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Everything posted by johnasmo

  1. Most of these clips were posted last February, but now they're 100 percent S L O W - M O T I O N! Original video was 60 frames-per-second, so why not, eh? This time around there's a little soundtrack too. There are over 25 different riders in there; can spot yourself? <iframe width="640" height="360" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/C2rWkH1niVI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  2. Off topic. Just memories. Buck hill is where I first learned to Ski (late 80s), then later it was the first place I tried a snowboard (99?). I guess you could say the place changed my life. Still got my Buck Hill Be Cool Ski School sweat shirt somewhere. Anyone remember the Replacements song Buck Hill from the 80's? Has kind of a surf-guitar sound and the only lyrics are "Buck Hill!"
  3. I tried a set two seasons ago on a F2 Eliminator. The canting was nice to have; I used 3 degree disks front and rear. In the end though, the added weight and height negated the benefits. The added height was the main problem. A soft binding that could mount directly to the TD3 disks would improve on both height and weight, but in the end I think the TD3 bases are too high to make even that worth while. I used to think risers were a good way to compensate for a narrow board, but have come to the conclusion that the any increase in the distance between skin and board edge increases the leverage the board has over you and results in it taking more effort to go edge to edge. It seems to be true in both horizontal and vertical directions. While it is obvious that being way inboard of the edges makes it harder to roll the board onto its edges, I found that increasing vertical distance from the edge also has a similar effect, though to a lesser degree. In the interest of full disclosure, I should admit that I'm not a big fan of soft boot carving so your mileage may vary if your goal is high angles and low overhang in soft bindings; the cant disks become more important at high angles. For soft boot carving, you're already into an area where compromises must be made. Choose your poison. I love hard booting and I love soft booting, but now I don't even try to mix the two in riding style or gear, so I re-purposed the bases as a second board kit on an alpine board.
  4. Also looking on behalf of a local SkwalGuy. He find's TD3 Skwal too wide. I think that's just narrow minded...
  5. Late May change of weather. Winter returns for at least 12 hours. Six to eight at summit; three to four at village. Return of the PBR board. Rock boards only past the Bench. No base, just fresh on grass. New event, Big Mountain Snowboard Grass Drags...
  6. Having wussed out on Timberline last weekend, and with the local hill mostly grass now, I guess my season is about done . There will be a couple days at Logan Pass in Glacier Park when they open Going-to-the-Sun Road, but unless we get a freak storm, I think I'm done. Having kept a daily spread sheet, I've got more numbers to share than most: [table=width: 300, align: left] [tr][td]Total days on snow[/td][td]148[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Lift Assisted Days[/td][td]109[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Whitefish Mountain Resort[/td][td]98[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Aspen et. al. (SES 2013)[/td][td]7[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Schweitzer[/td][td]1[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Revelstoke[/td][td]1[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Fernie[/td][td]1[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Turoa, NZ[/td][td]1[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Hiking[/td][td]39[/td][/tr] [/table] [table=width: 275, align: left] [tr][td]Season Total Vertical[/td][td]3,626,986[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Season Total Hiking[/td][td]77,000[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Alpine[/td][td]50%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Freestyle[/td][td]44%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Ski[/td][td]6%[/td][/tr] [/table] [table=width: 500, align: left] [tr][td]Board[/td][td]Vertical Feet[/td][td]Days[/td][td]% of total[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Coiler Chubby 175 (alpine)[/td][td]632,500[/td][td]29[/td][td]17.44%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Nidecker Megalight 163XL CR[/td][td]556,641[/td][td]20[/td][td]15.35%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Coiler Clubby 182 (alpine)[/td][td]485,548[/td][td]21[/td][td]13.39%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Nidecker Megalight 163XL[/td][td]388,700[/td][td]24[/td][td]10.72%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Flow Solitude 164W[/td][td]250,733[/td][td]14[/td][td]6.91%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Coiler VSR 177 (alpine)[/td][td]219,908[/td][td]10[/td][td]6.06%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Other (ski)[/td][td]217,300[/td][td]17[/td][td]5.99%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Coiler Classic 177 (alpine)[/td][td]160,416[/td][td]7[/td][td]4.42%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]F2 Eliminator LTD 164W[/td][td]143,564[/td][td]5[/td][td]3.96%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Coiler Monster 185 (alpine)[/td][td]113,128[/td][td]6[/td][td]3.12%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Donek Rec GS 185 (alpine)[/td][td]99,420[/td][td]5[/td][td]2.74%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Burton Fish 156[/td][td]73,476[/td][td]5[/td][td]2.03%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Prior Khyber Split 165[/td][td]53,800[/td][td]27[/td][td]1.48%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Burton Factory Prime 157 (alpine)[/td][td]41,388[/td][td]4[/td][td]1.14%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Coiler Violator 188 (alpine)[/td][td]35,912[/td][td]1[/td][td]0.99%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Other demo/rental (alpine)[/td][td]31,884[/td][td]5[/td][td]0.88%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Gnu Riders Choice 161.5[/td][td]30,776[/td][td]3[/td][td]0.85%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]PBR[/td][td]21,200[/td][td]11[/td][td]0.58%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Other demo/rental (freestyle)[/td][td]20,000[/td][td]1[/td][td]0.55%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Burton Triumph 164[/td][td]19,740[/td][td]2[/td][td]0.54%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Sims Protocol 163[/td][td]13,160[/td][td]1[/td][td]0.36%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Never Summer Legacy 163[/td][td]6,580[/td][td]1[/td][td]0.18%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Nidecker Megalight 167XL[/td][td]6,580[/td][td]1[/td][td]0.18%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]F2 Respekt 176[/td][td]2,632[/td][td]1[/td][td]0.07%[/td][/tr] [tr][td]Burton Triumph 169[/td][td]2,000[/td][td]1[/td][td]0.06%[/td][/tr] [/table] I estimate that works out to around 600 hours lift assisted and 60 hours hiking.
  7. Good pictures. I knew I'd be kicking myself if the sky cleared. Web cams look really good today too. I could have tried to make the drive on Saturday, and now in retrospect, I should have. It would have been good to see the Idaho crew again, and meet some of the west coasters. But to be honest, I think I was looking for excuses to stay home and cocoon for the weekend. My compulsive riding season had ended just the week before, and it felt good to sleep in and putz around on unimportant things. At least Timberline is on my radar for next spring; I can try to plan a stay long enough to let the riding hours equal the driving hours. Those are some badass superpipe shots, Steve. Now if I'd have known they had a superpipe... (haha)
  8. It sure sounds like it's shaping up to be cloudy and wet, maybe even a little fresh snow slowing things down. What's the gut feeling from people out there? It's hard to motivate for a 10 hour drive each way, especially for just a day or two. More drive time than ride time. But I know I'll be jealous if I see blue-sky pictures posted on Monday....
  9. One more, just because I bumped into some subjects to video. A week of warm, sunny weather decimated that lower mountain snow coverage. The end of the video shows how you can still have fun connecting the dots. Still managed 1900 vertical feet out of 2000. An advantage of resort snow in the spring is that you know it was packed and frozen all winter so you can ride it down to miniscule depths -- two inches of corn? No problem...
  10. I was going to be done with shooting hiking the Big videos, but ran into a couple other people on Thrusday (the 9th). So one more... What a difference a week of sunny warm weather makes. The lower mountain was almost gone. Kinda fun playing connect the dots, but after repeating this run on Friday with bigger gaps, and a weekend of temps in the 80's F, time to stick a fork in it. Or at least be willing to down-hike almost half way. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/4Gtz5JESZaw" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  11. We finally had a warm, sunny, spring day of fun corn snow. Still 100 inches at the summit. Day 140 of the johnasmo '12/'13 snow season. The song was recorded by a pre-teen guitar phenom from Colorado that played at Crush on Tuesday, Jaden Carlson. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OBA0XJ_ZlP4" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  12. A couple of post-season skinning videos. Not hardboot carving. Softboot carving? Well, no, not even that. But they are shot at Whitefish Mountain Resort, so not totally off topic. The first one is from two weeks ago, when the frozen end-of-season crud finally softened up. The second is from yesterday, when we finally had a warm, sunny, spring day of fun corn snow. Day 140 of the johnasmo '12/'13 snow season. The song on the second one was recorded by a pre-teen guitar phenom from Colorado that just toured through town, Jaden Carlson.
  13. Finally getting post season runs worth remembering. Still wintery and windy up top, and filled in with enough new snow to feel like powder runs again. Village temp was 26 degrees Fahrenheit this morning. Should hit 50 next week. Don't know how I feel about that. :) :) Shot this on Saturday's run, when it was warmer, but just as windy. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8iioKZQsQp0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  14. Precipitation. Valley grows; summit recedes. Splitboard chattering.
  15. BC got hit late last week too. Both Revelstoke and Fernie had close to 30 inches fresh for their closing weekends. I hit Revy on Saturday and Fernie on Sunday for a lucky shot of mid-winter powder conditions in April. Spotted an alpine boarder at each, which was more than I was expecting to see. The one at Revy, unknown, was on an old Oxygen, and the one at Fernie, Mike(?) from Calgary, was on a Factory Prime.
