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Everything posted by jim66666

  1. Would you have any pictures to send me. 

    I am interested

    Sort of new to bomber online so let me know if this is the best way to communicate.


  2. Is this board still available

    Prior ATV (171cm x 10M SCR x 23.5cm)


  3. Would you have some pictures of the Axxess. Thanks
  4. What is the waist of the Axxess. Thanks.
  5. I will take it if still for sale.
  6. How wide is the board. Thanks.
  7. Would this be good for a 200lb beginner? Thanks.
  8. Please let me know the waist of the board. Thank you
  9. What is the waist of the board. Thank you
  10. What is the waist of the board. Thank you
  11. What is the waist and radius of the Volant. Thank you
  12. I will take it. ​How much to ship to Columbus, Ohio
  13. What is the waist and side cut radius for each board? Thanks
  14. Looking for board suitable for 200lbs just getting into hard boots. I have boots and have been using them on a Never Summer Legacy. Looking to upgrade to a carving board. My boots are size 30 so I'm looking for something with a slightly wider waist. Thank you
  15. What is the waist on the board? Thank you
  16. Do you have any of these boards still for sale. Most interested in the wider 160. Looking for a good board to get started on. Thanks.
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