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Surf Quebec

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Everything posted by Surf Quebec

  1. J'ai juste mon Cell ici pas d'ordi, Je vous fait un résumé à mon retour. Il fait entre 6 et 12C et la neige reste ferme, c'est génial!
  2. J'ai hâte aussi a la 2e session de carving Québec. Par contre je m' habitue assez vite à rider à +10C
  3. On that subject, any shops selling intuition liners at snowmass ?
  4. C'est mon 2e SES, Parti de mtl jeudi, dodo à Denver jeudi soir. Vendredi 4h de route pour faire Denver-Aspen, on loge à Snowmass, nous sommes 6 dans le condo. Lundi, 1ère journée se passe à Buttermilk, il fait chaud, environ 3C. C'est pas des jokes j'ai attrapé un coup de soleil. Il y a de la lotion contre le soleil dans les toilettes, trop tard... On ride avec un shell et juste un petit chandail en dessous, il fait chaud! Les conditions sont très bonnes malgré la température. Personne sur les pistes, on doit être environ 100 carvers. Party au bar de la station de 4 a 6, bière gratuite et tirage, j'ai rien gagné. La gang de pureboarding est là, discussion avec Joerg et Daniel. Direction bain tourbillon...
  5. We have no snow but a lot of cold weather, it's been over a week around -20C so about -4 Fahrenheit
  6. I checked the weather for Aspen, it seems quite warm, is it typical Aspen temperature for this time of year?
  7. Never used heels and black toungue for 25$ + shipping. Can bring to SES.
  8. Très bon board, j'adore ma Angrry lorsqu'il y beaucoup de monde sur les pistes ou si je veux faire du cardio.
  9. Très très belles conditions, la knowlton est superbe, je viens de la faire 5 fois sans arrêt.
  10. I have some stepins Blax (OEM from F2) bindings for sale in the for sale section, I was using them regurlaly, I'm 160 pounds. They'll fit you great, they're a bit softer than the F2. My boots are 26.5, I'm sure the bindings can fit a mondo 23. Check the orange bindings at http://forums.bomberonline.com/index.php?/topic/40889-f2-proflex-and-blax-stepin-bindings-and-intec-heels-for-sale/
  11. Je serai à bromont ce mercredi, ça devrait être beau avec la neige prévue mardi.
  12. Si tu couches tes virages dans 27cm de poudreuse, t'es mieux de fermer la bouche
  13. Je savais qu'elle serait utile!
  14. There was an article about JJA yesterday in Cyberpresse.ca : http://www.lapresse.ca/sports/ski-et-surf/surf-des-neiges/201501/21/01-4837119-jasey-jay-anderson-je-ne-suis-pas-fini.php?utm_categorieinterne=trafficdrivers&utm_contenuinterne=cyberpresse_lire_aussi_4837506_article_POS1 Here is the google translation: But his small business of snowboards is still in phase of research and development. The international circuit is the only place where it can validate the hypotheses tested in his studio and on the slopes of Mont Tremblant. "I have not finished acquire what I need as knowledge for peace of mind," he summed up the phone last week, a few days before leaving for his eighth World in Kreischberg in Austria, where he will compete from tomorrow. Too old? Another element woke his competitive spirit and crystallized his desire to continue the adventure Snowboard Canada's decision to exclude the group of athletes eligible for funding from Sport Canada, a first in 13 years. Even if he had met the criteria, the federation argued that it was progressing more and did not represent a potential for the 2018 Olympics, simply because it would then be his sixth. In short, too old. Feeling pushed out, Anderson chose instead to fight against what he saw as a gross injustice to him and alpine discipline in general. "They wanted me to land, he says about the leaders of Canada Snowboard. I said no. When I am ready to come, I'll tell you. I'm not ready. That fact that you will give me my patent. " It took five months and multiple approaches in the context of an appeal process, but an arbitrator gave him succeed in October, sending the federation of duty. High Performance Committee finally included in the list five times Olympian athletes eligible for Sport Canada funding patent. Combined with Team Quebec program, Anderson can absorb most of the costs associated with its season, which he estimated at $ 30,000. Because the federation does not pay anything. In addition to a sum of $ 5,000 to cover a portion of the salary of a coach, Quebecers, like his teammates, must assume his travel expenses, travel, accommodation and living expenses. Worried about the future of young Very critical of the management of Snowboard Canada, he is most concerned about the future of young riders. "I untied me. I have my business, my medal in Vancouver, perfectly healthy family. That's the least of my worries. I'm just sad for my sport. " December 16, Anderson finished third in the parallel giant slalom at the first World Cup of the season in Carezza, Italy. He had not been on the podium since his victory in La Molina, in March 2010, a few weeks after his Olympic triumph. Without being vindictive, this success shaped snub made him special pleasure. "Let's say this, they received it in the teeth not just about ..." In his eyes, his experience and the quality of its equipment is the only explanation for his performance. "At 39, I should not make the podium," admits one who dominated qualifying despite his number 44. The results of Sochi influenced the technical choices of competitors. It was a serious error of assessment, believes Anderson, who had toiled in Russia with a 14th and 15th places. "It applies very well to Sochi, because it was super flat and glossy, but it does not apply anywhere else on the planet. It goes faster on flat, but it really does not work in the cliff. I use something more versatile. " Fertile ground for its equipment Precisely, Anderson believes Lachtal find the station that hosts the alpine events of the Worlds, a breeding ground equipment. It is a podium, especially in the parallel giant slalom, presented Friday. It also will align tomorrow parallel slalom, but he feels that his board has not reached the same technical refinement. A result in the top 8 it would ensure funding for the 2015-2016 season, both for him and for alpine program. It thus hopes to benefit youth. Are the Olympics in Pyeongchang in 2018 in the works for the father of two children? It does not close the door. "I still have it in me, Anderson advance. As we saw in the last race, I am able to pick up speed. I'm not finished. Even at 39 years. "
  15. I'll be at SES and can bring the bindings, so free shipping if you're at SES too!
  16. Oui, belle soirée, on était 6 en comptant le gars sur la oxygène asymétrique.
  17. Les conditions vont être belles ce soir avec le refroidissement de fin de journée
  18. Great news Glenn ! Just in time for SES
  19. Tu prends l'autocollant jaune ou ce qu'il y a en-dessous?
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