  16. So far there's been no reason to video the post season. After a closing week of sunny spring corn, the temps dropped back down. I had a couple great powder days last weekend in BC at Revelstoke and Fernie, but returned home to find the new snow on the Big was chopped, frozen, and wind scoured. I got a few good turns on the face, but the rest was nothing to write home about, let alone video. Sunny, though, so I did snap a couple pics...
  17. It seems a shame to let these languish buried on the Montana Ride board, so I'm starting a video thread for carving videos shot at Whitefish Mountain Resort. First is some footage from the 2013 Whitefish Trench Festival (WTF). I didn't shoot much video, but we got a great set of action shots from the on-hill photographers, so the second half is a slide show culled from all the photos. Enjoy. Next is some video from a day when the grooming crew did some of my favorite steep runs that are only occasionally groomed. The chair 5 chute, heep steep, powder trap... Normally ungroomed runs that only occassionally get smoothed out. I was riding with a buddy that was kind enough to shoot some video, but had a little trouble keeping me in frame when the going got steep -- he had to concentrate on his own riding then. The runs look steeper in person...
  18. Spring fun. Way to go WASMAN! I just saw two people try Fernie's pond skim on snow blades. They didn't do well. Dave and I tried the Whitefish pond skim on alpine boards in 2011. Here's me pushing the limits of edge hold. I didn't do well, but sprayed the crowd nicely. (sorry for the, ahem, water marks -- these are poached photos) Here's Dave on his way to the money round, and eventually the win! Our summer hardbooting video is here:
  19. The season's not over until the snow melts. Sunny and cold right now, with more snow coming this week. Should be good for a couple of weeks before the village melts off.
  20. Hello from North Montucky. Sorry I missed the COW Session. I really should check the community forum more often. I didn't even spot this thread until yesterday, the 7th. I couldn't have made it anyway as I was hosting relatives for the final week of the Whitefish season, but I'm glad you all had fun. We're closed now, but Targhee is open until the 21st. Hmm....
  21. Another bluebird spring day. Skwal Bunny was back. Missed you again, Allee! Are you avoiding me? That's two trips you've made here and we haven't even shared a chair lift, let alone a beer. Rick reported seeing you on Saturday. I was/am hosting relatives, including minors, so we weren't out Friday or Saturday nights. Sorry.
  22. I didn't shot anything Friday because there was no time to prep it for the Banquet and I just wanted to ride without stopping. Trent shot some, but none of First Tracks down copper. His are shots from the slopes below Ruthies on the way down to the Shadow Mountain lift. I think the runs are Strawpile and 5th Avenue. I happen to have a copy, so here it is: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/xONdsFn5Png" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  23. Almost 4 weeks late, but here's a little look back at the WTF 2013 week. I didn't shoot much video, but we got a great set of action shots from the on-hill photographers, so the second half is a slide show culled from all the photos. Enjoy. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/nFB9qtZI2dM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  24. No, really, it's not all just Dave TV. I got clips of a whole lot of people. Day 1 at Buttermilk. Snowed cats and dogs in the morning. Liam wins board at Bumps. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/5znJjRfPOyg" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Day 2 at Snowmass. The best grooming was in the terrain park. So... <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/OSUfsSogFgs" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Day 3 at Ajax and Buttermilk. Lots of clips from first tracks. Then a few more runs on Ruthies and back to Buttermilk for the Carve Factor comp. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/LUDjFjqXkwc" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Day 4 at Ajax and Buttermilk. The "day off" day spent with the usual suspects -- Dave, Gary, Jasen, Bruce, Mike, Ron, Gloria, and more. Then back to Buttermilk for a run with Billy and Cody. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/FiSZM_7HAiM" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> Day 5 at Highlands. I overdosed on follow-cam shots last year, so was doing mostly trail-side shooting this time, but... yeah, had to do some. Good clips of Dave, Neil, Ron, Mike, Jim, Norm, and a host of others. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/8rrWGtMj1PE" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> No soundtracks yet. Too much work getting songs that aren't blocked somewhere.
  25. Scrub speed? That would be cheating. The only slide outs were on the last pass down the Chute (which shown in video), but that was after 3:00 PM when it was getting pretty loose. I wasn't EC'ing on purpose on those two turns. Other than that, they were clean runs; the only stuff I cut was just bad video -- when Jeff lost me off the bottom of the frame.
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