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Everything posted by Ray

  1. Planning to go to Mammoth/June Friday afternoon and board Sat and Sun. Maybe Mammoth on Sat and June on Sun... Ray
  2. Thanks! Am not sure if we will be able to make it... have to see how the work schedule is in March. I let you know if I/we can make. Ray
  3. Seems you and me are in the same boat/boot. Your feet need a certain shell size. I assume you selected the most smallest possible for you and you had the toes punched in order to have these pain free. Because of the low volume feet you probably could use a Bontex insole shim (www.tognar.com) to get rid of some of that extra volume in your shell. Next would be a custom footbed, which you probably also already have. Hmm. Make sure your boot cuff alignment is correct. Take the liner out, put the footbed into the shell and put your feet on the (centered) footbeds into the boot shell. Check if your shin and calvs are equally align in the cuff area of the boot shell. Never over buckle! I agree with Bob. Over buckling creates issues. As bob said, buckle just tight enough to keep it from popping open and add a booster strap as well. Your Indy’s, do you ride em with the hard or soft spring? Soft would probably be better for you. I think you need to see a really good/creative boot fitter. You might want to check out a foam-injected liner (what I did). But even with them you may need some additional work done (extra padding build up around the area between the ankle where the foam pocket ends and the calf, some stuff to push you more into the heel pocket of the shell…). Remember, ride hard when the snow is soft, ride soft (er) when the snow is hard! I recommend taking Arnica (homeopathic), this stuff really helps a lot to let you heal fast (was recommended by someone here in the forum to me). I believe in it! If it’s really bad and does not get better in a few days have it checked out, you never know. All just my own experience. Ray
  4. Dave, No problemo, next time we make it happen! Yes, we really had fun. Good weather, good runs, good food, good drinks, all good :D Hope your knee is healing fast! Will you be ready and what are the exact dates for the WTC? Ray
  5. and some more questions... Both feet, or just one? What angles, stance, can't and lift...? Do you have this after riding on (very) hard snow, or under all conditions? Calf to ankle ratio, are your calves big and your ankles small? That would create kinda an empty pocket where your liner doesn't sit tight enough... Bow or knock legged? Ray
  6. nothing to hide Dave :) I really don't know why the Euros call it that way Ray
  7. My wife. Getting ready… <img src="http://tinypic.com/1e5d6w">
  8. The Speed. Very stable at high speeds. Very comfortable to turn at high speeds in pretty relaxed position… <img src="http://tinypic.com/1e5apc">
  9. The Turn. Low, wide and pretty fast turns… The Gladiator delivered excellent edge hold… was able to hold this backside/heelside ;) for quite some time before entering into the next frontside/toeside ;) turn… <img src="http://tinypic.com/1e5aj5">
  10. Park City and my first ride with the Gladiator “Zylon” Prototype... Snow conditions, good! The board delivered exactly what I asked for... a faster version of my Terminator, but with a larger radius combined with the same “fast” edge to edge ability, packaged into a very smooth ride altogether… I was riding with my F2 bindings (19inch stance, 63/60 angles, 1cm toe and heel lift, 1.5 degree negative front cant) and Deeluxe Suzuka boots (w/ modified springs). We took a couple pictures near the King Con lift… The Team ;) <img src="http://tinypic.com/1e59xk">
  11. Curt, I am glad we at least had the chance to shake hands and go on "one" run together... All in all we had a great time in Park City. Lots of fun with the new Virus... The next time we come, we need to make sure to ride together some more ;) Ray
  12. kamran, Please write up some kinda repot about your first experience on the Tantalus, very interested to hear!
  13. Kamran, Ladia post some pictures please, i wanna see Chris, you too when you have your board... rumor has it it's shipping today ;)
  14. Skully, looking forward to meet/ride with you. Bordy, are you around as well? Will be at the Canyons Friday morning... Ray
  15. Going to Park City and was hoping to get together with the guys from Hardbooter.com Anyone around next weekend? Planning to go to The Canyons and PC. Any suggestions for some good runs? Thanks Ray
  16. I found 10 pairs last year in Europe... they mostly went to the EC guys... I kept one pair for me... I really don't know if someone still has em... sorry Ray
  17. nekdut, that was me ;) 4807 with silver/gray Northwave .900 hardboots at chair 15, yup. Actually two 4807, my wife rode the 168 that day... Problem was that the mountain was not open for the "good stuff"... To bad I missed you... maybe next time (21-23.1) Ray
  18. will join you guys 21 - 23. Looking forward to ride with you... Stump is a great run to start... If MM gets to crowded we can over to June as well... Ray
  19. Henry, Usually 5 hours driving time is a save bet from MM to LAX on a Sunday afternoon. BUT, last Sat/Sun the 395 was entirely closed and nobody could get in and out of Mammoth for a while. The 395 between MM and Bishop is the crucial part at these times… Just make sure you are not trying to leave while a major winter storm is in effect. Check for “Severe Weather Alert” and call Cal Trans (800 427 7623) to check the road status… You might want to consider the 7PM flight. That gives you more peace while traveling... my opinion. Good luck! Ray
  20. Looks like a mix of the Murano and Infiniti FX. http://www.infiniti.com/content/0,,cid-31217_sctid-12001,00.html
  21. So I got back from Whistler last week to spend New Years in Mammoth. It’s really sad to see that some resorts still need snow (lots), and others just get to much all at once. Whistler was a bit disappointing in terms of conditions… pretty icy and many rocks are just not covered yet. Pretty narrow runs… good for the racing style, not the best for laid out carves. At least the runs I tried… The locals said this has been the least snow in the last 10 years or so… I went to FanaticCo and met Scott, a local racer and Chris Prior as well… pretty cool. So after I got back to CA we drove up to Mammoth… GEEEEZ! Almost the entire mountain was closed due to the storm, just some beginner runs open… MM reported 90 inches up to yesterday and snow to come for the rest of the week… 395 was closed in both directions for a while, so I had to take chances and leave Sat eve. Heard that Sunday the 395 was closed again as well? I mean, I just want to carve… I don’t need all that snows… send it to the resorts that need it! Thursday I will go back to Whistler for four more days (my wife just loves the town)… hope it will be better this time. Anyone up there ? Ray
  22. Ray

    Suzuka 03/04

    Mark, Thanks a lot!
  23. Am looking to find last seasons model of the DeeLuxe Suzuka in size 25. Any idea who might still have one pair? Bomber & Startingate are sold out... Thanks Ray
  24. Anyone have any idea if Deeluxe made any changes to the regular (Simi Fit) liner from 03/04 over 04/05? Thanks! Ray
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