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Everything posted by kipstar

  1. I would have thought after the first time you might have been able to say when they said they hadn't heard before, you could say, yes you have from me! Not exactly the ideal track record is it?
  2. Oh man! Now you asked for flaming!"! ok, flame grilled whopper, with cheese. CombO ESSAY! What do you say to that?! a. I'm luvin it b. Priceless c. It just tastes betta innit d. all of the above e. Nah, bring me In and Out double double Can't help but agree with the sentiment of the b-day boy (d to da S to da U to da B get bizeee!); all these measures are starting to get a bit over the top... But that said, we gots some terrorists running amok down south here... hard to reason with them when they have been brainwashed to think they were invisible when they attacked the army here and also are doing random killings of teachers and monks (the worst crime you can do in a Buddhist country, but of course, they are not Buddhist). Still, at least here in Thailand, 50 years of the problem in the making; time to sort out the problems, of which these nutters running around with guns/bombs etc are just a symptom. A lot of the terrorists are the product of a pretty bad environment which it is well within our capabilities to fix, so that the real nutters controlling them have their power stripped. Stripped. Strippers. Oh yeah, that is what it is about :-)
  3. And with this pair, you can enter a bakeoff, then rob a bank, and still be home in time for supper. Smoke me a Kipper, I'll be back for breakfast.
  4. Second dat...reno is great; really nice people there, easy goin lifestyle; Alpine an hour away, Mt Rose about 30 min or less on that side of town. Casino food rocks. Cheap places for friends to stay. Cheap flights to the Bay Area and the LA. Not bad at all, if I were living anywhere in USA, it would be probably there.... Property prices have shot up quite a bit; but my friends' places all seem well nice and new, but probably not too far off your price range... cannot comment on the IT market, but there are a few corporate offices there.... would guess any growing city has need for mortgages...
  5. D = D expert on E-bay boads S = suuper smooth surfer style riding U = unreal luck in getting his board back from the tweakers of da NW B = birthday boy!! hooray; have a good one Sagitarius dude.
  6. try the extremes, to find your middle point sweet spot.... go really slow on a medium/beginner slope, and practise really sending your weight forward, so that you feel both legs loading up against the fronts and forward side of the shin. It also sets your body up to know what is too far forward. The start going into the turn too far forward, and exagerating and coming out of the turn all the way in the back so the board does a wheely almost; that is defining the too far back position; you should be able to to do this at low speed, balanced, carving and in fact the exagerated motion can get you carving at very low speeds, much lower than what you might think. On the same slope, practice dropping down on your knees into squats while riding up and down and up and down without weighting either edge of the board; trying to keep your upper body steady and not sticking your butt out awkwardly. This promotes Go straight on a simple slope, and do lots of skid turns, not carves, but skids thinking about first over rotation, then counter rotation then over rotation again and so on. All at low speed, trying to feel your lower body positions, with your boots not too cranked too tight. Then go to a nice intermediate slope, and work on smooth turns... biggest problem for heel turns seem to be people getting the board on edge by straightening their legs OR people not finding that middle point sweet spot... since I only get a few days every few years to ride, I have to find that spot within the first day of riding (as my season is 1-4 days long mostly)... these drills definitely help me. In terms of actual technique, the rotation technique is how I ride, and that tends to be more stable and set up your body well; rotation and the EC push pull seem pretty related to me, so I'd say that this also helps to compensate when your body isn't in the right place to still get the board coming around on edge.
  7. I have seen some people use deck grip which is like sandpaper, the stuff they use on skateboard decks.... Would that would and be thin enough?
