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Posts posted by BlueB

  1. Nothing wrong with learning on race board and it can be done. But then, there are hard ways of learning things, and there are quick easy ways...

    The board you've got is for 60-80kg racer or 70-90kg frecarver (it's written on the top sheet), so at 135lb you are right at the bottom line of racing span - can you imagine how hard would it be to flex?

    A friend of mine, spent years trying to learn on a stiff Generics GS race board. Then, towards the end of last year he bought smaller (length and scr) and softer Rosi, and it all clicked in. From there he progressed to Sword (still softer than Generics). I found that Generics to be easier to ride than Cocoon, now, you go figure.

    Board you've got is an excellent machine, and yo'll enjoy it a lot when you get heavier and fluent in carving. However it might prove to be too hard for lerning - like trying to drive in a picture nail with a 10lb mallet...

  2. As the swelling retreated unbelievably quickly, and pain was not to great any more, I decided to go for few very careful runs today (is there such a thing with carvers?). The famous knee still in one piece! I had one bad fall at the steeps, but luckily on the head (stiffest part :D )

    I still do not understand how this wasn't a fracture or rapture in the first place, or how it healed so quickly...But I shouldn't be complaining about that, right?

    I'll take it easy over the weekend (going away to Vancouver Island - just fishing) and I should be like new for WES!

    Besides testing my knee, I also tested the Generics IQ170 that Pierre has given me other day. Lovely board!

    Thanks again to everyone expressing concern!

  3. It's a very stiff board, not a freecarver, but a true race board. Not too great choice for first setup. First time I rode it I struggled a bit and I'm 6' 165lb... Needs a bit of speed to start carving. However, it holds great edge and is quite stable at speed.

    Idea: put your new plates on old "soft" board and practice with that until you got used to higher angles and carving arcs.

    Here's my review of the board:


    Question: Are your bindings like the one I've got with the board?



  4. Latest from Chris is that we can request the boards we want to demo. So, speek up now, rather then later.

    My thinking was 4WD and WCR in low to mid 170' as most versatile sizes, and maybe to see the new titanal WCR beast?

    Other idea is to compare the longest ATV to Sword 168 that Pierre will bring (both 23 waist), but Chris made valid comment that ATV had shorter scr...

  5. Hey Dave*,

    Good work! Since there were no other suggestions yet, I’d go with yours.

    If we were on Whistler, you would guide around – I know only Blackomb side. Maybe post some directions to Roundhouse and Light Board, as well as which parking lot to use? And then, for latecomers (if any), on which lift/slope we are likely to be during the morning?

    Any ideas where to keep the spare boards (on the hill)? One of ideas was to test ride as many boards as possible…

    I’ve approached Prior – waiting for reply.


    Please post your interest here, even if you already did in “Cypress” tread where it all started. It would help getting more precise numbers, planning the car polls, etc.

    We should probably exchange cell numbers, too? If you e-mail me, I could compile a list and distribute to the others…

    So let’s start planning:

    Tibor is probably coming with me, and I could pick up anyone along N1. I'm in Port Moody, so anyone from Tri-City?


  6. After 2 glorious hours of ripping on icy hardpack, on my way to the base I head a freek accident.

    In full speed required to go over almost flat terrain, I took a wrong line, or the board jumped out of the trench - not too sure, and I crashed into the fence. Took full impact on the outer side of my knee into a almost 3/4" bamboo pole. It was planted so firmly into the ice that it didn't pull out - I went right tru it. Impact was such that my bindings relesed?!?

    After checking the position of my knee-cap and for the bones sticking out, and realising that everything was in place, I menaged to stand up and fence off all the offers for mountain patroll from amazed spectators...

    Still skied with a friend's little son for couple of hours (private lesson) and went home. After cooling down, the knee has gone the size of a football and I can hardly walk :(

    I suppose I was really lucky... Hope to get well for our WES.


  7. Saw another unknown hardbooter in the ticket line. He didn't wait for me, but said to meet him on slope...

    After my first run I bumped into Pierre. We met last year and carved together one day, but have never seen each other after that... So, we were both very happy to have company for the morning. Pierre's got a brand new Sword! The thing looks awesome, I'll try it some other time. Pierre will join our little Cypress club, and attend WES, too.

    We found an exceptionally well groomed run - Midway (a steep blue) and shredded it into pieces for couple of hours. Later on it turned icy and ski/board school started giving the lessons right at the run of towards lift, so we moved elsewhere.

    I was quite in the groove. Epic, sunny day.

  8. Kevin, Tibor and me got together for evening shredding. George never pitched up or we just missed each other.

    Another guy on BX board and soft boots approached us, all exited. It's a former racer, and looking forward to ride with us on plates. Well, the way he ripped on soft setup, he'll be able to show us a trick or two...

    Conditions for the evening: Very hard pack to icy, with patches of solid ice. Extreme winds.

  9. __________________________________________


    Date: Saturday, March 4, 2004

    Meeting time: 9:00am for 9:30am

    Meeting Place: Light Board next to ROUND HOUSE, see Dave's directions below


    Demos: PRIOR SNOWBOARDS will be available!


    As there are rising numbers of carvers around Vancouver BC, there is a need for a local expression session. The first WES is planned to be held on Saturday, March 4, 2006. It will be an informal gathering. Basically, we'll get together and shred the hill to pieces, exchange the ideas and techniques, try each other's boards... Everyone is welcome!

    The meeting place and venue are to be decided upon. Give your suggestions. I know that Dave* knows the mountain very well - so Dave* give your input, please.

    Post here to express your interest, or contact Boris "BlueB" or Kevin "tangaloor" for more info.

    See you there!

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