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Everything posted by LeeW

  1. Hmm. Ok. What ski resort is owned by the tribe and is the only gondola operating ski resort in this particular state of USA?
  2. Hmm. I personally think this topic should be sticky. GREAT historical information! On side note, I've always want to personally ride my motorcycle from Georgetown to Geneva Basin to check it out. Turns out from what I heard from Professor at Colorado Mountain College, there's no ski lifts there anymore. According the lost colorado ski link (thanks D-Sub!), Geneva's haunted. Im kinda freaking out now.
  3. Well. Coach Will Garrow just basically shoved me his Rossi WCR 184 to me and told me to use it for practice. Well... I felt it was a bit over my head, and I end up breaking my leg. -shrugs-
  4. Right, and I wouldn't rule out those probablities. And yes, I agree low precipitation wouldn't work too great for ski resorts in general. However, high temp wouldn't be too good for me, as a snowmaker. It'd be a hassle to fiddle with the damn air/water gauge to just get it right with the freezing level's not close enuf.
  5. either i turn off my hearing aids or tune in to my sony mp3 player. doesnt matter if its with people or not.
  6. I beg to differ. Check out the climate forecast maps on the noaa.gov site (yzk's post up above). warm trend's gonna be the "norm" out here in CO.
  7. Im quite impressed with this link. I personally think "ditch it. get a new one." Only exception I would make to this if it was a personal snowboard, or something to that effect.
  8. You must be a rare dude spotted there. Yea, the howatt (spelling?) family are great snowboard-supporter. I wonder if they're havin' another Mt Baker Banked Slalom this year, considering the horrendous winter season last year? Ahhh.. Steven's Pass. I really liked that place. I long to return to Washington (if i can afford it, go back to queen anne) but I dont know how long it'll be before that actually happens. I definitly would like to check out Mission Ridge and their "lost plane" from WW2, if it exists there? U happen to know Ryan McDonald? he's from that area. oh yea -- "-cough- hey boss, i caught a hb virus -cough-" "a what?" "a new virus called hb." "oh ok" -click- "-snicker- that was hardboot = hb."
  9. powder captial? I'd point to Mt Baker, without question asked. Hardbooter is next to non-existant up there. Co -- Beaver Creek and Aspen area. Back to topic, season pass hands down, allt he way, whether thru work or purchase.
  10. Ahh. Been a softie for a very long time, and loved making pencil carve lines on my Emma Peel. During the deaf olympics try-out, I got 2nd place in giant slalom on my PJ7 with Gnu softboot bindings and Gnu Softboot. Will Garrow, the coach at the time, insisted I do hardboots tho I try pleading with him for me to go the old fashioned way -- softies on race board, esp three straps burton bindings. It was a no-go. So I went to hardboots. Well, it's not too bad. I enjoy it. Just shin bangs sucks. And I like the floating of it far more on hard boots and carving a pencil carve line, too. Just a bit more scary because I have broken my Tibula with hardboots and Rossi WCR 184. Easier for me to manage it with softboots, I guess. Now, I just hardboots in the early morning, during terrain park maintenance (because we the crew are to be up there to get the terrain park ready to go before its open so I get to ride the courdaries of Vail's Golden Peak). As the morning go, I usually switch to either softboots or skiing. Sometimes I'd stick to hardboot all day long. Depends on how the snow feels.
  11. awwwww -pout- im too heavy to fit in this frame. hmm, maybe i should loose some weight. i long to go back to 175.
  12. LeeW

    Odd Names

    true. I didnt come that far. I thought Lib Tech was cool. Just didn't bother with the history of how it came to be. Yea, Liberace. They were threatened with a lawsuit over the name, so they changed it to Lib Tech. :) Another couple of 'em: Happy Monkey Pogo
  13. LeeW

    Odd Names

    D-Sub got me thinking. Odd names of snowboard manufacturers: Gnu Wild Duck Crazy Banana Checker Pig Any others?
  14. What's the status of this board?
  15. The cuff of snowboard pants are usually taped with duct tape. Mine hasn't shredded yet, but eventually it will be from constant scoffing with the boots.
  16. aww. too late for me. I personally like the old oakleys as opposed to the current bubbly one.
  17. Dude. When I met you at Fin's shop, you sure as hell dont look 45. Alot younger than that would be my original estimate.
  18. 33. Ropeway lift electrician for Poma Lift Factory as well as snowmaker for Vail and Terrain Park Maintenance/Special Events for Vail.
  19. LeeW

    Burton Vari Plates

    email sent to both of you.
  20. I was gonna reply til he said he's too lazy. Ill let him figure it out on his own.
  21. LeeW

    Burton Vari Plates

    Im interested. However the toe clips, I wonder if it could be rigged with another toe clips and put 'em on that one? yea, id like to be riding on this old snowboard. i missed out the chance to get the old burton three straps with that hole patterns on ebay the other day. i went cursing when i realized i totally forgot about it.
  22. LeeW

    World Cup Watch

    Hey, isn't this dudette related to the dude who invented the poma j-platter chair? Julie Pomagalski
  23. LeeW

    Burton Vari Plates

    is this the same bindings that will fit on the lib tech innercourse alpine board?
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