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  • Location
    Santa Fe, NM
  • Home Mountain/Resort?
    Ski Santa Fe
  • Occupation?
    Teach mopey teens
  • Current Boards in your Quiver
    5'6" Dupraz D1
    156 Burton E Deck
    160 Rossignol Prowler
  • Current Boots Used?
    Raichle 123
    Burton Reactor
  • Current bindings and set-up?
    Burton Race Bindings, angles around 45
    F2 Plate Bindings
  • Snowboarding since
  • Hardbooting since

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  1. You’ve still got these?!? Heck ya, I’ll take them. How about $100 including shipping? Send me a message and send $$ your way. -Dave
  2. Bindings arrived in Santa Fe safe and sound! Thanks Pius!
  3. Prior 4WD arrived in Santa Fe safe and sound! Bindings will go on it tomorrow in a gallant effort to appease the snow gods... Thanks Pete!
  4. +1 to that. Does that mean it's now +2? Or if I'm really passionate about it can I + more than one? Can I +10 if I really agree? I feel somehow that a +1 doesn't exactly capture the intensity with which I care about this issue...
  5. Wow. Lots of great info in this thread - thanks so much to everyone for sharing your suggestions. I picked up a used Prior 4WD from Mudbone and I'll most likely mount my Burton Race plates to it to try it out initially. I'll also be tweaking my stance a little next time I go up, and bringing the E Deck with me to give it a go. I'm still hoping that a Nidecker Proto will show up for sale...but I ain't gonna hold my breath. Maybe I'll be able to catch one at the end of the season. I'm also doing more research / thinking about whether or not I have the right bindings in my possession to match what I want these boards to do. Now, if only it would snow...
  6. Seriously- they are yours if you're gonna do something cool and Frankensteinish with them!
  7. Holy smokes!! I'm not sure if you're a genius or insane. Probably both... Hey, I've still got my old pair of Burton Race Step-ins if you want them, although I disavow any knowledge of or culpability in your future prototyping and/or subsequent death.
  8. Ahhhh...you got me. I'm in on the Prior 4wd for $130. I'll PM you to get details. Anyone know if I can get 3 hole inserts for my Snowpro race bindings? Anyone?
  9. Yes... but then that wouldn't justify my getting a new board. Which in turn will validate and undoubtedly improve my hardbooting habit. