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Surf Quebec

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Everything posted by Surf Quebec

  1. I wonder if that thread will end up in more Pureboarding board sales.
  2. Conditions moyennes aujourd'hui, des pistes avec des balles de golf, la magog et la bedford fermées a causé des canons à neige
  3. J'ai mes air lousse 1- Québec Man ( Patrice ) GO! GO! GO! 2- L'homme de feu 3- tom 4-Réal 5-Michel 6-Cristel 7- Jeff 8 - Stéphane
  4. Even if you ride EC style, I do not think waxing the sidewall will change anything.
  5. I hotwax in springs and leave the wax for the summer. During winter i use the wax wizard. For edges, I use blue then green diamond stones then polish with arkansas stone. 2 degrees for edge and 1 degree for base. I take care of the edges quite often with the diamond stones,as Hilux says it keeps the file away...
  6. Y a pas de thread sur Bromont, en v'la un. J'y serai ce jeudi pour la journée .
  7. Je suis Charlie, pas de religion(pureboarding, race, EC).
  8. I'll take them if Charliechocolate doesn't take them.
  9. Sorry for late feedback as I've been working too much, received a lot of emails about the bindings and heels. Proflex, F2 and heels are sold.
  10. I switched from stepin to standard this year, love the added flex, love my riding. I use to ride stepin with td2 then F2 and Virus, now standard F2. I broke 1 cable once, so must keep backup nearby. I don't mind the clipping effort.
  11. Another thing is that the upz heel is so much forward than the other boots, I noticed on my board that my heel is farther to th edge than with my hsp, maybe it's time for a little Gilmour bias for my front foot.
  12. Pis ton manteau est chaud? Si oui, quelle marque/modèle?
  13. J'ai mis mon annonce dans la section à vendre s'il y en a qui cherche des fixations et talons.
  14. I've switched from stepin to standard bindings this year. I've used all those bindings. F2 medium ride about 12 times, like new 200$ SOLD Proflex (almost the same as F2) , 150$ SOLD Blax (orange) 100$ Blax (grey) for lighter rider (I'm 160 pounds) 50$ SOLD I changed 1 cable on each set, so 1 cable on each set has never been used. Intec heels #1 40$ SOLD Intec heels #2 25$ SOLD Shipping is paid by the buyer. You can also contact me at stephane underscore paquette at yahoo dot com if pm doesn't work.
  15. My pow setup is a Dynastar 3800 with old blax bindings. Never had an issue.
  16. I ride with lifts but no cant. My boots are UPZ, I need toe lifts in front just to get my foot straight, I used 2 cants to make a small lift. Same thing on the back foot for a small heel lift.
  17. Je ride en mode barré, sauf dans la poudreuse ou je ride débarré en arrière. A 2 doigts, je prendrais un liner medium pas low volume.
  18. Je travaille fort sur mes air lousse pour le 21 ...
  19. J'utilise le liner palau Alpine Overlap Hard, j'en suis très satisfait et ils ne sont pas cher. http://www.palau-boutique.com/ Si vous allez voir un bootfitter, allez en voir un dans un centre de ski pour pouvoir essayer et corriger tout de suite.
  20. I've been riding with stepins since the beginning, I've tried standard bails this year and decide to switch to standard bails. I like the lateral flex and do not find that bending to clip in is a problem. Also, no more cable checking and no more cable discomfort. So far , I've only ride on very good conditions, I'm wondering if on ice balls the lateral flex will help or not ? Also, how hard should it be to clip in the bail ?
  21. ATTENTION AUX VOLEURS!!! Mon fils et son cousin se sont fait voler leurs sacs dans le chalet. 2 autres personnes se sont fait voler ce soir aussi. Il semble que les voleurs se tiennent dans le chalet et observent les gens et ce qu'ils laissent dans les sacs.
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