$, fuuukin guy is still puckin at 12:15, please!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hockey east is the beast guy! whos next! see you fuuuuuka$$$$$$ sundeee!!!! dtmh!!!!

dodge makes it cummins hakes it! ova!!!!

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shut down the bunyan room at 6:00 = $0 dollars

thrown out of the granite bar, for verbally harrassing a couger = $80.00

truants tavern, yayga bombs with ski patrol = $90.00

peanut fight with the staff at the station, obtw thrown out for verbal harrasment and mis behavour= $85.00

wouldn't serve me at the common man = $ 0

watching your buddy swallow kodiak in a submission hold that you put him in =


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hit the guy so hard his mustache landed in plywood! what a dewsch!

you know that piece of skin in your mouth but under your nose that connects to your lip. yeah its just flappin in the wind right know. im so pissed. the old drunk punched me as i was drinking a budlightning glass bottle. im really surprised thats all i did. i must be getting old.

awesome day today, it was sunny all day. tommorow should be good. ill be at the bitter end tonight takin it easy :smashfrea

damn...those 3 hot dogs sparked a testosterone fueled drunken rampage across Lincoln. I hope you recover in time for tomorrow.

So you b!tch slapped kamakenzie....now that's priceless!!! :lol:

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you rode today???? wtf guy?!?!? it sounded like you were gonna be on a cracker & ginger ale diet all day.

at 7am it was like a hurricane at my place and then misty til mid morning. i pulled the 'chute without even leaving the house. i was kicking myself when the sun came out.

i'm solo tomorrow.... 7:45 shaaaarp for rb toast. how about board selection????...will it be hard enough for the carvah from 8-9 then switch it up for the AM later in the am???? or will it be soft snow from the start so run with the AM all day?? :confused:

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the b had a great time yesterday. and yeah she did happen to mention the three studmuffins trolling hard and lookin real good. she almost didn't recognize you as a two planka in a one piece, but ya pulled it off guy! she :1luvu: it.

the grandduke must have a few DPG Cuban Classics in the humi...nice stick....I just nubbed one sitting on the exercise ball :eplus2:

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should've called it a day when I had the chance.

Last run of the season (most likely) and I was cruising down. 2 skiers in front of me, and one is barely moving. As I'm about to pass, he starts to move right in front of me. The mogled out trail doesn't let me stop so I end up bear hugging a little woman as I went down. My knee went right into her binding, with blood to prove it. Luckily, only a tiny chip in the top sheet in the front.

Good day overall. Race city was prime since it was closed off.

Hard to ask for a better season. Can't believe I topped off at over 40 days and didn't fail out of school. I think I actually do better in the winter months.

8 months till next season and a peanut butter and fluff sub will be in the works.


whoa, who changed my avatar!!!!??!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!? Abuse of mod powers!!!!!!!

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That's a keeper.

Fluff went to a banker Askin' for some bills The banker said, "I ain't got that

But I sure got some powerful pills." Fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, fluffy, fluffyhead.

John and Ben: Thanks for coming up. It was a great to have a big group yesterday. Looking forward to riding with you guys more next season.

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Nice Avatar, That's a keeper.

thanks! hey Gleb, she aint 21!

John and Ben: Thanks for coming up. It was a great to have a big group yesterday. Looking forward to riding with you guys more next season.

thanks for showing us around. you guys will have to have an away game up at the loaf. let me know.

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for the 1st time in t32 history, there was a triple crown winner. after surging back from what seemed to be a career ending injury last march. enzo "the pyscho" peters cleaned up at the award ceremonies yestereday at the bitta end ba! he took home 3 peices of hardware, 1st the comeback rider of the year, 2nd the most improved rider and last but definatly not least, the hereos highway/porn star award. he was really happy with his riding but you could tell he really wanted to look good under the chair lifts and win the heroes highway award. as far as the comeback rider award, he knew if he could just get back on his board after last march he would have no problem winning it. he felt pretty confident that pistol pete petabilt would be nowhere to be found. as far as the second half of the french connection, with just one showing this season, he didn't even qualify for the vote ballot, and he has lost his point totals for his prior achievements on t32. as two of the founding members, they are still technically on the team, but people are asking questions, younger and stronger riders are looking for tryout contracts. as a team we need those tryout contracts for the free beer, but its ethicly tough too hold a tryout knowing that the person trying out really doesn't have a chance in hell.