  8. Well, I broke up with my Japanese grillfriend, so I cannot go to Japan without a guide, and my aunt wants to go visit Korea, so I maybe will take her... (she isn't KOrean, but at least I will be able to blame her when things go wrong ;-) Supposedly Korea is cheaper as well, but I am looking at prices, and it isn't necessarily that way.... The trail maps don't look too small...plus I am worried if I go to Japan I might hit a powder day, and it was knee deep chopped up Sierra cement riding at full speed down Mammoth on my race board that gave me knee problems in the first place! But I will consider Japan if someone can tell me the go there...then I will consider.... I think I can get a free airfare to Korea, so it is only ticket cost and stuff... so far looks like Yongpyong, Sungwoo, Phoenix and Muju are the ones to choose from.....
  9. Lads Sadly I am suffering from knee problems and too much work from multiple clients, so I be considerin going for a trip to da Korea rather than USA this winter. Not as good, but 26 hours each way on plane is a bit of a drain for a 1 week holiday in the CA and NV>...next next year.... So... anyone ever go riding in Korea? Can help me out with some guidance of how to get around and thing? What mountains? What places to stay? Anyone anyone? Bueller? Anyone?
  10. JTB be Japan's biggest tour agency innit. Them be well famous, and it be hinteresting that them be using a hardbooter for der promotion.
  11. I am not a big guy. Nor am a remotely scared of big guys, who for the most part are pretty soft. Especially when they are sleeping. They are total sitters for a 1-2-3-2-8 combo of a 1-2-+-+ or the old Roy Jones Jnr 3-3-3-3-3. Just because guys are big doesn't mean they can defend themselves. When they are sleeping. So take my advice. If you want to take on a big guy. Do it while they are sleeping. So.. here is the strategy, when you come across some big guy who is standing all over your gears. On the mountain, they are probably not sleeping anymore. You clearly demonstrate that you are going to really f&*k up their s&*t by turning round and looking at the ground and saying '-i-i-i-i-i-f-f-f-f um um um you d-d-d--don't m-m-m-ind would-d-d-d you p-p-p-p-p-lease g-get-t o-ff the t-t-t-tail of m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-m-my b-b-board. p-p-please.' I have not had a chance to try this, because for the most part, the ones doing all the standing are pipe kids, anyone from the Bay Area who works in IT and is really rich or women. And then if it is some hottie penthouse pet who looks like she stepped straight out of the pages of some porno stick mag, you can turn around and 'oh ho lady, you just got advanced to the captain's table. Move up this chair with me, and you don't need to be trampling my stuff innit'. Or another alternative? Ride old crappy gear. Or another alternative? Ride places like Alpine and Rose midweek; no queue at all a lot of the time.... it seems to be the crowded slow moving lifts where people hustle and start standing on gear. I am not so keen of the angry approach, as, when thinking back to that great political activist Rodney King and his wise words, "can't we all just get along?" Go to NZed on a crowded day with a 30 minute wait on the lift EVERY run; then you get to see some severe standing all over gear, as the lift queues are often generously construct on a slope not flat bit o' the hill. Fastest way to the front? - single queue
  12. Yep, I bought my Nitro Epic (the last asym I rode) at Stormriders on employee discount...ah yes, those were the days :-) Nitro Scorpion was the sym range and yep Jerry Ring and Redolink were the riders behind it from what I remember... Danielle, don't know if you noticed, but I am still riding a scorpion now! 163 the 4 hole version.... ah yes, a classic board indeed. Now that I got some nice new bindings which I can set flat flat, less than $100 delivered on the bay of E, the nitro might see less time, and the oxygen might come to the captains table.
