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Everything posted by icebiker

  1. Well, my family plans to head to CO or UT this holiday season (had a prior thread on this a few months ago) have changed for budget reasons. Instead, we're driving the 8 of us (two families) to Mt Tremblant (dec 24-30). I have ridden Mt St Anne and Sutton before, but those were in the Jan/Feb time. I realize none of us are weather experts (who is?), but for those that have ridden Quebec mountains for years now and have a history of winter patterns up that way, do I have any reason to be concerned that it's early December and they only have less than 10% of their trails open? Thanks in advance.
  2. Threadjack: I had the identical bike, but toasted it earlier this year in a brain-fart move by driving into the garage with it on the roof. Agree, sweet handling bike. Lot of fun. RIP.
  3. +1 on that. I ride a 27 waist now and even with softies and 3 straps I have no problem getting it on edge. With hardboots it was even easier. That said, the issue was maintaining solid edge hold..my current board isn't really designed for that (plus not being built for carving I was always skittish about stressing it with plates and HB's for fear of ripping the inserts out). So, the 3 straps will go back on that board for less than ideal days. Teach, standard construction and yep it should be good for the lumpy bumpy stuff. Speaking of lumpy bumpy, you and Nick want to set a date for a meet up at C'back?
  4. Thanks again for all the advice folks. I pulled the trigger today. First off let me say what many of you already know: Sean is A class. Incredibly patient with my questions, super friendly, gave me solid advice and recommendations, and left me with the feeling I'd make a solid decision. End result: Axxess 172 in custom 26 waist with tighter 9-11 VSCR than standard 10-12. Perf metal style topsheet. Will post pics when I get 'er. Board is probably wider than most would recommend, including Sean, but with my back issues, big feet and tight trails it's what I need at present. After a few years on this thing, I suspect I'l hone my skills to the point where I can go narrower with an FC type of board. Happy thanksgiving to all.
  5. Thanks all for your valuable input. Truly a great forum this!! Interesting comments on softening the board a bit. I think my current board (Ride Yukon 172W) is a bit too soft to hold a good line with hard boots, so I assumed stiffer is better..but I think what I'm hearing is that the Donek will be stiffer and thus better able to hold a line, BUT it shouldn't be overly stiff in order to get it to flex/turn tighter...do I have that right? I know there is no real measure for stiffness, so it's all relative. I thought about one more thing: taper. My current board has no taper. The Axxess does. I assume between the variable SCR and the taper I'll be better able to quicken up how I enter and exit my turns so I'll need less of the trail width than I do now? Erik: If the snow is PP or spring conditions, I am usually good to "C" my way down most trails that aren't chutes...One of my best days was a 40's PP day under the chair at Gore...i was ripping it up and loving every minute! But when it's icy/hard I find myself in less control and/or more speed than I'm comfortable with, so my fear was that the combination of a longer edge length and a longer SCR would exacerbate that situation. However, I think you and others are right....I will likely elevate my riding skill (and confidence at speed) as I move up to more appropriately suited equipment Teach/Jonny: I hear you on the angles...I've been at 50/35 for a few seasons now, mainly because I find I need the leverage to slide the board around in super steep, bumpy sections till I can get to a more open area to lay down my turns (Man how I wish I could go out West more often;)). Corey/Teach/Geoff: While I'd prefer to demo, my opportunities to do so have been limited. Given the limited times I get to ride (7 days/season on average), I'm thinking the AM/carve board will help me get to the next level and put me in a better position to progress to even more advanced riding down the road and the new board decisions that come along with it. I'll still take you up on your loaner offer Teach! Nick: absolutely need to meet up this year. I was emailing with Teach just last week about taking a day at Camelback (maybe a Friday to avoid weekend "trail debris")? I would love to get some hands on pointers from you and Teach...When I ride, I'm usually the only one out there carving (yet I'm not as proficient as many on BOL), so with no one to critique my technique, I have taught myself (and most certainly have a number of things to learn (or perhaps 'unlearn'). Let's pick a day in Feb (better conditions then) and make it happen. I like Fridays :D
  6. Last year, I moved to hardboots and plates on my current "all mountain-lite" board with the intention of getting a proper AM/carving board in 2012. That time has come () and have decided (after much reading and researching on this forum) on ordering a Donek. I've contacted Sean and we'll be talking next week. While I'm sure he'll steer me in the right direction, I'd also like the benefit of input from the BOL crew, particularly east coast riders used to narrow trails and less-than-hero snow. I'm 6' 3", 200 lbs, intermediate carver. I'm not into speed, so not looking from something too long. Like everyone on the right coast, I encounter a fair amount of bumpy terrain (especially toward end of day), hence thinking of an AM set up rather than pure carving board. When I carve, I tend to carve C's, but find I run out of trail width on all but the widest blue groomers in NY, VT, NJ, which are the states I typically ride in. I'm leaning toward an Axxess in a 172 length, but in a wider width to fit my 31.5mp boots and my 50/35 angles. However, the Axxess 172's SCR is 10-12, which (at least in my mind) seems a big diff from my current board, which has an SCR of 9. Is it a big deal in your opinion? My concern is if I'm having a tough time getting 2 linked C's across a narrow trail with an SCR of 9, will something 10-12 be even more of a challenge, or does the added running length/flex pattern of a proper AM/carving board enable me to get more (higher) on edge and force a sharper radius turn? I read something to this effect on Carver's Almanac, but can't be sure. Donek also makes the Freecarve Peterson in a 170 with an SCR of 10, but not sure which board (FC or Axxess) makes the better choice for me and the terrain I typically encounter. Any advice is appreciated. I am very excited to finally complete the transition to a proper carving set up, so I want to be sure I have enough input for the right decision. Thanks!
