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Posts posted by kieran

  1. take gloves, socks and maybe a hat. set your expectations low and you'll have a fun time, it's only 400m long - they're building a 1.2km long one elsewhere. the rental gear will probably be average to good, given the outrageously OTT market they're catering for.

  2. 8 hours ago, ursle said:

    The steel plate is hefty, it won't distort, the bolts are in solid tnuts, the risers are keyed, mine haven't moved, at all, there are no side forces, unless some solid object is hit or you windmill.


    i've done this before. i discovered that carpet carving was an inaccurate representation of snowfeel for the rear boot angle though, and would usually end up reducing stack height by one layer once i got to the snow.  if you need more stacking bits i have spares to sell for £reasonable. probably the long bolts too.

    size your fastening bolts accordingly, do not skimp on thread engagement or threadlocking compound.

    even more importantly, check torque at the start of every session. 

  3. There is something runnning diagonally under the plate under each set of binding inserts, attached by the 4 bolts that have no obvious purpose in attaching the plate to the mechanicals underneath. Guessing this is some kind of torsion resistance / reinforcement, but in the absence of photos showing what's actually there. Does anyone know, have photos


    There is something runnning diagonally under the plate under each set of binding inserts, attached by the 4 bolts that have no obvious purpose in attaching the plate to the mechanicals underneath. Guessing this is some kind of torsion resistance / reinforcement, but in the absence of photos showing what's actually there. Does anyone know, have photos?t.


    binding torsion bar? guess it depends if the plate is set up for a regular or goofy.

  4. i've been on völkl SL boards, they're substantial and capable of enduring considerable loads. beefing-up will move any failure from excessive stress to the next weakest point. in terms of our sport and the gear we use, tib-fib comes to mind.


    i'd suggest you investigate how you think you benefit from using the k-plate and vist setups. it could be that one of the custom makers can achieve a similar board response without the need for a plate, eg elliptical edge engagement from a stiffer midsection, instead of nearly radial.

  5. for whatever reason, this season has been the season of 'lets follow that guy and get ahead of him', and when skiers do that, invariably they're trying to turn inside my line. it's a combination of reactive choice and turn shape difference

    2 such unwise persons have so far had surprise shunts followed by a one-ski wobble while they go over the nose of my board as i exit a heelside, countless others have found themselves heading towards the rocks that i'm turning away from ..

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