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Everything posted by gdboytyler

  1. The map I sent, is the location where I took the video of my buddy Mark where he slams at end. Ok, 1:00 PM can be the official meeting time.
  2. I sent out the email with the map to the location of the slam video. Someone bring a video camera for educational and possible entertainment purposes
  3. I'm game for anytime after 1:00 pm. That will give me a chance to rest up if I surf in the morning. The entire area around Mission Viejo is hilly. I've only ridden a few of the hills in Mission Viejo. There are plenty of spots to be discovered.
  4. I'm good to go for Mission Viejo on Sunday afternoon (11-15-09). Just tell me what time you prefer. I'll send an email with the location of the carve spot and we can meet there. My friend Mark, from the slam video will probably be traveling, so he won't be able to join us.
  5. Albert, you're also on the invite list for Mission Viejo.
  6. If you and your dad want to drive down to Mission Viejo next weekend, 11-14/15, then I could do the surf in morning, carve with the BOL'ers in the afternoon combo.
  7. I'm always available for a late night carve session or a middle of the day session whenever the surf is crap. This weekend, a good NW swell is in the forecast. The spot where my buddy had the slam is nothing special. It's in Mission Viejo, close to his house. If he didn't hit the curb, I think he would of had a good chance of riding it out. When he slammed, he had reached the flat run-out and would have slowed down pretty quickly. The best spot I know for carving, I already gave to you guys, but that place is only good for late night or maybe early morning because of the traffic.
  8. I will make it my official tag line whenever I film somebody, "I hope you don't f*** yourself up".
  9. Hey, he tried to jinx me in the first 35 sec of my video.
  10. Supposedly, the late Steve Irwin has a daughter by the name of Bendy Irwin. So my buddy likes to hassle me by calling me Bendy Erwin. If you don't know who Steve Irwin is, he's the Aussie that had an animal show, who died when a stingray stabbed him in the chest
  11. I mainly use the carveboard for crosstraining for surfing, but it's still good exercise to get my legs in shape for snowboarding. I can ride the steepest roads I've found by just turning alot to keep my speed under control. I think I'll have learn how to slide the carveboard like regular longboard, just in case. Headache at the end of the clip. <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veX-CYqUn1E&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=veX-CYqUn1E&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> No headache in this clip: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiM19A6Yf9Q&hl=en&fs=1&"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiM19A6Yf9Q&hl=en&fs=1&" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  12. These boots belong to my kook brother. He bought the boots from Bomber during the 2008/09 season. He used the boots 3 times and decided that hardbooting wasn't for him. He also bought some F2 Race Titanium bindings, but I'm getting the bindings. Boots: Deeluxe Track 225 Mondo size 26 Thermoflex liners molded once (by Michelle at the Bomber store) $509 at the bomberonline.com bought 11/26/08, excellent condition, used 3 times. Price: $350 + shipping (from CO)
  13. Sorry, Dumbledor was also my first thought when I saw the pic.
  14. Sounds veeerrrry interesting. Don, why do you have the G-lab subtract 1G? Whenever I read about other items pulling G's, space shuttle, dragsters, etc, I don't think they subtract the 1G.
  15. When CA passed a law requiring kids under 16 to wear helmets while riding bicycles, that's when I started wearing a helmet for skateboarding. I would ride my skateboard to the park, while my then 5 yr old daughter rode her bike. I didn't want to use the "do as I say, not as I do" argument. After one week of skating with a helmet, I was hauling ass on a downhill section when my wheels hit something, locked up, I fell and slammed my head hard. If it wasn't for the helmet, I probably would have been knocked-out, with my 5 yr old daughter freaking out, looking to get help for daddy. Now I wear helmets for skateboarding, snowboarding and surfing (but only at shallow reef breaks).
  16. Yes, I still have your pull over. I'll call the next time I'm in the area, but the big question is if YOU'LL call back.
  17. Anybody of heard of this story? I came across the story on the SurferMag Forum:
  18. You're CRAZY! Instead of burning daylight, playing in the snow like kid, you should be blasting through the trees looking for fresh pow. Oh wait, you are a kid.
  19. Gary, sounds like you had an AWESOME day:biggthump After 8 days in the midwest, I had to work a 13 hr day to catch up on the bull**** at work Time to go home and drink a beer.
  20. The Dupraz 5'5" is a do-it-all board. It will carve the groom much better than your run of the mill freestyle board, but don't expect expect Coiler Schtubby type performance. I can do a fully laid out toeside eurocarve on my Dupraz 5'5", while in softboots. I couldn't do that on a Tanker or an Osin 4807. And definitely the best board I've ridden for pow and moguls. In open powder fields, it rides a lot like my Osin 4807 168, but I thought the Dupraz felt more nimble when riding through tight tree sections and moguls. I also like hitting jumps and the halfpipe with the Dupraz. The landings feel very stable. With the Osin, I stayed away from jumps because I was afraid I would snap the tail. I use to ride the Dupraz in hard boots, but riding the hard boots with shallow angles was rough on my shins. Now, I stick to softboots when riding the Dupraz. At 5'7", 135 lb, I thought the longer Dupraz would be more work. But I've never tried the longer version.
  21. I say bring both. It will probably stay "boilerplate" long enough to try out both:p The Doneks I've had (stock FC2 162 and custom Olympic FC2 165) aren't that good on ice, when compared to the Schtubby or Madd 158. Part of the problem was that the Doneks were too stiff for me on ice. Yesterday's morning conditions is exactly why I bought the Madd, then the Schtubby.
  22. I went Friday and carved at Snow Summit in the morning, then rode the park/pipe at Bear in the afternoon. SS was pretty much boilerplate in the morning; but still carvable and fun (but definitely challenging). Conditions started to soften at 11:00, and got really fun around noon. Went to Bear after 1:00. Superpipe and park was in good condition. Conditions were just right, soft but not slushy. I'm sure you guys will get more of the same on Sunday. I hope we still have decent conditions when I get back from the midwest.
  23. That might have been true for the original Madds. The 3rd generation Madd that I owned, then sold to George, was user friendly. At least as user-friendly as an 18cm wide board can be. The 3rd gen Madds had a green sidewall.
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