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Everything posted by gdboytyler

  1. Oh yeah, enjoy your 15 minutes as the most famous ski boarder in So Cal.
  2. You said you wanted a stiffer board, but you're thinking about getting the Prior ATV. I thought the ATV was on the softer side of the stiffness spectrum. Here's the specs in the Coiler Monster: See Post #28 Monster and Mini Monster 188 x 23 x 15/16m 182 x 22 x 15/16m
  3. I CONCUR!!! So far, the best day of the season for me:biggthump The conditions were soooo good, EVEN Theo would have been able set down a round carve or two. After Aaron and Terry left, I took out the Dupraz and rode it with my softboots, and it commenced to PUKE snow:barf: It looked like a Mammoth style dump. It snowed enough to fill in the moguls on Olympic. The drive down was a pain. It was carnage on HWY 38. Numerous cars running off the road into embankments, and a couple of stuck buses. It took me 2 hours to get off the mountain -- but the conditions made the drive worthwhile:biggthump
  4. I'll also be joining the Friday gathering
  5. From the report, I didn't think it snowed enough to make the tree-riding worthwhile. So I left the Dupraz at home. For the small amount of untracked snow I hit and soft bumps, the Schtubby worked great. I'm in agreement with Bullwings. If it's deep sierra cement, I'd go with the powder board.
  6. Looks like I'll miss you. I fly in on the 22nd. I'm bringing the Schtubby and the Dupraz D1. I hoping for that champagne powder!
  7. You didn't miss too much. It could have been great, if the sun came out:angryfire
  8. Snow was light and fluffy at Bear Mtn. Visibility was patchy. Snow was very carvable, when I could see. Rode from 8 to 12. At noon, it got fogged in from the summit down to the beginner runs. I stayed out of the trees. Coverage was still looking thin in the bowls. I didn't want to risk the Schtubby!
  9. ****, I'll be in Steamboat also. Why are you stalking me?
  10. Aaron was kind enough to give me an updated chain report, and HWY 38 is also requiring chains. Call 1-800-427-ROAD for the latest info.
  11. According to the latest report, no chains required on Hwy 38. I think the back route is around 20 mi longer. Due to possibly "EPIC" carving conditions, I'm going to Bear instead of SS. Longer, steep runs at Bear. Good conditions beats out comaraderie:eplus2: And if the snow is too soft and gets hacked up too quickly, I'm bringing out the softboots and freestyle board for the park and small half-pipe. The small half-pipe was looking in good shape on Friday.
  12. Impressive The riding level at ECS has really gone UP. Who's the 2nd rider in the video? The riding looked a lot like J or P, but the board looked like a Coiler.
  13. On the way up, I put on chains at Snow Valley because that's where alot of people were chaining up, but there was no police check. At the time it was raining at Snow Valley. But, I didn't need the chains. There was no snow on the road; I just followed the crowd. On the way home, I took the chains off at the parking lot, because I didn't see any snow on the road, but I could have used it on the way down. Snow on the road from outside of town down to Snow Valley.
  14. I don't know what happened at Snow Summit, but at Bear Mtn it WAS SNOWING off and on most of the day (2-6-09). And when I left the Bear Mtn parking lot around 4:00 PM it was still snowing. On the drive home, snow turned to rain below Snow Valley. Carving conditions were good at Bear Mtn, but visibility was patchy. In the morning I rode mostly at Silver Peak because the visibility was decent there. Geronimo was just fogged in. In fact, carving got better as the day wore on. In the morning, snow was a little soft, then it firmed up later in the morning. Around 1:00 pm, the sun broke through and I headed over to Geronimo. It was super fun for 2 hours, then got socked in again. Definitely going again on Sunday:biggthump
  15. Andrea/Julian, Remember to bring your spare snowboard leash (long version) on Sunday You never know when the leash nazi will show up.
  16. If you get around Manhatten Beach, I'd recommend http://www.fluidskisurf.com/location.asp I've had a couple of my boards worked on there, including a custom Donek FCII. I talked to the guy that does the work and he at least knows what an alpine board is. They do competent work and didn't take off too much edge or base.
  17. Proof is in the tracks. Look at tracks that are uphill of Arnaud. Looks like a carve, smells like a carve, tastes like a carve:biggthump
  18. Wow, resident Bomber style instructor and English teacher. I'm impressed:biggthump
  19. 4 out of the past 5 weekends has been hero snow conditions in So Cal. The carving conditions in the morning don't get much better in So Cal. To get better conditions, you'll have to go to Mammoth or do less night sessions ;)
  20. Do you mean like this? Of course, the contradiction is that Patrice is initiating the epitome of an EC turn:smashfrea
  21. The red board with the soft bindings is a Rad-Air LSD 156 (not sure of the length). I haven't ridden it yet this season. Latest forecast does look like snow over the weekend with clearing on Sunday. Possible hero-snow conditions. Count me IN.
  22. I don't think I've seen a single video of a rider on a steep slope without the rider touching the snow. Here's Bordy doing some hand dragging. It doesn't look like a crutch to me. http://hardbooter.net/blog/?p=142
  23. If we get a ton of snow, I'll still be in hardboots, but I'll bring out the Dupraz D1
  24. However, my goal in carving has always been to carve the steepest groomed slopes at whatever mountain I was visiting. EC technique I think is the EASIEST way to carve a steep slope. I can carve on black runs, but not as stylish or as fast as the Swoard duo. As I've gotten better with the EC technique, I've been able to use it in progressively icier conditions (with the help of a Coiler Schtubby). Contrary to popular opinion, EC is not just for hero snow. Here's another rider I want to emulate, for when the runs get a little bumpy (goal #2): <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou9XQjSj1ms&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ou9XQjSj1ms&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object> And I'd like to ride moguls like this guy. But, that's a lower priority goal (maybe because if you fall, it's way more painful than sliding out on EC): <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_6PSjS5lB8&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c_6PSjS5lB8&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
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