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Everything posted by Ray

  1. Ray

    Deeluxe Suzuka

    The Thermoflex liner got molded twice.
  2. Ray

    Deeluxe Suzuka

    The boots are still available
  3. Chile is getting more and more attractive… maybe a nice spot to retire... their wines are also pretty ok.
  4. Makes sense. I must be a lucky guy, all these things never happened to me (yet). Hmm, maybe should start thinking duct tape now. Thanks
  5. Can someone please educate me and explain why you carry duct tape with you while being out riding? I am having a hard time already not getting annoyed by carrying my car key and some cash in my pockets… Thx Ray
  6. Mike is also working during the summer, I can confirm that! Mike, is my Virus on it's way back?
  7. Can you tell if it’s the Carbon Fiber version? You should be able to tell if you check the inside, maybe under the padding…
  8. I really like the square nose design... maybe looks a little funny in real life and must see first, but again, always dig new ideas... well, not sure if some other board builder did this in the past, but have not seen it lately... so it's cool
  9. The beauty of custom work Sorry, must be my English :) I didn’t mean to have more than one driver plate on the board at the same time. I meant if an owner of a Tinkler could own more than one driver plate with a different stiffness, so these could be changed if different stiffness would be desired. Seems the driver plate is designed to go with the board, so that answers the question. Thanks for your feedback Bryan! Ray
  10. I think it would be great to keep those extra inserts and flex shunts... maybe good to be able to adjust the flex for the split nose/tail, if desired. Even if the board is build to riders specs I think it makes a great performance feature. Much easier to have the board build with it right from the beginning... Let's see what the production split boards look like once they roll out. Btw, can you actually have more than one driver plate (diff stiffness) with one board to change if wanted? Thx Ray
  11. My question is, how will the TNT Split perform under great conditions compared against other top of a line board... but I somehow have the feeling this thing really works. Seems another exiting season is ahead of us with many news products available. Can’t wait for all the reviews. Ray
  12. Ok, thanks. Bryan, I have the strong feeling you will need to get your own (which I think you will), Mike will NOT forget :p I heard a couple more boards are going under the press this week. Seems he is moving ahead nicely... Ray
  13. Bryan, Can you post the specs for this proto type? Lengths, waist and nose/tail. Thanks Ray
  14. In the neighborhood of $1500 – $1900… depending of what you want… I think…
  15. pokkis, which one do you ride/own? I think I understand the system and think it's helpful for all the reasons you mentioned, but for a longer board. I just have a hard time understanding that a relatively short/long board of 175cm needs such a dramatic adjustment feature, if built correctly to the riders specs/weight ect. Not saying the system does not work. Please don’t understand me wrong, also no criticism to the system either! Bryan, Since this is the first 175cm I guess we all have to wait for some feedback until next season... but assume it will be just great Thx Ray
  16. Hi Aris, Makes sense the way you did it… price wise. I was just thinking the Sticks would probably work for the longer boards like 185cm and up. A 175cm board built for a 175lbs rider is not to extreme in terms of lengths and weight. Pretty average I would say. I would expect such prime custom job to turn out to be perfect in flex for my weight, without the need of adjusting the sticks... I am always open for new designs and ideas, so please help me to understand. What am I missing? Tell me about your experience with the Split Tail. What do you think is the advantage over a traditional tail? Thx Ray
  17. Ahh, 175cm/17.5cm! This looks defiantly interesting. Not sure if I would go with the Snow Sticks for this shorter Tinkler version, but probably depending on riders weight pretty helpful… The Split tail and Titanal driver plate sounds great.
  18. Ray

    UPZ Boots?

    It was just mentioned to me that they "might" have better buckles…
  19. Ray

    UPZ Boots?

    Flex due to different plastic, correct. Did Dan say anything about buckles? I heard they might be changed as well. Hmm.
  20. Ray

    UPZ Boots?

    I think the Yellow ones will be the newer version of the current Red ones, but a bit stiffer I heard. The current black ones (Virus special edition) will stay black, but a little softer for next season...
  21. Hope that fuel tank doesn't blow up !!! Was planning on riding new Virus boards for many more seasons...
  22. Ray

    Mammoth Lifts

    AAARRGGGGHHHH I could not agree more
  23. wow, did you guys check the weather forcast yet, especially the 10 day! I mean, I like that we have and still get snow, but enough is enough :rolleyes: Really hope it clears up on time so the snow can settle so we can CARVE CARVE CARVE... Ray
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