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Everything posted by LeeW

  1. yea, i was riding my motorcycle out in uncompahgre lower plateau in western colorado. and the clouds/rain are a-headin' that a way, due east. boy the rain was thick and the air was real cool that it manipulated my areolas. will be headin' back to vail in a week or so. look forward to snowmakin' season.
  2. Allen Gelfand (sp?) invented ollie when he was carvin' in the bowl.
  3. LeeW


    Well said! this is what happens to me had I taken up your advice. :D I wish you a very speedy recovery, Skatha! :) I got 'em painkillers mentioned by randy, but i ain't sendin' 'em over. ill have to come to you in person, but that means driving long ways to visit you. :p At least, I hope my thoughts and mind-expansion-inductive-pills-substances thought will be able to travel long ways to you to wish you a happy healing with slanted irie. :)
  4. haha, good one, dsub. Dan, here: http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=3654&highlight=UPZ starting post number 23 by me.
  5. Ill definitly vouch for that. Had a custom linear (thanks to michelle of bomber) and it feels alot more cushier than stock linear.
  6. well, im half redneck and half asian. so you're right too. :D
  7. For what it is worth, there's several Diorio's -- two in grand junction and one in palisade. are they all the same as the one in Fruita or is Fruita's the authentic one?
  8. pfft. call that redneck talkin' language.
  9. Hmm, Im currently living out in Grand Junction working at Leitner-Poma lift factory. Im gonna go check out the Diorio's in Fruita, which is stone's throw from here. I do recall eating NY pizza which is so great, and this happened more than ten years ago.
  10. I had that trouble with shin bangs. It wasn't fun when its constantly banging on the healed mounded part of my shin bone when i broke it a couple of years ago. so i resolved to that to have a neat pads i bought from a local (this website's local), and it works great. you interested in those pads?
  11. what? I ain't gonna carry three different boots, snowboarding, skiing and hardboots when i go travellin'.
  12. hey booster two, see you at vail when i return for snowmaking season in Nov. :)
  13. I own 'em UPZ boots, and I used 'em on daily basis (4 to 7 days a week at times), espeically for skiing. I use 'em for carvin' in the early AM (i.e. before the lifts are open to the public) and then switch to skis to be able to do more works (I work in terrain park maintenance as well as special events at Vail). So with that said, I mostly use 'em because Id like to be able to travel with just ONE pair of boots, and UPZ compromises my parameter. I wanna be able to go freeride, therefore im looking into skiing for that aspect. otherwise, id rather be slammin' on the slope as i carve.
  14. -chuckle- we had votes on whether to have express rail from denvah to eagle county. i believe it wasn't passed ? 40K, you say? try Alma. -chuckle- i live out in summit/eagle/grand junction alternatively pending seasonal change. welcome to colorado, Rusty
  15. Too bad Im in possession of a dirt bike instead of road bike, but at least I get to go off-roading motorcycle as of now. :p
  16. Hey. Im seriously considering Can-Am 125 next summer. Have you been out to Shannonville ? If yes, whats yer comment on that particular track ? -LeeW
  17. anyone local to silverwoods (or silverstar) ski area ? Im not sure if i got the name right. i just know i just finished constructing electrical cabinets for the new lift called silverstar for Leitner-Poma.
  18. well, what's the status on the Demo Tent ?
  19. Hey Michelle. :) I planned to stop by the store but didn't have time. had to haul ass up to Leadville which is where I am. As far as I can see out in the panaroma view, no snow yet. just bunch of aspen trees turning yellow. what a beaut! 60s degree F. Cingular... Im not too sure how much of a coverage they have as opposed to Sprint. I do know that I have zero problems with Sprint as opposed to my lady's (you met her, the dog-fan gal) Tmobile phone. Tmobile's got sparse coverage and works just ok-ok i n where we live -- Silverthorne. I supposed its not a problem with Cingular too, but I would suggest you to find coverage map with Cingular's website to see how well their coverage is in terms of Summit County. I would say its good. Got bunch of buddies in Summit/Eagle who go by Cingular. Analog. Ah, its similiar to comparision to computer, dial up or cable modem. Analog airwave used to be common as opposed to digital airwave. Analog airwave are common out in the rural area. I used to have a tri-mode phone which would work with analog if there's no digital airwave for the ph one to work properly. I admit I love analog because I get to hear crystal clear as opposed to severe statics on digital airwave with my hearing aids. but analog's going by the ways of the rotary telephone, unless if anyone beg to differ ? btw, it should indicate if its in analog mode or digital mode, only if you have the available technology to switch between the modes on said cell phone.
  20. Hmm. Im a die-hard Samsung I-500 fan as opposed to those Treo products. Im not too particular comfortable with their size as opposed to i-500 sprint clam. Of course, Treo's got upper hand on terms of havin' Palm OS 5.0 version while i-500's stuck with 4.* Palm OS version. -shrugs-
  21. likewise. im sticking to my bomber/intec bindings and UPZ boots.
  22. -chortle- an OLD snowmobile if you're much of a gearhead.
  23. speedy recovery to Joel, and i hope he's not gonna dismiss skiing and snowboard, regardless. ive done instructing on disabled skiing/snowboarding. so, die-hard would never die. anyhow, i wonder if this has something to do with the SES incident that we may not be able to demo any equipments out at aspen in '06 ?
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