  13. GremUSA no problem bra... we can swap, I won't even charge you for that... your new bomber TD2s (not step in though) for my second hand dodgy F2s :-) Slip me $50 for postage and I'll sort it for you. :-) Gotta be quick with these thing; the number of times I saw stuff and missed out on in tsk tsk tsk.... :-))))))
  14. ah well, I wanted bombers or cateks, but what are you going to do at that price?! CJ04; those bindings I bought off you are good but the built in cant gives me knee problems, I must be getting old! So now I am thinking that I will try flat flat no cants, no lifts to solve it :-) Thanks for the posting; wouldn't have spotted them otherwise :-)
  15. I learned the Swiss style of riding, and apparently also ride with a huge amount of rotation (although I don't always feel like I am). Much like the EC style, it can definitely get the board round corners very quickly, and feels very smooth; I am also thinking back to when one of the ski racer guys used to watch me ride both styles, he reckoned that the big rotation put a lot less stress on the gear because everything flowed. Since my 2 years riding with the Swiss coach guy, I stopped snapping bales and boards and boots and stuff. I have tried riding with minimal rotation, and it is just harder for me to turn all the way uphill every turn than with a nice big rotation and stuff. Actually, since I went away from ski boots, the big rotation feels even smoother again... The way I started on it was to go back to green slopes, and using a big rotation seemed to make it easier to stay carving and not losing all the speed...then gradually building back up to the big runs. Even now, I am usually the slowest of any carvers out there, because I am checking my speed so much and also because I am wimp ;_)
  16. yep, the pulling the heel back is a key thing.... But also... really trim back your big toe nails; and sometimes it can be that you had a slide forward in the boot and have banged the toes, which can cuase swelling which can make the boot seem smaller, which can cause swelling and so on. Also..I have somehow ended up with a pair of boots that seem to be not just 1 but about 2-3 sizes too small and it is the toes that hit me up (I have tiny bony ankles, and a wide front, and so I need to pack the ankle out even after molding and then stretch the boot out side to side). Getting a pair of really thin socks helps a lot, often around the toes is where the sock can bunch up... there is one brand that are really super thin; definitely the ones for you.
  17. Any website for when the races are? I might return to the race course with no training for 10 years, no riding at all for 5 years, all new gear, 1 day or so preparation and see how i get on (probably not very well :-)
  18. It looks like a great deal, but what is this e-ticket malarky? How does it work? Do you have to buy the tickets through their website or something? I tried to find out the details, but some of the pages won't come up here on our computer, maybe they are blocked or it is ads or something.... If it is as simple as it sounds, then it pays itself off with a day at kirkwood and the rest is profit :-)
  19. next next next in line; will pay for shipping to Tahoe + the original askin price; PM me if these other people ahead of me miraculously don't buy it.
  20. 5.30pm I could do work or read your guy stuff.
  21. Next year; trip to Tahoe essay; probably in Feb.
  22. I AM CONFUSE. The fish is your son? Or the guy the fish is getting to hold him?
  23. as I am organising the world's first origami fashion exhibition featuring Louis Vuitton among others here in the middle of Bangkok; I cannot help but feel that fashion is probably the most pretentious, most overrated load of tripe in the world. So...without further ado, bring on the nylon suit! I think it would be great to be doing some push pull turn with a pinstripe suit - no one has ever made a ski suit like that before have they? Skategoat; get your Canadian sweat shop operation into full gear, and crank all bombers some new threads.
  24. Hey Skategoat I think you should just use a cheap nylon, one of the ones that doesn't tear too easily; then you can run your sewing machine over it. WHile you are at it, please whip me up a suit: 39 chest 32 waist 40 hips Nice pinstripe 3 button no cuffs on the trousers, no pleats. Good man :-)))))
  25. "I rode a K2 Gyrator that was drilled for Burton Variplates with Salomon SX91 ski boots back in the day. The fun of snowboarding for me was the carve and as Bola said all the riders were expected to compete in all areas of snowboarding. So the guys that got Burton money when Burton was pushing racing always came back from comps with hardboots, asym boards, and variplates. I never picked it up, too busy chasing the bunnies." RJ-PS When you start racing, I think you should keep racing on your gyrator. THat is the K2 with the long nose right, and a sort of cap construction? Yep, it will be great on the race course...that way if you lose you can say, well it was the board obviously. And if you can actually win anything, it will be despite the board :-) Well, actually I have not thought this through complete, but I think you should do it!
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