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Surf Quebec

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Everything posted by Surf Quebec

  1. Salut, J'ai été à Olympia ce matin, les conditions étaient incroyables. C'est une belle montagne, il y a bonnes plusieurs pistes pour carver. Il y avait 4 carvers dont Slight. Slight, tu te dénigres trop, tu carves bien, en plus tu as des bottes de ski. Avec des bottes de snow tu pourras avoir plus de flex et donc plus plier les jambes.
  2. Salut, J'étais à St-Bruno vendredi matin et j'ai rencontré redia. Si tu cherches quelqu'un pour enseigner le carving style extremecarving, c'est la bonne personne. Si les conditions sont bonnes si retournerai un vendredi, on était 4 carvers, c'est rare ...
  3. When I tried a MP25 this season, the toes were completely bent not just a little and I was not able to push my foot completely in the boot (Track325). Anyway, if pads do not solve the heel lift, I'll try again an MP25 next season (Track700) , all the Track700 MP25 were sold this year. I'm lucky to have a shop selling hardboots/race boards at 30 minutes from home :D Whose the third hardboot maker ? (deeluxe, head and ...?) Thumper, Mike T I was thinking to use my usual sock + a sock cut at the middle of the feet in order to have a bigger ankle but to avoid to take to much space at the toes. Have you tried that ? I may try that tonight. Got to leave now, I have a carving envy ...
  4. What I meant is that with the bts (with no preload) or just without the RAB , you have more travel, so the feet/ankle joint receives more pressure from the leg. I do think I have the good boot size. My foot is 26.5 cm and my boot is MP26, I did the shell test and there was room for more than 1 finger but not for 2. I've tried a MP25 but I was not able to get into the boot. Maybe I have thin ankle or small heel as I'm not as thight in the boot as I would like to be in the Achilles tendon and ankle bone area. I've ordered ankle pads, if it doesn't solve the heel lift I'll try a MP25 next year...
  5. Ca va surement venir. Comme tu dis , il ne faut pas se décourager. Ce qui m'aide le plus sont les articles sur bomber et sur alpinecarving, les vidéos encore sur bomber ou sur extremecarving (les plus élégants)
  6. J'irai rider samedi soir, j'aimerais bien essayer une nouvelle montagne, je pensais à Habitant, Olympia ou Bromont. Faut en profiter avant que le printemps arrive !
  7. I change the setup of my BTS on saturday, instead of having with preload I've used it without any preload (or very little) on the bottom nut. Since there is more travel, it puts more pressure on your feet and I experienced significant heel lift on my rear foot That maybe a new test to do when trying new boots ...
  8. Yesterday in Japan, Jasey-Jay Anderson won his first gold medal this year in snowboard parallel giant slalom on the World Cup . http://canadianpress.google.com/article/ALeqM5irta2hTr1c9xNvaeWp5D9A_Mi8JQ
  9. J'arrive de Owl's Head, grosse journée de snow 8:30 à 12:30 puis ski de 13 à 16:00. Ca change du 2-3 heures à St-Bruno le soir. Le conditions étaient bonnes le matin et mauvaises l'après-midi pour un snow de race car accumulations de neige et pas mal de glace. Je n'irai pas dimanche au Mont Blanc dimanche, je n'ai pas assez de air lousse ...
  10. Do not be afraid to go smaller. Measuring my feet gives me 26.5 cm, I bought a boot size 26 and i'm not as thight as I would like. Deeluxe 700/AF700/AF600 are quite roomy.
  11. Hi Bruce, Thanks for the info. I now have some PR to do to my wife .... What would be the time to order for next beginning of december ? Would a 172 fits someone like me (162 pounds / 5'6) ? thanks
  12. Hi, I'm considering doubling the number of boards I owned, I want a second one ! I'm interested in a board to ride for when the slopes are not well groomed (powder, snow accumulation, bumps,...) I'm considering an all mountain board. I'm 5'6 and 162 pounds, my boots are Deeluxe 700 with BTS. People seems happy with AM boards from coiler and prior. Any advices on boards, lenght, width, ... I would use my current fix: TD2 step-in with yellow ring on the new board. I may have a chance to demo boards next sunday. thanks
  13. From what i've seen in the video, you need to have perfect snow condition, even more than when carving. It is problably fun to try out.
  14. J'ai appelé chez Sharks, ils vont amener une bonne vingtaine de planche dont des 4WD de Prior.
  15. Beside that,are anyone satisfied about their step-in ?? yes, very satisfy that I do not have to lean to clip/unclip the boot in the binding ....over 40 years old ... using it on Deeluxe 700 and on AF600 before.
  16. J'ai été voir les specs sur coiler.com. Est-ce les mêmes specs que sur le site ? As-tu pris 21.5 ou 23 de taille ? Pourquoi pas une prior ? Je commence à me renseigner au cas ou je puisse m'en acheter une l'an prochain ou si je verrais une occasion sur bomber/ebay.
  17. Je vais tenter d'y être J'aimerais bien essayer un board all mountain (et pis ca va me changer de St-Bruno :D )
  18. Bonjour, Pour faire une sortie vendredi soir, quelles montagnes sont intéressantes pour faire du carving et pour que les enfants aient également du plaisir dans les laurentides (ou 1h max de Montréal) Il semble qu'Olympia ou Morin Heights soient OK. Commentaires ? merci
  19. I had fun last night trying a soft setup for the first time , I was at a small resort, so not much choice for renting gear. I 've ride a freestyle board. From what I've read on bomber, I can imagine what it is to ride an all mountain board. I'll start bugeting for an all mountain board for next year.
  20. I do not think Laurentide is being sold anymore, it's more Molson Dry or Labatt Bleue ... I still have to see the dark side of the force ...
  21. Hi, It's snowing a lot today and I'll be flirting with the dark side tonight : trying a soft boot setup for the first time ! I'm 5'6 and 162 pounds (usually ride Sims Burner 162 with Deeluxe700) Any advices on what size/type of board/boot to rent ? Please do not advice on buying an AM board, I can't afford it right now, maybe next year.
  22. Hi, Same here, I moved the metal part of the black strap back to the furthest hole mark and I still use the one before the last spot on the strap. I find the boot quite roomy. It's not like ski boots where you have a lot of choices... I also find the new thermoliner quite thin compare to a previous one. After spending so much on boots it's a shame to have to buy another liner. Tognar is selling some pads to take room in the boot, that maybe a solution.
  23. I've just been to the Coiler and Prior sites to check the all mountain boards It will be though to buy a second board this year as my wife has already planned how to spend my march bonus ...well I do not mind spending a week on the beach either
  24. Derf, I do have BTS since december but I experienced more heel lift with the BTS than without, need to work on those Tognar pads I've ordered. The BTS helps when the conditions are just less nice than hero snow but on real mixed conditions i'm just not having fun. I can go down on mix condition slopes by carving and skidding but it's not fun. I've never seen a rider carved linked half circles on mixed conditions , I can't see how to do that between irregular moguls, ice and powder all mixed together. Maybe I should go there : http://www.snopes.com/photos/architecture/indoorski.asp I'll try to rent a freeride board or if anybody want to exchange boards for a day (if having a Prior 4X4) in the Montreal area i"ll be thankful Boy do I need a fine carving night !
  25. Moi qui rêve d'une belle grosse pente groumée,,, je vais retourner à St-Bruno les soirs de semaine
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