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Everything posted by LeeW

  1. Hey yardsale, is this happening to be this guy -- Jeffery Davis or something as posted in www.usgpru.net's forums? The rip-off artist ?
  2. For a start, you wouldn't be able to finish the entire vail ski resort.
  3. dude. i look forward to see you soon. :) Im back to snowmaking for 2nd year. Weather's been warm. Been unable to make snow for quite a spell, so far.
  4. Pretty much same basic principle for supermotards. 2S' just simply insane to use 'em on supermotards -- too much work/fighting with the bikes as opposed to 4S. Yep, I'm havin' a debate with myself. Id very much would like to get into road racing a bit earlier than possible instead of supermotarding. however, the 2 strokes, esp 125 cc class, is an excellent learning curve for entering and exiting the turn and mainting the throttle during the turn. four strokes can be done that way, but one small mistake, youd be paying for it. with two strokes, not a problem. hence my reasoning to get a 125 pure bred road racing bike. seems the EPA are ok with competition-only bikes. effective 2006, it'll be alot harder to get two strokes bikes, esp the new ones. Id much prefer to stick to 125 road racing alongside 600 road racing just to appreciate the riding skills learned from 125 and the screams of 600. Land access, dont start. USFS recently shut down the single tracks out at uncompahgre plateau without due process. it's a great trail riding out there. i hope you and i get to go out dirt bike sometimes and take pictures of each other with our sony clies. :)
  5. i myself cant tell since im just starting to skiing. btw as salomon skis go, i stay away from cap style top sheets. pain in the ass to repair, hence my primary reason to get the rossi stratch -- sandwich construction. easier to repair. i just beat the crap out of my skis, as well my other sandwich snowbaords. come to think of it, none of my 8 snowboards are cap style sheets. boy am i relieved.
  6. Im under an impression SX's 2-strokes ?
  7. Nope, they're not dying breed. MotoGP decided to extend the 125 class to 2015. Got that source from Carter's dad via usgpru.net's forum. and yes i regularly go there as well as www.gpcmoto.com, www.rs-cycles.com, www.inturace.com/gpsales/gps_forsale.htm, www.canamchallengeseries.com and tz250racing.com. Just that those quarter liter and an eighth litres are gettin' rarer and rarer. I know Aprilia's pretty much ditching their rs250 bike series (which are "cheap-ass" as compared to tz250 or honda's RS250, unless if youre talking about aprilia's RSV250 which is definitly in league with two said rival companies). I know I'd very much would like to get my hands on KTM125 or Derbi125. But no way in hell would I be able to get KTM, unless if I was a motoGP rider (fat chances). Derbi125... somethings going down for derbiusa. they used to be operating out in the US, but only imported GPR50, and was supposed to import GPR125. Anyhow, I'd like to get my hands on those yammies tz125 bikes. Figure they'd be good learning curve with a 600 class bike, as well. im already a two strokes dirt-mop-head. BTW, for that dude who almost got ripped by a guy trying to sell the bike. exactly what made you print the letter via cyclenews magazine ? What happened? pls do elaborate. hope he's not a nigerian, is he? nigeria scams' real bad, esp in motorcycle trades.
  8. Ah. I like my rossignols stratch twin tips 173, and i use rossi bindings with UPZ boots. -shrugs- got 'em at a tent sale last fall for a good price (i.e. reasonable prices as opposed to the "normal-pre-omg-christmas-prices"). Best bet would be to look at the tent sales going on in the area of wherever your cousin is. he could go to the library and review freestyler ski magazine or freeze magazine of last year to see the comparision and go by that-a-ways? I hear Line series are good skis, and i dont know how their "4x4" hole pattern insert are faring, tho.
  9. Im ok with my twin tips of Rossi stratch. its not exactly a carving ski, but I enjoy carving on it and usin' it for work at vail.
  10. Anybody here an avid fan of 2 strokes or owns a quarter or half litre bike for racing? Curious on your take for 'em. Seems looking for those bikes are gettin' harder over the years. EDIT: DUH! quarter or an EIGHTH litre. half litre's next to impossible to get.
  11. YES, GET A BOX, PERIOD, if you value your snowboard that bad. I wouldn't even think of gettin' 'em in the rack without a box. Those items mentioned by bobdea are real real bad and can downgrade yoru board a great deal. there was an article on this in early 90s TWS zine. Old info, sure, but it carries its merits.
  12. LeeW

    copper tomorrow

    Egads. I hope youre still in copper? PM you with my cell ph nbr.
  13. LeeW

    2006 new UPZ boots

    Sorry. Was busy making snow at Vail for a week with internet services but no computer (its out in Grand Junction). Do you live in Copper area ?
  14. Why are you interested? My PJ7 isn't for sale, unfortunely.
  15. Not sure where dirt bike motorcycling fit in this. That's what I do.
  16. It's all about status quo for cops to meet up with. Ain't a paying-luxurious job, either.
  17. Ah, I was at the PNW during the La Nina years. Totally insane accumulation (same time mt baker broke their 60 years of record snow --felt like riding in clouds, seriously). I wish the best for the PNW folks. Would be nice to head back to ski bowl and ride at nights, too (no place for ice elsewhere )
  18. Tell me about it. My number plate of my husky bike only took metric. only thing available at truehardware is chrome stainless steel. 2.98 or so for ONE. -wince- While we're on metric, I just acquired an old Lib Tech Emma Peel solely for their last line of productions of usin' 1/4 bolt (1997ish or so) simply for reasoning they're easier to get from the store. I had the original one but it was stolen out in Mt Hood, Oregon some time back.
  19. LeeW

    2006 new UPZ boots

    Whats up? Dont like it that early already?
  20. Gee, no thanks to me? -ass mooning- nevertheless, at least you got some answers to your questions.
  21. Yea. U got it. But there's also another one, but doesn't got a gondola -- White mountain out in Arizona.
  22. Aww, pish posh. Bunch of you are easterners.
  23. I hope its not too late to remind you to change your clock one hour back.
  24. Well I could do that, but since I change it quite often, I use loctite.
  25. Absolutely use the screws that came with the intec kit as well as the boots 'emselves. thats what i did with mine last year, and yes i did thought it was a bit big. turns out its normal since i swap it quite often between ski din modules and intec step in modules.
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