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Everything posted by LeeW

  1. Hmm. I have not recieved any email plus tracking number. I was hoping it'd arrive to Summit county so I can pick it up and go back to Vail. -sigh- Ill have to get in touch with Shaggy.
  2. this happens to me sometimes in the skatepark. some kid dont get to know the etiquette of skating the park (dropping in and such or watching someone and decide to drop in or not). he rammed into me. he was sore for a bit, and he was ok. hope that taught him for not paying attention in the skatepark.
  3. if you still have those boots, and money's an issue with new snowboard boots, use 'em til you get board boots. i got UPZ that'll do both-- skiing and snowboarding. i need to look up old forums if I come across troubles with skiing with 'em UPZ. fin, any luck? bindings -- dont think they'll work with ski boots ?
  4. I like those two: http://simplythebest.net/fonts/horror_fonts.html and http://www.acidfonts.com/horrorfonts1.htm In the first posted link, I like hellraiser, misfits, tribal and zombified fonts. In the second posted link, I like cenobyte, so run down and vampiress. out of all those mentioned fonts, I'd either pick hellraiser or zombified of the first link. for logos, i've thought of a simple cross-like dagger with ankh on top as in the letter "L" of Coiler. It may look like letter "T" which we both don't want either. Dont have the time, -yet- to whip up a logo for it.
  5. shred, you familiar with deviantart.com ? actually, i would very much love to have an artwork done by simon bisley of heavy-metal.net on my custom board. shucks, it may be too late to specify the top sheet for this madd 158's that coming. This is what I would like -- or or
  6. Hmm. I wear 28.5 mondo point. however as i was modifying my burton bindings to fit with UPZ boots, i noticed the sole's quite smaller than the burton version. would UPZ be an exception ?
  7. board around the world with jean nerva and peter bauer.
  8. by the way, i forgot to mention i have digged this alpinecarving.com since the first forum of bomberonline. kudos to you, scott! ive been wondering about this for a spell -- what is it about russian? are you russian or something im missing out? of course, this refers to the russian version of alpinecarving.com
  9. -gooble gobble- -blam!- anyone hungry?
  10. yea. as i was done with snowmaking at vail (graveyard shift), i was sitting in the truck overseeing born free run. saw a carver. boy he wiped out but made a save before he skyrocketted off the edge of the trail. whoever is that guy, keep it up. you'll get it dialed in. i wipe out occasionally and end up wiping off my snot.
  11. is it me, or are you all seeing shred's custom board? wtf ?
  12. waist deep. 10 foot drop off a cliff with will-garrow custom rossi 184. it was -not- fun esp the fact the burton bindings went kaput after the drop. i enjoy the challenge though. on a freestyle/freeride lib tech emma peel, its alot more fun.
  13. Hmm. Just bought Artic Exp boots. Needed 'em mostly for snowmaking (not slippery on ice). Guess I'll have to rule 'em out for backcountry riding. Thanks everybody.
  14. I'd like to post that I'm -VERY- proud to be a snowmaker of Vail! it's hard work, no doubt, but well worth it, knowing that I get to contribute to skiiable slope! Kudos to you Pat! Lee
  15. I busted it on Will-Garrow-Customized Rossi 184 in the back bowl of Vail. Broke it real good. Was carving and saw a group of ski school on my right on groomed run, and took a left on a blind-groom run. Bad idea. It was moguls afterwards. So -SNAP- went my bone. Couldn't do the jamaican hopping run then, and now i can. woo!
  16. http://www.skiclubvail.org/ I'm trying to get my body back in good shape before Deaf Olympics in park city of '07 as well as '06 try out for alpine snowboard team at telluride. Hence get my body conditioned. plus im a bit old -- 32 and i'd fit in more into master's program, with some slight modifications to the program for competition. I broke my big bone ( i get confused with fibula and tibula and i broke both of 'em at seperate time ) of my lower leg before I got any chance to race at sweden in '03 for the Deaf Olympics alpine team. I did so well during the try out on soft boots and a burton PJ 7 asym board in '02. Got 2nd place in G.S. and could have got 2nd too in SL (but wiped out on 2nd heat).
  17. Let's say that I'd like to help out John Gilmour (I've broken my tibula and fibula and it suck ass recover from it). I got my eyes on Ski Club of Vail -- I'm quite impressed with the converstations w/ Ben Boyd. Unfortunely I dont have the 950 dollars to come up, for my "master's" goal to get conditioned to it. I'm more than far willing to help out John Gilmour, if we could do it online or something like that.
  18. Hmm. Any possibility to do it online for people, like me, outside of Boston? Glad youre healing, btw. I hope this -could- be useful for my racing career? Thanks Lee PS thanks for droppin' a miniscule note on Madd Mike hoppin' on the plane. I'm a bit anxious to get that board, considering vail's opening this Friday and I'd like to tear it up with my be-Madd 158!
  19. anyone ride with 'em koflach ? How's the experience with 'em ?
  20. hmm. ill post on the result of this interface. ive brought in the UPZ boots and looks like it'd work fine with the TD2 step ins. I haven't bought the regular bindings, and could give it a shot with those new boots. Gonna go ride at Copper this Friday. Is anyone plannin' to ? I may be unable to cuz of meeting at Vail human resources, unfortunely. -sigh-
  21. Are those gadgets useful for carving/racing training as well as conditioning ?
  22. big thumbs up for gettin' thermoflex in 'em. I just got 'em in with help of Michelle of bomber to get 'em molded to my feet. we did some gabbing and we figured itd be noooo problem with td2. ill find out when i purchase season pass to copper on thurs (nov. 4th) to go ride on 5th of Nov. I haven't got around to actually tinker around with it. Dont see a point of it til i acutally am riding on 'em and could tinker with it on the mountain. Just put 'em on and im happy with 'em. Michelle did a good job molding my feet. (Michelle, big kisses on you cheek for a job well done minus the paycheck i paid you with)
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