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Everything posted by utahcarver

  1. Thanks, Robin! Will ship board on Thursday. Mark
  2. Robin: email sent earlier. Mark
  3. Robin, I will contact you tomorrow (Sunday) in the PM. Mark
  4. Robin: The UP 162 is unsold. A few nibbles here and there but, no sale as of yet. It's a great board that would make someone happy on some spring groomers this month. Mark
  5. My son, Andrew, started hardbooting at 16 and was racing some USASA events in northern Utah when he turned 18. Mark
  6. Nekdut: Thanks for the info. All I know is that what I'm seeing in the photos tells me that Mr. Tinkler is on to something that will/might/could/should develop into something big for the hardbooting world. I could be wrong and have been many times but, I applaud Bryan and his buds for showing us what the future might hold. Plus, the boards look so damned cool. Anyone, even outside of snowboarding, would look at these boards and have a positive reaction to them. Boss, simply boss. Mark
  7. Bryan, WOW, Wooo-hoooo, WOW! I'll take ten of what you're having, buddy. That's an amazing amount of information in those photos. To see the feedback from the tips and tails is amazing. As someone who doesn't have access to this technology, yet, how do these boards ride? Soft in the nose? Stiff in the nose? Can you give us a review of the board you rode? Have a great season up there! Mark
  8. I was just there last September and did some looking around. Real estate prices are heart-stopping but, look what you get: Grand Targhee, Jackson and Snow King. You're within distance to make a long weekend at any of the SLC area ski areas. Driggs is still rural and is still cheap compared to what it's going to be in another 10 to 20 years. Or, some town in the northern panhandle of Idaho. That would put you near Schweitzer and Tamarack (not private anymore). Mark
  9. Sorry Matt, I only have the board for sale. In the past 3-4 days I've seen a few bindings for sale here in the classifieds. They all went pretty quick but, I'm sure if you stay on it you can pick up some affordable bindings within a week or two. Mark
  10. I never thought I'd live long enough to see the words jazzy and metal used in the same sentence. It's like the words government and accountability in the same sentence. Mark
  11. Zol: Contact the boys over at hardbooter.com. This is the same time that WTC is taking place. So, you could do BC and carve some trenches with them, too. Mark
  12. What's up with that, Curt? Garlic and onions to PCMR. I hope to see you all there for at least one of the days. Andrew is in Spain until November. He'll be at WTC 2010 for sure. Mark
  13. I just want to sell the fuggin' bindings. They are still FOR SALE. All's forgiven at this point. Hi, D-Sub. Nice to hear from you again. More people around me are wearing tin foil hats this year. Mark
  14. SBS, When I purchased these bindings new, they came with a second set of freestyle highbacks (no 3rd strap) and a non lock-down tab. I still have the highbacks and tabs somewhere (?) and never used them. In the 10 years that I've used these bindings, I've never broken a baseplate due to a chair coming down on the highback. I was required to put the highback down before I got on the chair, as is the rule at my local hill. The tab is a bit worn from usage but is still in good repair. This pair of 3-straps runs smaller than others I've used. It will fit a 9.5 (US) to a 10.5 (US) Mens boot fine. Anything larger won't work. Mark
  15. Jeez SBS, Where you just shopping and decided to piss anywhere you wanted? Remember to tap, tap! Mark
  16. New Chillerdeck 13 x 42 (inches) 3-ply deck with trucks, hardware and leash. Deck can be re-drilled (if necessary) to fit your 4-hole pattern. The Rossignol Butane the Chillerdeck is attached to is not for sale, just the Chillerdeck. $150.00 (plus shipping)
  17. Used and in good condition 1 Burton Ultra Prime 162cm. Bought new from klugriding.com a couple of years ago; About 5 days of use in 2 seasons. $110.00 OBO (plus shipping).
  18. 1 pair of Burton System 3-strap bindings; Used and in good condition. $125.00 OBO (plus shipping)
  19. Sorry, Blue. My interest about board stiffness is to determine which boards will support my riding. As my prowess has increased, I've wanted to have more stiffness in the boards that I ride. The Maverick, though soft compared to modern alpine decks is my baseline. I'm hoping to find a board that has more stiffness to complement my riding skills. As Jack pointed out above, I should also consider a larger SCR. I'm hoping to find a very stable and turnable ride in one board. Thanks. Mark
  20. Well, I've read all the great responses. Sounds like I need to reconsider my emphasis on a 11m SCR and start talking to Coiler (Bruce Varsava). Like I said, my budget is $700 USD. But, if I sell the UP 162, I could afford the one of the Coilers. I won't make a decision until about mid to late April. So, I have plenty of time to take all your advice into consideration. I'm wanting to add a custom topsheet. I have the basic idea already. What's that going to add to the cost of the board? $125 USD or more? Anyone have input on the Donek Freeride Delrossi 180? Okay. Let me think about this for awhile. I'm headed out for a powder day in the morning and all this new board talk has me amped. Must control emotions and remain awkwardly calm. This is like when my wife and I bought our first house but without my mother-in-law screeching in the background. Mark
  21. Minding my own business standing in the liftline: "So you're the one making those groovers all over the mountain?", said the chubby lady in the one-size too small a$$-pants and Care Bears goggles. "I'm going to report you to the Ski Patrol." I told her to stay in front of me and the problem would go away. Her husband got the stare down from her when he told me he liked the turns I was making. Mark
  22. See, that's what I'm talking about. I need you smart-types to help me find what I'm looking for. I didn't realize that the ATV was softer. Okay, so what about a Donek Axxess? In comparison to the Coiler Monster or Classic, how does the Axxess measure up? On Doneks' scale, the Freeride Delrossi 180 is an 8.7 stiffness while the Axxess 182 is a 7.8. Would the Coilers be more or less stiffer than these two Doneks? As far as a larger SCR, I'm sure that I could turn it. I'm very comfortable with the 11.2m sidecut of the Maverick 175 and I know I'd like repeat that SCR and flex pattern with a new ride. Thanks, guys. Mark
  23. Jack, This...Monster, you speak of. I couldn't find the specs after a quick search. Is it a new Coiler product? Wow. I'm intrigued by the Coiler admonitions. Must look, don't sleep, keep typing.... I forgot to mention that I have a 192 Tanker still in plastic. But, looking forward, I'm almost certain that the boards I want to ride in the future are going to need to have a stiffer flex pattern and not as wide as the 200 and 192 Tankers. Mark
  24. Hotbeans: My main use for this new ride are blue groomers, with some powder days and trees in the mix just for fun. I have my swallowtails for the deep stuff. Hugh: Uhmmm, yeah. I figured that out a few weeks ago when I went a$$ over teakettle on the UP while waiting for the Tanker to be waxed. Tex: Several years ago I looked at the Delrossi 180 Freeride specs and I my ability didn't match the numbers. Now, I will certainly consider the Donek again. Pat: I keep hearing Coiler in the responses. The Coiler AM sure has the specs for what I'm looking for. Plus, the Coiler topsheets are fantabulous lately. But, it's over budget. I could work some overtime this spring or sell the UP and that would make the difference for the Coiler AM. Mark My gut tells me to buy a Prior ATV 171 or the Donek Delrossi 180. But the Coiler AM 177 looks good, too. Both Prior and Donek are within my budget.
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