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Sultan Guy

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Posts posted by Sultan Guy

  1. I had a fantastic experience at this race!

    I did a PR in 1:54:47 and the live music every mile along the course made for a fun energetic race. Finished 152nd out of 551 in my age group which does not sound too shabby for a guy who only recently took up running and I definitely do not have one of those Kenyan type bodies!

    Already have my sights set on another half this fall and then a full marathon next June.

    With lots of hiking planned for this summer and stand up paddling I should be in great shape come carving season.

  2. I got into this last summer and it is a great fun workout. Highly recommend trying it out even if you don't live near the surf. I have a Starboard K15 that is a rocket. SUP equivalent of a 190cm carving board!





    1. Less alcohol.......More Tea

    2. Less meat..........More vegetables

    3. Less salt............More vinegar

    4. Less sugar.........More Fruit

    5. Less eating........More chewing

    6. Less words........ More action

    7. Less greed.........More giving

    8. Less worry.........More sleep

    9. Less driving........More walking

    10. Less anger........More laughter.

    11. Less TV......More sex.

  4. I am fortunate to have a cool trail system near me so do about half of my runs on trails, half on roads.

    The trails are more fun and have the added dimension of uneven footing but otherwise I don't really feel any difference in how I run or how tired I get.

    BTW- I grew up in Great Falls, VA.

  5. My strategy for a healthy diet follows some simple rules.

    No white flour, no white rice, no white sugar, and no white potatoes.

    I buy no processed foods with high sodium. Red meat once per week (grilled small lean steak) otherwise just chicken and fish. Lots of veggies, fruit, beans, whole grains, and nuts.

    Shop the edges of most grocery stores only.

    And for those sugar cravings we buy the really good dark chocolate.

    At age 47 I still wear the same size jeans that I did at age 27. :)

  6. For the past 4-5 years I had been an occasional runner. You know the type who goes out 1-2 times per week in nice weather for 3-5 miles.

    Starting January 1st 2009 I set myself a goal of completing my first marathon. Last March I did my first 10k, followed by a half marathon in June, and then finally in November I completed the Seattle Marathon. It was a great experience even though I struggled with ITBS on my left leg during the marathon. Just being able to complete that distance is a personal achievement that no one can take from me.

    Over this last snow season I made sure to get in 1-2 maintenance type runs in between carving sessions. Running after a hard carving session with weak legs was interesting. The muscles used are a bit different. I felt that the running helped my carving and that the carving helped my running! I seemed to recover faster from carving with the running.

    For 2010 I am doing a half marathon at the end of June and then a full in November. Breaking 4 hours is my goal.

    Either way I will be in great shape come the December snows!

  7. Since I have recently passed my first year anniversary of being a BOL member and just ended my first season of carving I thought it would be appropriate to share some thoughts with the community.

    I spent many years racing fast narrow tippy, highly specialized wildwater kayaks down Class 3-4 whitewater rivers. This sport involves highly precise boat control narrowly missing rocks. When I first saw someone at my local hill in March 2009 on a carving snowboard I knew instantly that was for me. After 5 seasons on a regular softy setup I had started getting bored with snowboarding. The typical thing, yearning for powder, complaining about only groomers to ride on when off piste was cement, etc.

    Now one year later I am so psyched on this sport and am proud to have followed my intuition. Here are some highlights:

    • Got 42 days in this season, beat my old record of 31
    • Bought two used boards for $300 each, traded one, bought another for $200
    • Still remember the amazing feeling when I got my first high speed deep toe side carve. I now yearn for that "down" time.
    • Learned all about lift/cant/stance etc.
    • Got to add my own "Heard in the lift-line" comments to the thread
    • Learned to put a killer sharp edge on my boards
    • Frayed my first set of gloves
    • Got to hear a lifty sheepishly tell me that a skier had complained about me taking up the entire mountain :)
    • Cut up more corduroy then all my other seasons combined
    • Caught more first chairs then all seasons combined
    • Went to Crystal for my first carving group session
    • Went to work often with fried legs
    • Satisfaction of riding up the lift and seeing nice deep trenches from far off :cool:
    • Was actually able to post some decent advice to someone even newer then me
    • Met several other great carvers

    In summary through the BOL Team here I have learned and progressed so much. Thanks for the great season! :biggthump

  8. Lots of information at Tognar.com on this.

    88 side and 2 side are the same thing. Just depends on the reference.

