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Everything posted by piusthedrcarve

  1. Intriguing from the tread, glass snowboard, I found this solar snowboard video in YouTube. The stored energy can used for boot warmer, iphone charger, or GoPro..what else? My imagination ends there.
  2. This is my best (in terms of versatility) board that can't acquire easily since Full Carve model is not offered in North America through distributors. I listed it for sale just because I want to try something else which is much more than this and am trying to get some funds from this sale. Please enable your email or PM me to discuss further. piusthedrgolf at gmail dot com.
  3. Hi Goro, I may be able to take a 1/2 day off from on Tue or Wed but am not sure when at the moment. Being in Mid-Atlantic area with few years of NO WINTER, I've been following one of private meteorigist last few years. Check it out here: https://www.facebook.com/WxRisk He expects heavy snow around Central/Western VA on 5th, 6th and 7th. If that's correct, Wednesday morning would be the best. Hope I can ride with you on that day. I will let you know by monday night.
  4. If I set bindings directly above those two pivot points, I don't see it any different than VIST (Floating Front), regardless the plate is stiff or soft. I'm assuming if the pivot distance are longer than my stance, I can see some effectiveness by plates' stiffness. But that's just my speculation. So.. plate riders, Educate me.
  5. Hi Bryan, I'm considering isolation plates on some of my decks and have some questions. How ride differ on different pivot distances. I hope below figures represents what i was trying to ask. I'm comfortably ride 55cm on GS decks but I prefers narrower stance (50cm)on camber decks (see fig. 4). Most of plates can configure Pivot distance from 55 to 65 cm. Would you describe how ride differs on each configured setup that I illustrated below?? Thanks!
  6. Peek of the base looks SG. Contact SG with serial number. They will tell you.
  7. I purchased this Full Carve 170, ordered through Bomber last season for $900+shipping. Prior to this board, I had a SG Full Race and its riding characteristics led me into purchasing a Full Carve. I consulted with many SG distributors/racers/owners in Europe whether I should go with Full Race vs. Full Carve..before purchasing. As their recommendation, it is awesome board. Geometry is same as Full Race but without titanial layer. It rides much like Full Race but little easier to find carve lines. Edge grip on hard pack is very good and even on ice. Since it has glass characteristics, it rides better in various conditions, especially in soft snow. I has more pop on hard pack snow. I was informed that Sigi prefers Full Carve for freecarving but uses Full Race only for training and racing. Here is SG spec. I rode this board less than 10 half-days since I have too many toys to play with. This year, I've been riding a lot SL or short boards and only had this one on snow for 4 times. See photos for its condition. Yesterday, I went off the trail on this and got little scratches on base/edge (see photo #5). I will treat the edge with file and smooth the scratch on base today. Over 10 half-days of riding over 1 and a 1/2 season, it has been waxed 4 or 5 times. SOLD
  8. just came back from WT after riding with grock5 and his sister for good 3 hours. Overall, snow was soft due to 2 days of snow making. Grooming was not optimal. Some section were groomed last night and got frozen and started to freeze some spot here and there. Sleet were coming down around 10:30 and changed to Snow for while. I'm suspecting it will turn to freezing rain or sleet over this afternoon. Today, I worked on finishing each turn and resulted me dozing into side of the trail on 15m SCR board. I ate some snow and took some body slamming/rolling off the trail. Luckily, I & board didn't get any damage but it was a scary moment. Knowing grock5 is within few second behind me was somewhat comforted me at that moment. Sucks to come back to work after, but it was GOOD. Goro, let me know when you go up next time.
  9. Goro, I will be there tomorrow morning but until 11-ish. See you tomorrow.
  10. As you see on photos, they're in excellent condition. Very clean and no scratch. Molded once. Was thinking to use these for race-fit but I decided to stick with my mp28 boots. SOLD
  11. Rode today. Bluebird day it was. Over last 2 nights, WT made good amount of snow.. at least a foot and it was very soft. Overslept and got there around 9:30 It was 22' and little windy but calmed down about 10. About that time, 10 min. wait on lift. Around 12, good 20 min. wait. Tons of people. The line (for SnowPark) was twice longer than rope. First time seeing that. Around 11, all trails were chopped and were like mogul. and ZOO. I was expected but really didn't expect this much. I guess many people just came out for last time for the season. I'm thinking Wisp from now on.
  12. Has anyone ridden K-Plate (monoplate)? Seems like VIST or Donek's F-Plate. Any riding difference?
  13. Thanks for your suggestion. I considered Snowshoe as alternative since it's almost 10 degree colder than here any time of this winter. Anyway, how was WISP yesterday? I will ride WT on President Day till 1. This time I will be riding with my 5 yrs old. I couldn't find lesson slots at all (Sold-Out all morning & afternoon sessions) for him. so I gotta babysit him on slope. I will be on SG at Farside most of morning,
  14. Again, I can't go with you tomorrow. I'm guessing it will be WISP from now on unless we get a dump. Too mild for snow to stick around. I'm thinking Monday, President's Day for WT for one last time with my kid. I know it's going to be crowded as usual.. Let me know WISP's condition if you go. I may take my kid to there. I don't know where I should go on the last week of March. I saved my vacation days for the whole week of riding. if not north, maybe Snowshoe?. Don't know how their condition will be at this point.
  15. Well.. I had owned SG Full Race and now ride SG Full Carve. Your "Cheap non-metal....performs worse" is way off for Full Carve. I can say both boards like fall line. Full Race is more damp since it has Titanal layer in it, which will be useful on ruts on gates but Full Carve is also damp, not as much as Full Race but damper than any other non-metal boards I've ridden. Now for freecarving, Full Carve stands as its name. I was informed that a lot of racers actually prefer Full Carve if they do not run gates and I total agree with that. For me, choosing between SG vs. (stock) Kessler is easy. Rather I'll have hard time to choosing from SG vs. Oxess for freecarving.
  16. We (with se7en) rode non-stop from 8:45 a.m. to 1:45 pm, mainly on SnowPark & Farside. I worried snow condition since it was 34'F when we got there but it remained same or just above due to little breeze and grey sky. Flat light day it was. Groom was not soft at all but not hard. Little uneven groomed on top half of Farside but Grip was EXCELLENT. Some spots were brownish but it was from snowmaking, not dirts or ground. Coverage was OK, although there were some rocks and dirt shown on Exhibition and left side (from lift) of limelight, which I don't usually ride. No waiting on lifts and good snow condition. The best day it was for this season so far. It was one of break-thru days for se7en. He was able to get down really low and taste tail pops out of turns on Madd 158 and took a huge tumble because of that. Now he is infected, even though he owns a virus.
  17. I also experienced same with a new carver if the board is too stiff. I set him up with a softer board with softer boots. And then i started to see trenches. Flex was more important than length.
  18. Somehow i couldn't meet up with others to ride with (other than se7en) this season. Anyone going tomorrow? I will be up for tomortow from 8 to 2. Will be at Farside mostly. Grock5, how was the condition?
  19. Today, instead I went to Liberty since WT doesn't offer just 2 hour lesson for kids. Today's sleet covered groomed. It was rock hard on backside and fogged up top half. Visibility was at minimum. So rode mostly on front side. Took the Alpine Quad chair up to the top and came down on Upper/Lower Blue Streak. The Lower Blue Streak was just FLAT so I had good workout on my quads. Can't wait to ride WT next week. Did anyone ride Farside? if did, how's coverage there? Hope it survive next 3 days of +50 temp.
  20. Scott, Take good care of yourself. You will be on slopes no time. Get weil.
  21. Bomber http://bomberonline.3dcartstores.com/We-Demo-Gear_c_71.html
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