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Everything posted by gdboytyler

  1. I miss Jim already. He's one of a few BOL members that I've rode with on a regular basis. I still remember the first day I saw Jim ride, which was around 4 or 5 years ago. From the chairlift, all I saw was some long hair, flashy jacket, and smooth style. From the lift, I thought Jim was in his 20's. Jim talked like Spicolli (from Fast Times at Richmond High) and he loved to tell me about his surfing days. I'm sorry I never got a chance to surf with Jim.
  2. Don't hold back. What porno did Brandy Sanders "act" in?
  3. http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/news?slug=ap-shaq-kobe-rap&prov=ap&type=lgns Shaq takes a freestyle swipe at Kobe NEW YORK (AP)—Just in case anybody had forgotten that Kobe Bryant has never won an NBA title without Shaquille O’Neal, the big man sent out a reminder. The Phoenix Suns center can be seen rapping that “Kobe couldn’t do without me” in a video posted online at celebrity news and gossip site TMZ.com During the two-minute video, a grinning O’Neal lurches through an improvised rap in which he skewers the Lakers’ star, with whom he won three straight NBA titles from 2000-2002 while with Los Angeles. “I was freestyling. That’s all. It was all done in fun. Nothing serious whatsoever,” O’Neal told ESPN.com Monday. “That is what MC’s do. They freestyle when called upon. I’m totally cool with Kobe. No issue at all.” O’Neal and Bryant last played together in 2004. After a long-simmering feud came to a boil in public, O’Neal was traded to Miami before the 2004-05 season, and won an NBA championship with the Heat in 2006. Bryant and the Lakers didn’t reach the finals again until earlier this month, when the Boston Celtics beat them 4-2. “You know how I be,” Shaq rapped. “Last week Kobe couldn’t do without me.” O’Neal, who has recorded seven albums, also said he is “the difference between first and last place” and even took a jab at former New York Knicks center Patrick Ewing’s lack of championship rings.
  4. So Cal has had head high waves and good conditions for a week straight:biggthump I surfed 5 out of 7 days. The good surf continues for at least 4 more days. I don't miss the snow. Maybe during the next flat spell.
  5. Blow out is an understatement! Red Auerbach can rest peacefully for at least another season. Thankfully, the Kobe - Jordan comparisons can be buried for at least another season. Shaq is the happiest NBA player outside of the Celtics roster. I lost $30 on the series:flamethro
  6. Biggest collapse in NBA Finals history. Shaq must be smiling.
  7. My new prediction is Lakers in 7:eek: Game 2 was ALMOST the greatest comeback in Finals history.
  8. DAMN:angryfire Time for the Lakers to win 4 in a row.
  9. Download the higher resolution file. It puts the YouTube version to shame. http://www.jonasrejman.com/downloads/Carved%20Teaser%20Desktop.mp4.zip If Carved comes out on Blu-ray, then I'll finally have an excuse to get a Blu-ray player.
  10. Now I understand Bobdea's unhappy disposition. It looks like there's alot of Ma$$holes with plenty of problems to bitch about. Never been to MA. I don't think I'll add to my to do list. Reviews of MA "F*CK MASSACHUSETTS...again! I left that wretched hell hole 7 months ago now for California; let me tell you I'll NEVER look back. California may be more expensive (and it is), but I'm PERFECTLY happy to pay the price to live in a place where everyone isn't completely miserable. I mean, I moved out here and thought "Wow, people actually smile here! Much as I used to remember people doing as a child." Yeah, that's right, people don't swear at you in traffic, the government isn't out to screw you, the state doesn't shake every last dime out of your pockets, and oh, the weather is actually worthy of being called "weather". California definitely has douchebags, don't get me wrong, but at least you can ignore them here since they don't make up 99% of the population. When I heard that they passed that ridiculous health care law right after I left...I laughed...and when they had that cutesie little sting operation on single parents...I laughed. Because I'll never live there ever again in my life..."
  11. It's nice to have your own personal videographer:biggthump
  12. I think I remember seeing you. I thought the silver Donek was a metal Prior. If you're the rider I'm thinking of, you were laying down some good carves. You must have been carving for awhile in softboots. I'm probably done for the season also. Definately post up next season whenever you go to Mammoth or Big Bear.
