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Everything posted by piusthedrcarve

  1. I noticed Japan and Korea already have specific decks for softboot carving from alpine snowboard manufacturers like Moss, BC Extreme, Ogasaka, and etc. They call it 'Hammer' deck, which we witness hammerhead shape of the nose to maximize the effective edge length. Rocker outside of feet and Camber underfeet. Although most of all mountain boards has that same configuration (rocker-camber-rocker), those decks have carbon, titanial, or/and kevlar on their woodcore to make them more carving specific. One interesting construction from those decks is shown below. The 4 yellow parts are carbon beams. The 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX' is kevlar. In the center they used laminated titanial sheet. The construction makes sense to me but I'm not a board builder so the effectiveness is unknown. Only way would be testing them. Luckily, I will have a chance to ride one before January and will report here. But just looking at it, it will have quiet different characteristics than titanial or carbon BX boards that we are familiar with. Any thought on the above construction? Sean, Bruce, or ShredGrummer?? Oh. one more thing. SCR is much shorter than WC BX boards, like 8-11.
  2. 12/18 Whitetail No crowd. Grooming was better than Liberty last Saturday. Fanciful, Snow Dancers, and Exhibition were opened. All of the 3 trails were partially covered and 1/3 width was marked with poles. Snow was fast and holding well even though it was high 40'F. After 2 pm, few spots became too thin and dirt was visible. SnowPark and HomeRun, Limelight were not even opened. Until it gets cold again, stay away from WT unless you ride on bunny hills. I rode an all mountain board so that I can refresh my softboot riding. This was first time riding 'real' softboot board over past 15 years. Most my softboot boards were WC BX boards. WOW and Ouch. I couldn't finish the turn. Effective edge was too short and wiped out a lot at end of turn and few season-ending close calls. Magtraction placed on camber under feet is only what... 60 cm. I don't remember I ever lost grip on middle section with traditional camber board anyway. So I concluded the word is another marketing hype word. But it was great for ground tricks like switching and buttering. Took few jumps but loading and releasing was much different (than alpine/bx boards). Few olies helped to find it but the kick was not impressive. Next riding will be Thurs/Friday.
  3. I'm going up WT today (12/18) and will ride from 10-4. I'm thinking to ride a freeride board. Need to work on some ground tricks and possibly jibbing. Haven’t tried them so looooong. New to magnatraction and other fancy words that 'normal' board mfg. advertise as serious dope. It will be interesting to see how recent decks has come. In case, I will have my usual hardboot setup in car. :)
  4. 12/16 Liberty Report First riding for this season. Got there around 11:30 and spent an hour on front side to drop my kid into the ski school and did few warm-up laps. Snow was sticky and slow. Grooming was poor but was expected with the amount of snow they made. Then, went to backside which only opened 3 runs. It was really Pack Powder. Enjoyed its condition for few runs then I saw a carver with a black board who cruises down those runs effortlessly with very balanced postures. I chased down and *Whoa*, it was Matthew (BOL member), who started alpine snowboarding last season but very dedicated. His progress was truly amazing. I followed him few runs to see it more closely and surely his riding was different level. Good job. Matt. Little wind took humidity out from snow after 2 and got faster and faster. I rode a hammerhead Mad 170. Loved it. Wiped out few times due to legs got shot but It was FUN-filled first day of riding with another awesome carver. Called it a day after 4:30. Not sure when my next riding will be yet. Probably Wednesday or/and Thursday. The place is undecided. Maybe Roundtop or Whitetail, if WT opens Homerun, Snowpark, and Limelight.
  5. Hi timrich99, Ride Liberty? I am thinking to start my season next mid-week. I'll post up when I go. BTW, let us know its condition. Hope to catch few turns with you this season.