the true grit award and the flying frenchman awards were scooped up by the guy fatha, for his ability to get airborne on just about anything with a camera on the other side and being able to set and edge on the worst conditions on the mountain. because the guy fatha forgot to bring his beard every weekend he was almost edged out by enzo on this one. but really seperated himself from enzo for the least amount of bitching during the season. the guy fatha is the best at making chicken salad out of chicken $hit! he will ride the worst conditions the longest.

the midol rider of the year goes to stevo. i personally heard some of the fellas questioning his pride and heart, largely due to the fact that he couldn't even belly up once at the bunyan room after some strainger took advantage of him at the loaf. but looks like he's the early favorite to win the comeback rider of the year for 08/09.

father of the year, was close but big duke 6 won this one. it was between guy fatha and the duke. the duke had spent the whole entire winter beside his wife in their house helping with young mackenzie grace, and wasn't able to get out much. what really won this award for the duke was the dead beat rule. it was rumored that the guy fatha actually used his daughters snowboard that he got her for christmas on many different occasions, what a scumbbag!

worst dressed rider was the flying haiwain, hands down, he got 15 out of a possible 15 worst place votes. i have never seen something so awful in my life. it rivaled a movie that i saw a couple years ago, with two cowboys manlovin it up the brokeback. also the ironed on flames that he stole off of the hood of his girlfriends iroc, those have too go also!

the allmighty toeside chatta award goes to kenmakazi, for his complete lack of respect for himself and others when he's waisted on the hill. noone can crash into a group of people better than the shadow.

mojo got most down time on the hill award. for hr's/days of hiking down the hill time. working closely with distributors and reps on the latest and greatest carvin equipment, he felt its his way of growing the sport. noone loves working on their gear better than big john stud 6. if he could make one wish it would be to fix other peoples equipment in the middle of february at the top of the north peak express with 75mph winds! god bless!


i also would like to say thanks too our loon/waterville exchange program director glennc. he gave the best 3 trail tours of waterville! unfortunaltly due to a shrinking budget the foriegn exchange program was termanated.

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we all know that anybody can come back from a horrific crash with broken hip in a few short months or get six feet of air off a six inch lip or carve a bumped up narrow steep with effortless power. BUT it takes a REAL MAN with PRIDE and HEART to overcome bloating, cramping, mood swings, and hot flashes. I am very deeply honored and touched this achievement was acclaimed.

Lastly, even though his three certificates didn't equal my decoration, I hope next year to follow in enzo's giant footsteps because I really like the sound of that pornstar award.

"I didn't realize how drunk I was last night till I woke up this morning"- kmac chatter

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Looch ,

Great job…I laughed my a$$ off!! :lol: I think your post made the top 3 for the thread!!

There’s no time to bask in the glory and enjoy my accolades. I’m already gearing up the 2008-2009 campaign. I’m so hungry for that True Grit award that I started back up today with my plyo and pool workouts. I only got 2 months of real training prior to this season. 8 months of off-season workouts and da coiler heavy metals under foot…look out for next year!!!!

Heard Loon was awesome today. The hot dog lady’s going tomorrow so I’ll get a fresh report. I may not close the books on this season just yet. Who’s tentative for the final round??


Controlled Chaos

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I think I'm more likely to go on Saturday, if I go at all.

The 4x4 is back on the DL. If it's sloppy, I can always run the soft gear.

Enzo- You better train. I'm going for the truGrit threepeat! Put me down for bigger air, more spins, harder charging, steeper, deeper, and faster for next season. :AR15firin

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thats looks like it was a very deep cut! nice work on the zipper, do you do your own work. ill have to show you some of my work, from the iron league this summa!

so guy you couldn't take da bike ride up to the bunyan the last couple weekends? enzo put on a shirley temple clinic, and guy fatha has a drinkin problem, he doesn't drink enough!

dont dtmh on the mo ped!

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How many of you guys ride? If you allow an in line four rice burner (YZF1000) on your rides let me know, I will try and meet up you. Enzo you should also get the Slush Monkey Award. Way to DTH in the crud last weekend you are the man.

got any pics of that bike glenn ?

Gas is getting so crazy I'm thinking about getting an enduro for buzzin around town.Dug out the moto helmet last night.

In line 4s are great.

I'd love to get one of these for some sporty tourin'.


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I bought it used in 99 with 1200mi. It is a fun bike, 130HP, with a little more relaxed riding position than the more recent superbikes. I also have a Slowzuki DRZ400, it is a great bike for short city rides, not to bad on the trails, but gets a little head-shake on above 70mph. I drove it to work today I figure it saved me $5 in gas over taking the van.

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