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Posts posted by skatha

  1. Even tho I don't snowboard anymore and was more of a freerider than a dedicated carver when I did, I loved the control of HBs. No heel lift, no feeling like my foot was going to torque off on the lift....I wish my ski boots felt half as good as my Deeluxe boots do.....

    Oh, and PS, I think your rear bindings are fine. I had previously torn up my right knee and had to rock shallow angles, too....

  2. i had a posterior vitreus detachment. saw big black floaters. first time it happened i thought a black bird flew in front of my face. i didn't know what had happened. whirled around looking for the bird. later in the day i saw black flashes and lightning bolts. saw a doctor. not much could be done except routine exams to check the retina for detachment. since then the floaters are always present but more like clouds or filaments. its the one thing that bugs me because the floaters will appear and partially obscure my vision. would like to get rid of them.

    one interesting note - after my surgery, anything that's colored white appears bright white (almost blue-sh) while in my natural lens it appears slightly muted like a brownish tint. i've gotten used to it.

    Cataracts usually impart a yellowish-brownish tint to the images that goes through them. Ophthalmologists wait until the cataract is "mature" before they remove them-as is, they are hard enough to shatter once a high speed drill is touched to them and then the ophthalmologist picks out the pieces.

    Floaters are actually desquamated epithelial tissue from your retina floating around in your vitreous. They are more noticable in nearsighted people.

    As you get older, the water content in your vitreous drops. The material shrinks and pulls away from your retina. The result can be the scotomas and scintillations that you see. The more serious condition that needs to be evaluated, of course, is a retinal detachment because that is vision threatening whereas a vitreous separation is not (it just means you are getting old)

    You can also have scintilllations with ocular migraines-which are usually painless. A scintillation is the zig-zaggy light you can see. You can make yourself have them with rubbing your eyes, as a FYI

    As for head trauma, I've seen bunches of head trauma. Most people don't have scotomas or scintillations-they have ocular nerve palsies or loss of visual fields. As for eye trauma, I've seen everything from lens detachments to open globe injuries. Open globe injuries are THE WORST in terms of making ME queasy...:barf:

  3. michelle was the one on the grassy knoll.

    Hmmmm....let's see. I'm 47 and I was born exactly 1 month AFTER JFK was shot by the mafia. So, assuming Michelle is even Sicilian, she'd have to have been, at least 17 or so in 1963, which would make her 64 now.....

  4. I can think of a worse one.....

    Father Smith lives a quiet life praying and gardening in the monastery. After a long illness, he dies and travels to the Pearly Gates. When he gets there, he notices a man already waiting and looking fairly self conscious. Finally Saint Peter arrives and greets both of them warmly and escorts them inside.

    Saint Peter asks Father Smith if he would mind if the other man was taken to his heavenly room first. Father Smith says of course not.

    The three of them walk up a long winding staircase carved of ivory and mahoghany. Then the three of them enter a huge room with an indoor pool and wonderful artwork and several large fully stocked and ornately carved bookcase. Saint Peter turns to the man and tell him that this is his reward for a lifetime of good works.

    Father Smith is getting pretty excited. Afterall, he spent his whole life sleeping on a wooden pallet, reading and praying by candlelight and eating nothing but gruel.

    After Saint Peter and Father Smith leave the man in his luxurious room, Saint Peter turns to Father Smith and says that they will be walking to Father Smith's new room. The turn onto the stairwell and start walking up. Landing after landing passes and the stairwall becomes less fancy and more plain. Within a few more landings, it becomes slovenly. Finally, it's little more than a rickety ladder made of wood. Saint Peter and Father Smith finally come to the top of the staircase and turn into a room with a wooden pallet for a bed and a simple table and chair with a candleholder. Father Smith can bear it no longer. Saint Peter, he cries, this looks identical to the miserable little room I spent my life in. How is this a reward. Saint Peter apologizes and says, simply, Father Smith, we have thousands of priests in Heaven. The man you saw earlier was our FIRST lawyer!

  5. It's good you didn't go for the multifocal lens-I had a female patient, avid golfer, who regrets getting hers. It's okay with reading but she has a hard time playing golf because all images looking thru the lower half on the lens are magnified

  6. My husband is a project manager for an architectural firm that designs school. He works with other project managers who work with the construction firms, the ISDs, etc. One such project manager who worked for Parsons put out an email to 50 some odd people involved with the football stadium project in Beaumont, TX. She referenced one of the engineers on the project, a man named Gonesh. The spellcheck feature changed Gonesh's name to "gonad" every time Gonesh's name appeared in the email (many times since the email was about a problem he identified)........:eek:

    My new favorite misspelling is "moran"...the poster is invariably trying to call someone else "a moron"......tee hee

  7. good one Skatha... I have a 37-38" sleeve length so it really helps to see a menu when I leave the Old Fart glasses at home.