  13. I'll take the boots. Email me with how you want to get paid. The boots would get shipped to 90503.
  14. I'm no longer in OC. Moved to San Pedro to get closer to work. But, I still surf in the OC alot. FTA2R, if you want to try your hand at surfing, email me. If you weigh less than 140 lb, I've got a soft foam surfboard you can use. Otherwise you can rent a soft longboard and wetsuit in Huntington Beach. Water is still cold though, around 60 F. I guess that sounds hypocritical, since I want the majority of the surfers to clear out. But what the hell, you're a fellow carver.
  15. I wish 90% of the surfers in So Cal would follow Bobdea's advice and get the the hell out. But with the great weather, good waves, decent snow (Big Bear) within 2 hours, Mammoth with 5 hours and hot vacuous women, I doubt that's going to happen.
  16. Video capture from Mammoth on 4-27-08. Riding my newly crowned favorite board: Coiler Schtubby 171
  17. Don't sweat it. Learning to carve on progessively steeper runs is part of the fun. That last trip to Mammoth was probably my last days for the season, unless a long cold front hits on a weekend.
  18. I'd also appreciate any critiques on my technique. From my own analysis, I see the following problems: Bend knees more at initiation of turn Bending too much at waist Got some counter rotation at 8 sec mark during initiation of heelside.
  19. Here's a short video of me riding my new Coiler Schtubby 171 at Mammoth in some soft, carvable conditions at Mammoth (Far West run ch.26). Here’s a video of me riding a custom Donek FC 165 at June mountain (Deer Bowl run) from a couple of years ago. My video evidence shows, my riding is pretty much the same on both the Coiler and Donek in soft, carvable snow. Here’s another short video showing the Coiler on some harder conditions: I did get some shots taken of me doing some laid out carves in icy conditions, but unfortunately, due to some technical difficulties, that footage got lost. When it came to hard, icy conditions, that is where the Schtubby shone brighter than any board I've tried (actually on par with a metal Prior). With Donek 165 FC (olympic), Swoard 161M (1st Gen) and Madd 158 (3rd Gen), I was able to do laid out carves only in good snow conditions. With the Schtubby, I was doing laid out carves on icy black diamond runs. Before the Schtubby, I avoided boilerplate, icy conditions. After the Schtubby, hard and icy conditions became fun. With the Schtubby, I also found that I was generally riding at a noticeably faster pace; especially noticeable when conditions got cut up. The dampness of the board, correct flex for my weight, it just made me feel more comfortable when riding fast. With other alpine boards, I avoided moguls; the boards felt too stiff. With the Schtubby, moguls were fun. The Schtubby is the longest alpine board I've ridden in moguls. I still find moguls easier to handle on a short freestyle board or Dupraz D1. I think a Schtubby 158 could be my ultimate board for the moguls. Before the Schtubby, I would ride the Donek 165 whenever conditions were good and I would ride the Madd 158 when conditions were icy, crowded, slushy or bumped up. With the Schtubby, I’ll ride it in all conditions except for powder. The Donek will be hitting the classifieds next winter and the Madd is now my designated rock board. The Schtubby is the best looking, hardest carving, most versatile board I’ve ridden to date. Some specs: Coiler Schtubby 171: 20cm waist, 13.2m scr, 155cm contact Donek FC 165: 20.6cm waist, 13.0m scr, 149cm contact
  20. I've used the Proflex bindings for about 3 seasons. Averaging 15 days per season. So far the Proflex bindings have been great. I like the flexy feel and ease of adjustment. I believe the Proflex is the predecessor to the F2 bindings. At 132 lb, I'm not too worried about thrashing the bindings.
  21. Me, CarvingChef and 2 unidentified hardbooters were at Mammoth on the 19th and 20th. Weather was cold and windy. Snow conditions were HARD and ICY. I was hoping for a little ice to test out the metal Coiler, and I got the ice in abundance. The metal Coiler lived up to the hype and it made the challenging conditions fun.
  22. Snowboard wish list got filled with a Coiler Schtubby 171 and Dupraz 5'5". Surfboard wish list got filled with a 5'8" Lost Round Nose Fish. This wish list is next:
  23. Current bindings are Proflex (older version of F2). If I were to buy new bindings, it would be F2 Ti. So here's another vote for F2.
  24. Sorry, I didn't see an "edit poll" option.
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