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Posts posted by TLN

  1. Hello.

    May be someone willing to sell something like 180cm+, 21cm waist with modern metal construction, and VSR. Don't need a racer board, something with 14-18VSR will be great.

    Something like:

    Prior FLC 177-183-187W

    Virus UFC 183


    Yep, I know that it'd be easier to get this new. But who knows, may be someone have one to sell, before I pull a trigger on a new one.

    Shipping is needed only within US, so no problems here. I got some transactions done on Bomber, so don't be scary that I'm from Kazakhstan ;)

  2. 1st series of almost everything might have some problems. I'm not saying about that SG, but who knows. Now even a problems, but I guess after a year board is changed a bit, after some users feedback.

    Will see, if someone will say about flex. That's really interesting.

  3. The board is in pretty good condition, and the guy says he got around 20 (say 20, think 30) days on it. He's saying it's stiff to him (80 kilos).

    I got some doubts:

    because it was 1st year SG made a blunt-nose The first pancake is always a failure, as we know.

    because it's 5 year old. Harder to sale later if something.

    May be it is was priced lower as I was asked - I'd take it without any doubts.

  4. Hello.

    I got a nice offer on a SG raceboard, but it's from 08/09 year, it looks just like this:


    It's in nice condition, ridden by non-racer and still have a plenty edge left.

    The main concern is that is was designed in 2008, so it's five year old. And this is the first year SG made a blunt-nose snowboards.

    Can anyone share experience with SG boards from different seasons? I see that shape is pretty much like the same models, but I bet there's some changes in flex. Can anyone tell how this one compared to modern one? Say 11-12-13 seasons? With tiger pattern.

    What can be a fair price for this, keeping in mind a pretty good condition, but 5 y.o. board?

    If anyone have something like this in great condition - let me know.

  5. Np, just send me a mail with his/hers phone. And probably a boots weight and shipping quote as well. I guess I might help here. BTW, what city he lives in? There's likely one of two: Either Almaty, or Osmeken(aka. Ust-kamenogorsk)

    Well, yep, is sounds quite werid, but I'm doing same many times. In Europe thing might cost 100EUR in US it cost 100USD. Shipping from Europe to Kazakstan is way more expensive(except Germany, they have sweet flat-rates from their post). May be it's because there's more shipping options from US, or I don't know cheapo post service from Europe.

  6. Yes, but for example if this guy is new to paypal, his address might not have this "paypal confirmed". This doesn't makes him a bag guy actually.

    If you still aware of something, I can contact him, just give a call for example. Or, even help with shipping, if both of you don't mind it.

  7. Hello.

    I'm from Kazakhstan BTW. Guess no problems here, I'm constantly buying from US on ebay, here on forums and in the shops.

    You got no problems if you go with paypal. Shipping can be an issue, buy I guess he know the shipping quote.

    Michelle, I don't know what means "approved buyer" in paypal, but for example, my Kazakhstan address is paypal confirmed, and even more, the US address I usually pay with(freight forwarders) is paypal confirmed too. I haven't done any actions on US address, just noticed that it have a green "paypal confirmed" next to it.

  8. TLN,

    Yes, swallows will handle just about everything, but I wanted more edge contact for stability at speed and a little more versatility than a true swallow. I am considering expanding my quiver with a Swellpanik next so that I will have a surfy long swallow, but for now, the Tinkler is built for me as a very capable soft-boot carver and pow charging ride.

    I'm going swallows this season too. Will post a picture, when my quiver arrives. And I'm looking into swellpanik too, but before I order one, I'd like to know what I want from a swallow. Now I don't and I relly waiting for a season to try this. )

  9. bottomless powder softie-surfing with a groomed return route. looks great.

    With 26ww, riders weight range will be like 220-300 and more, I guess. Or some big and flat areas on the way.

    Swallows around 185-190 with 24cm waist easily hadle 100 kilos guys in any conditions.

  10. Hello members of Bomber!

    I've just recently decided to pick up alpine boarding after years of skiing (as well as a few years of boarding thrown in there), and I am looking for some hard boots for this season.

    I wear a 29.5 mondo boot, and there seems to be nothing local near me that specializes in alpine boarding of any sort. They don't need to be Intec compatible or anything like that; just some normal plates.

    Check out UPZ. They're on sale not, at least i've seen some UPZ 9.5 on ebay, thats 312mm shell, and you can easily get in, if your foot is somewhere around 290mm. Price is $400 for new, what is quite fair, I think.

  11. That helps tremendously actually. Sounds like UPZ is the way to go.

    UPZ is definately better because of materials.

    But I cannot say that they're wider in forefoot. I feel like they're narrower in forefoot and about same in heel.

    I've beel using US13 Deeluxes and then changed to.. US9.5 UPZ(same shell for 8.5-9.0-9.5). My street size is US12-13.

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