  6. Love the ending monologue.
  7. Oxygen F series (F-57, F-67) had. With a bomber airplane. Definitely the sunrise one.
  8. I just woke up from 7 months long sleep. WT, Liberty, and Roundtop will start making snow from this week(end). As usual, let's use this tread as gathering and sharing date/time of your ridings so that others can join. For me, I will be riding on Friday evening with kids. I have ridden on Thursday night over last 2 seasons and it was blast. You will have slopes for yourself after 8 pm. I have been asked by my daughter to ride with her with 'Normal' board and teach her jibbing. So, will ride 'Normal' board too. I plan to go Liberty and Roundtop too. And few trips to WV (Canaan Valley, Timberline). So, if anyone rides there, please post your riding date/times here too. Unfortunately, I won't be able to loan gears since I thinned my quiver last season. Hope to see many carvers on the slopes.
  9. Look for a board with camber under feet and rockered tip and tail, with slight setback and medium flex. Or just ask Sean to build one.
  10. Thank you all for recommendations. So, have yoi done molding the foot print by DIY?
  11. Does anyone have used Sidas insole before? I have ridden with Superfeet (RED hot) for years but want to try Sidas (https://www.sidassport.com/en/products/220-winter-custom-pro-mesh.html) this season. No particular reason to switch but just worrying support of Superfeet may ran out.
  12. I second b.free. Go with medium size if u use UPZ m27. Mine is m28 and am using medium & large. Hope ride with you again this season.
  13. I doubt I will change my mind of keeping my Madd duo. I have gone thru more than +80 boards, including many WC and old legendary boards, over last decade to find my ultimate go-to carving decks and concluded the Madd duo is what I'll be riding. New tech. and shaped boards were ideal for specific occasions and stages of rider's progression but these Madd duo keep reminding me why I fell in love with this wicked sport in first place. So.. thanks for the offer but not going to let go of them. I see fews are on sale in Classified thread.
  14. I can't believe these items are still not picked. Well. Last bump for the 'spring' prices.
  15. Folks, F2 Silberpfeil 172 and F2 Race Titanium bindings are still for sale with lowered prices. F2 Silberpfeil 172: $250 + shipping F2 Race Titanium (L): $ 125 + shipping.
  16. Hi Dave, Yup. When are you coming to Aldie hospital? PM me for date and time.
  17. Matt, That was my initial intention to get OS1 for any newbie but you have progressed and I see you have found your comfort zone. I recommend you to buy some more wedges & lifts for your f2 and just add/remove what you have. Catek is in history. Don't get me wrong. I still love Catek's adjustability but now, I rarely change my bindings setup, except stance width.
  18. Few updates. I almost made a mistake to let go of the Madd(s) (158 & 170). I took the 158 to CO last week and rode with mixing up with newly acquired Donek Metal FC 171. Due to freeze/thaw cycle, mornings were much like general east cost condition ,which Madd shines above all. And hooking nicely on the CO's steep trails assured me that I shouldn't let go these decks. So, Supermodel 81, F2 Silperfeil 172, and F2 Race Titanium (L) bindings are left still.
  19. No problem. I came back from CO few days ago. Mostly rode in A-basin and few days at Breck and Keystone with kids. Yeah definitely need to follow someone at least few days to what slopes to hit or not, especially when snow is not in ideal condition. Maybe next time, I will visit Vail (although I felt in love with A-basin).
  20. Took easy on today. Few laps at A-basin green and blue trails after 10:30. The condition is still nice. Went to back bowl and rode Columbine and Larkspur. It was more chopped up than lodge side but pitch was nice. Even more reasons to ride A-basin. On my last run at 2, I met Aaron (kitepearson?) and rode down High-Noon together. It was soft but we loved it every bit of it and made deep trenches on the way down. I will be at A-basin next two days in the morning.
  21. Despite of unimpressed slopes, I went out again in the today morning. I meant to stay in Peak 9 but got lost again and ended up either Northstar or Claimjumper. And met a hardbooter ripping nicely. We chatted a min or so and went our own way (riding with a 7 yrs old). Then, hit Keystone afternoon. Now, I do really respect CO riders for their endurance. 3 runs from top to bottom (Frenchman & Wild Irishman) shot my legs. Will be at A-basin tomorrow.
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