    I remember a couple of years ago I was on a first date with a fine young lady - she embarrassingly left her reading glasses at home and I had to read the entire menu to her.

    How chivalrous!:ices_ange

    I'm having a hard time with reading in the dark now, too.....I've handed a few menus to the hubby myself

  8. LOL! Listen to you old farts talk about seeing up close! When I used to take the kids to the bus, I'd put the paper on the curb, laid out, so I could see the print when I was standing.....anything closer than my arms fully extended, I can't see. The situation is better with glasses but I see bifocals in my near future....

  9. it is an expensive op --- with my co-insurance my out of pocket looks to be around $1200 an eye. The Doc says I should settle in somewhere around 20/20 but wont know for sure for several days to weeks. I think they said that based on the pin hole eye test with which I was able to see 20/20

    It's about $8K an eye without insurance.....commercial insurers don't want to cover elective surgery. I'm not wearing my contacts now because I end up wearing reading glasses 90% of the time when I have my contacts in. I have some big sunglasses that fit over my glasses now to wear outside-those lenses that change outside react to UV light so they don't work in your car when you're driving...thank God my self-tolerance of nerdy behavior went up the minute I turned 40....:biggthump

    Will I drop the dime on the surgery-I think I should get my kids thru college first!

  10. I just had my left eye done. what an experience to have your lens replaced, totally painless except for the little sharp pain of the needle below your eye to dumb it. 2 weeks from now I will have the right eye done... and then hopefully 20/20 vision returns and I can see my golf ball again when it lands on the green. :biggthump

    anyone else ever had cataract surgery?

    Actually, I'm in that grey area-too old for Lasik and too poor for intra-ocular implants.....my dad (aged 73 today) had it done and has settled out at 20/20 in one eye and 20/50 in the other

  11. LOL-"Frivolous lawsuits" aren't nearly the problem certain people would have you believe. I went researching the year my malpractice insurance rate went up 300%. Turns out that there wasn't a big uptick in lawsuits lost or judgments awarded. It was the insurance industry had taken a big hit with 9/11 claims and were looking to recoup costs and doctors are required to carry insurance-a ready market for gouging.

    Texas instituted tort reform about 10 years ago to "control medical expenditures related to defensive medicine". Insurance rates didn't go down and medical expenditures went up anyway.

    As for government spending, when you award contracts to perform basic governmental functions to corporations who are subject to no market competition and are guaranteed "cost plus 30" payment for services that may or may not have been rendered, inefficiency is what you get. Look at Texas or the DoD....what we think of as government in 2011 is nothing more than a check issuing agency manned by "elected officials" who are essentially on the payroll of the corporations who get the contracts.

    "It's called the American Dream because you have to be asleep to believe it"-George Carlin, RIP

  12. Yes is an English progressive rock band formed in London in 1968, generally regarded as one of the archetypal bands and pioneers of the genre. Despite many lineup changes, occasional splits within the group, and the ever-changing trends in popular music, the band has continued for more than 40 years and still retains a large following. They have sold over 30 million albums. The band's music blends symphonic and other classical structures with their own brand of rock music.

    Yes are generally noted for the distinctive sound of bass player Chris Squire (the band's sole consistent member),

    And his brilliant song, The Fish...my second fav Yes song, (second to The Gates of Delirium)

  13. Emergency situations are quite different in terms of conversation protical.

    Save his life so he can complain about how rude you were not to listen to his drawn out life's story.

    I am sure I am guilty of this, "Detail Oriented" as my father would say. :eplus2:

    Speaking of rude and thoughtless, I had a solo practice years ago. A man came into see me complaining of "bronchitis" which his coworkers also had. Their symptoms were sinuses, sore throat and coughing, his was chest tightness and shortness of breath. His BP was 180/110 but he "didn't have high blood pressure" (last doc visit 20 years before) EKG showed a big anterior wall MI right in my office. I gave him a spray of nitro and an aspirin and called the ammalanse (paramedic slang from ex-). He had emergency triple bypass surgery the next day. Two weeks later his wife storms in with the $400 EMS bill and screams at me because I should have let her take him to the ER instead of dialing 9-1-1. I was very rude to call EMS.

  14. Are you really so smart that you know what I am about to say?

    Mrs. Smith, what brings you to the ER today?

    Well, it all started after my sister was born 65 years ago. You see, prior to that...

    Mrs. Smith, what happened TODAY that brought you to the ER TODAY?

    That's what I was trying to tell you, doc....my sister made my mom stop taking me to....

    Mrs. Smith, you told the nurse you had chest pain, when did the chest pain start?

    65 years ago once my sister was born. You see, I have this all figured out...

    Mrs. Smith, the chest pain you have now, did you have it 1 hour ago?

    If I hadn't already had this conversation a million times before (different details, same sentiment) I'd let you finish that story....of course, the last bit I don't say. Don't want to be rude....

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