  7. Sierra: Search ebay for "Burton Torque". The Torque was the last 3 strap binding made by Burton and you can still find them occasionally. I don't see any on there now, but they do come around from time to time. Other than the first year models (had a smaller mounting disc), they will work with standard 3 hole and 4 hole binding patterns. I have used them for carving for years now. Though in the last year I've invested in hard boots/plate bindings, I'll still use the 3 straps/SBs from time to time depending on the day.
  8. If you're interested, I have a set of Burton Performance Bindings. Not as stiff or fancy as Race Plates, but have metal baseplates and can be adjusted easily to any size up to 320mm. May do for your kid? $50 plus shipping.
  9. Bump with specs on the board: N/W/T is 29.7/24.5/29.7 edge running length about 138 SCR approx 9.5 This is better as a soft conditions (powder, corn, etc) board, not recommended for icy/hard snow.
  10. Agree! I'm righty, but ride goofy for this very reason.
  11. 174 Burton Supermodel. One owner (me) since new. About 40 days on the board total. Base and edges in excellent condition. Lots of meat, no core shots or gouges. Topsheet has one small superficial nick on upper corner (see crappy pic, can send better one if you like), some of the usual lift line tracers, along with the standard binding contact marks. Ridden with Burton Torque 3 strap bindings (not the Performance Bindings). $100 plus shipping. Burton Performance Bindings. Bought on eBay about 3 years ago, used 2X on my current board. $50 plus shipping. Happy to provide more info or pics (e.g. dimensions, etc) on request. PM me if so. Thanks.
  12. I'll take the Burton Cant with 3 and 4 hole inserts. PM sent
  13. Thanks again guys for the info and the kind offers! I would love to get to know some of this BOL community beyond the computer screen. Will post up what we decide when time comes. I think it'll boil down to either fewer lift lines (smaller mountains...ok by me), or abundance of off-slope activity for the ladies (bigger towns, more crowds). I'm sure most of you on here suspect where that debate's gonna end up!;) Michelle I was actually thinking of stopping by Bomber, you read my mind...was thinking of perhaps a demo or two? :)
  14. Awesome awesome awesome guys, excellent info. I really appreciate it. Have alot of thinking to do, but your info is a big help. My wife and I honeymooned in Aspen in the late summer, and visited Snowmass to check it out. Agree not much there, but Aspen wasn't far....suspect the Christmas crowds at Aspen (e.g. if we were to go to dinner, etc) would be just as crazy as Breck, tho, right? More importantly, say I were to order a custom Donek for Christmas ;), whereabouts would I pick that up (didn't see Sean list his current location on the website)...And what is the closest resort?
  15. The wife and I are planning to return to Breck this year (she hasn't been there in 13 years), but this time with our kids (10 and 14) and another family. In the past (pre-kids and school schedules) we'd time it for late Feb. Now, our only real choice is Christmas/New Years. So, questions are: a) In an average year, how is Breck's snow-cover/conditions that time of year? b) Any other Colo/Utah resorts to consider that would have better conditions then? Needs to have a decent town with plenty of restaurants, shopping and other distractions (the ladies and the girls may not ski the whole time ). I've been to Steamboat, but town is smaller than Breck, tho, and requires a car or long walk into town, unlike Breck). Any suggestions appreciated.
  16. Not familiar with the movie you're talking about, but found this.... http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20100219233248AAQs3BI
  17. Found a few more from the "Purple and Teal" era....lol These are approx '91/'92 or so... Killington's Bear Peak (me on right) Windham's base lodge (me on left)
  18. I still have my 174 Supermodel...'97 IIRC, blue, but a more "royal" blue than the one in the pic, and a lime green base. This is the board that moved me from skidding to carving....beautiful profile. It's still in great shape, too. Don't ride it much anymore, tho.
  19. LOL...I made myself a sticker for my first board that read: Snowbored? Snowboard!
  20. Here's a few more.... (apologies for high/large res) TWSnowboarding Mag, First Issue ever, Fall '87 Winterstick and Sims ad (Craig Kelly R.I.P.) in same mag: Burton Catalog: Remember when only a few places allowed boarding? (list from Burton catalog): Also remember when we had to be "certified" before we could even buy a lift ticket?
  21. Some pics from late '80's....enjoy! Stratton Mtn...I'm still rockin' that vanity plate on my current car:cool:, but my mullet is gone :( (I'm on the left) Bariloche, Argentina (me in middle) Bariloche, Argentina Hunter Mtn, 72 degree day (check out the size 14 Sorels on an M8:freak3: (I think this one is from '90 or so)
  22. Awesome! I'm a year or two behind you but, alas, my son chose the two-planker route. Can't win 'em all. At least I've got a winter buddy! Great pic BTW.
  23. Kills me! My first board was an '87 Elite 150 (just like the 140 in the pic but with red/orange/yellow fade). I gave it away in the early '90's figuring it wouldn't be worth much...shoulda kept it, taken it to Europe this year and sold it...it'd have given me 50% toward the carving board I hope to buy this fall. Coulda, shoulda, woulda....:rolleyes:
  24. FWIW, I ride an AM board with a 26.5 waist width, and it carves just fine. I wear size 14 (31 MP) hard boots and run roughly 50/35 angles. Anything narrower and I get boot out on the rear foot. So, as others have said, the width question is largely driven by foot size and angle preference. Only issue is the board is a bit flexy, so I'll likely be contacting Sean for a custom job in time for next season, with the intention of keeping a similar profile in a stiffer set up.
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