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Everything posted by Ray

  1. Ray


    Can't this weekend, but maybe next or the following...
  2. I am probably not riding hard at all It must be that, because I am riding both of my Virus Cyborg, 14cm waist respectively!!!, plain polished Titanal topsheet (so no additional topsheet!) with Cateks and NO sub plate and have not have had any issues at all after 60 days this season. Hmm, maybe it’s true and the saying has some to it, “you get what you pay for”…. Na, am just not riding hard enough… :D Cheers!
  3. In my opinion, with such (old) equipment, I wouldn’t even ride it if get paid to do so…
  4. Well, we wanted to keep those 2 last great days in mind !!! Now in Vegas, aaaahhhhhhh, the pool sure feels soooo gooooood ;) Be back 12/1 for more
  5. Tom! Sure was nice to see/ride with you and Lisa!!! Looking forward to next season. Hopefully we have the opportunity to spend more time together, would sure be nice. Let’s see if we can get some decent footage tomorrow... :rolleyes:
  6. I have to say, Ruthies was bullet proof today! Perfectly groomed! Sure good for some nice turns... Yea, I know, ya need a wide board for those kinda carves… ;) Little jumpin in between... All in all a great day... tomorrow more...
  7. Oh yea, it was just SICK. What a way to end the season in Aspen. Will do it tomorrow again the same way. THANK YOU!!!!
  8. Ray


    Thanks for the update, looking forward seeing you hopefully soon!
  9. Don't know about the boot/shell, but the Strolz "liner" are the best money can buy (if injected by the right person!)... have em in all my shells for years now... in case, see Strolz in Lech, or Frank Kipping in Bregenz (www.loveyourfeet.at) Cheers!
  10. So how is Mammoth these days? Crowded? Conditions? Groomers? Ending the season in Aspen this week and planning for some more turns at MM.
  11. Seems Ajax is setting itself up for 2 more perfect days Monday & Tuesday. Will see! After that it's off to Vegas for some sun and Mammoth for more turns!!!
  12. There is always a "groom" under the pow :D
  13. Oh man, I am soooooo spoiled… almost every day I am out on the mountain it’s either a perfect carving day or epic powder… 60+ of such this season and counting...
  14. Powder again? Na, it's shredding time today (Ajax)...
  15. OMG, Today and yesterday have been probably two of the best carving days of the entire season!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNREAL Yesterday with John Gilmore (John, get yourself a hardbood set-up will ya please!!!) and today with Marco Olm (genius carver, so smooth ;-) Fantastic days!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the company ;-)
  16. Ray

    Euro Forum

    The Frozen-Backside Forum: http://www.pistenschlitzer.de/forum/jgs_portal.php?sid=
  17. Wait, we were around! Saw you several times from the lift... Sure was great today (again)... I need some "G's" now...
  18. I pass tomorrow. Am riding Ajax… Weather is mostly the factor… Thinking with all that snow, "real" carving might be possibly "just ok" and that’s not worth the trip and extra lift ticket cost (Aspen season pass) for me… Ruthie’s is one of the most groomed runs there is and I need a good “carving fix” after all this pow... and much more on the way… HAVE FUN GUYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HIT IT !!!!!!!!!
  19. Just back from hiking up Buttermilk... Yea, nicely warm and sunny… and unless we get some snow (which is predicted to start Saturday) I will not be on my board at all. Even on top of Buttermilk totally icy which will be total slush by probably now…
  20. Have to say, Ruthies was actually really good In the AM really ultra firm, so no laid out stuff at all, but still lot's of fun... by noon very grippy and still not tracked out -> FUN!!! Will try tomorrow again for more.
  21. Next time make me stop, yell at me :) Was at Buttermilk today, conditions super good. Firm in the AM, very very carveable... think I got my juice back and hit Ajax tomorrow again... Copper Bowl so good to practice all kind of different turns...
  22. Actually more like $1850 considering shipping from Germany... looking at min. 30%+ off !!! (Sorry, but really can't sell it for $500) Cheers!
  23. Oh boy, I am so toast!!! Hitting Copper Bowl 5 times, Ruthies 4 times… I am done for the day… getting old. Tomorrow Buttermilk, all I got left. Cheers!
  24. OH YEA! Getting ready... Up with the first gondola...
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