    I use a fixed 2 degree side that I can clamp various files or stones to as I need. File one direction only. Stones you go back and forth with cutting fluid. Works great.

  9. Saturday had between 10-16" of nice dry powder everywhere.

    Brought out the crowds like I have never seen in April in my life.

    There must be a LOT of skiers who only go on powder days.

    Now I know why I took up carving for the other 95% of the days.:D

  10. I dont Know what is slower usps or a hot blast 176

    Well...I have been railing my Hot Blast 178 all season. Love that board.

    Some punk kid thought it was cool that it was named Hot Blast!

  11. 185 pounds here of lean mean 40+ year old machine.

    I use the blue BTS for both heel and toe side with the Track 700.

    Since it is my first season I have nothing to compare it with but I have noticed that my back foot springs definitely show signs of being flexed...a lot where my front springs show no such wear.

    Has anyone tried running harder springs on your back foot and softer springs on front foot?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  12. I hear that. My wife finally clued in on Sunday that the black board in teh garage is not the same board I started the season with. I tried to pass it off has her having a poor memory by she is pretty sharp that girl. My own fault for leaving it out, and having her take measurements from it several times while Bruce and I were figuring out my VSR. I'm just going to have to be a little more careful next season when Bruce builds me another!


    OK. Note to self. When I order my next new snowboard, have it made exactly the same color as anything I already own!

  13. I have to admit I am not up to speed on the history of foam cores being used in snowboards as a replacement for wood cores. As is often the case certain materials can be used incorrectly by a few manufacturers and then that material gets an undeserved bad reputation.

    A few months ago I attended a very interesting presentation at the monthly meeting of SAMPE in Seattle. The speakers were two guys from K2 who are responsible for Madshus X-country ski development. They use wood cores in the low end skis but all the high end skis use PMI foam cores and they are lighter and offer superior camber retention. These guys were very knowledgeable about the materials that they use and the pros and cons of each.

    I realize that PGS type snowboard carving and cross country ski racing are two very different sports with major differences in the mechanical forces at work, however I would think there are enough similarities where a more consistent, highly engineered foam core material would outperform wood.

  14. So at my mountain yesterday there was a large demo day going on with many tents and reps letting people try out new skis and boards.

    I came rolling up at lunch and stopped in front of the Nidecker tent asking the guy if he had any of their carving boards.

    He looked at me and said "Wow I haven't seen one of those boards in like a year. I ask them not to send me those race boards"

    I guess that Nidecker is not trying to help grow carving. :confused:

  15. I won't speculate on where I would like to see alpine snowboarding go as a sport.

    Where do I think it will be in 5-10 years?

    Ours is a technical type sport and the equipment will continue to evolve incrementally as ideas get tested and then commercialized. The racing plates may eventually offer something that has slightly broader appeal. Boots and bindings will also continue a slow and steady march.

    As someone who is a composite engineer I still question why wood cores are so prevalent in modern snowboard construction of all types. Wood by its nature is inherently variable and inconsistent. I use specialized foam cores that have much higher physical properties to weight ratios and have a highly consistent density. The right foam core/laminate design should have camber that lasts much longer then a wood core.

    Kind of reminds me of baseball. They use wooden bats as per rules and do not obsolete all the record books. But they break a LOT of bats during each season and the bat manufacturer's will tell you that it is becoming increasingly more difficult to source high quality consistent wood. Of course it does not help the wood when the batter is juiced. :)

    As small as alpine snowboarding is it will not receive a big investment in R & D $$ to further advance the equipment. That is part of the appeal to all of us.

  16. Well now that I am minus one Prior 4WD I need to find a similar replacement. Your profile lists that you also have a Prior 4WD. Can you compare them for me?

    I weigh 185. How much do you weigh?

    Since I hope to get some insurance money I am a sure bet to buy something!

    Will you take $350 plus shipping?

  17. Bomber Community,

    Yesterday my house was broken into for the first time in almost 10 years. It looks to be the work of punks looking for cash. They busted open a small fire safe with nothing in it but passports and papers. They did not steal stuff like nice tools or TV's. They did take one camera, Ipod, and...my

    Prior 4WD 174 that was inside of a black BOMBER bag. :angryfire

    The board did not have any bindings on it and was right next to a Hot Blast with bindings. Maybe they thought the Prior was easier to ride?

    Please be on the lookout for this board in the Seattle area Ebay, Craigslist, or on the Bomber forum. I have also provided the police with this photo.

    And if I see a punk trying to carve it at my local hill :AR15firin


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