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Blue Bird

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Everything posted by Blue Bird

  1. Pick a board that you think will challenge your riding abilities and keep things interesting
  2. I haven't seen any of his motard riding. If it's anything like his streetbike riding I would take a spectators view. As long as the police aren't involved though, I think it would be much fun.
  3. Thor I've been wondering if I knew you, I've been here off and on since '92. I probably haven't stood out; I've been with out carving gear for about 7 years. I did get out today though, damn i'm rusty.
  4. are your footbeds a custom hard plastic type? If not that would be the first step.
  5. WP has fun trees and some of the best snow in the state. Money wise I think it is one of the less expensive resorts. The night life is limited though. It is short on serious steeps. Overall it is fun and entertaining, just be real about what it is that you are looking for in your vacation. This place seems more like a small community with a great ski area than a destination resort with all of the ammenities.
  6. That is a brutal race!! I loved Woods' attempted pass at the end, took some serious cojones to try a double in the logs! It looks like a race that would be fun as hell to try sometime. The super motard looks fun too! I would love to get one just for a bike to ride as a commuter. I can see the freeride potential, especially in a city.
  7. This is a video game right? are people really spending this much time inside that a game station is this valuable:barf: ? I am thankful that my parents wouldn't even let us have cable TV growing up much less Nintendo! Kill your Televisions!!!
  8. Blue Bird


    my landlord is a pharmiscist and has quite the little empire that she is building. She is not much of a skier/boarder but she works all over the state and has been able to buy houses to rent in multiple ski towns. Keep the dream and live it!! I think the idea of having a Colorado pass (good at all of the ski areas!) and working in various ski towns sounds pretty awesome! And then when summer happens the mountain biking, dirt biking and other good times start to happen!
  9. Blue Bird


    Just think, after you graduate you can move out west, ski 100+ days and work as a bartender! Then your whoredom can truly begin!
  10. Sweet! I don't see my next trip being for a few months either. I will let you know when the next trip is forming. my email is motodreams@gmail.com. for next summer the woods riding up here is incredible if you want to travel, they generally open up mid June for the high stuff and late May for lower stuff. Keep in touch!
  11. I am always looking for more people to ride with! Last weekend was in Moab and Grand Junction. January or February I would love to go back to GJ or Green River, UT
  12. Where's Donek Prior or Coiler? seems like the board makers should be asked
  13. Still not wearing a helmet, but the knee braces are looking more and more appealing
  14. I want a law that I get to spank her, both on the snow and off!! :rolleyes:
  15. It is a shame that it is difficult to trust the people around us. a good man was killed for selfish reasons and this contributes to the rest of us not trusting those that we haven't met before. This occurrence just leaves a hole in my stomach. If any one can help to find this murderer please do! his family and friends would like some closure, it was bad enough just wondering all summer what had happened to Ben and not knowing. Now to know that he was murdered over a toy or so someone could watch a man die doesn't make it feel any better.
  16. I helped to dig about 30" out of a jobsite across the highway from Winter Park ski area. It should create a wonderful base:) :). It is warming up quickly though
  17. Have you played with Tannerite yet? Check it out and try it with small appliances, excellent fun!! http://www.tannerite.com/
  18. Blue Bird

    Prior WCR 175

    move along ralann, my money is on the way to T. :D
  19. Blue Bird

    Prior WCR 175

    Is the board still available for $200? try me at motodreams@gmail.com my email in the bomber profile is having issues Thanks
  20. Please list other plates you have for sale.
  21. Does anyone have parts for Oxygen/Fritschi Bindings? A buddy let me use one of his set-ups and the bail carrier on the heel of the front foot snapped.
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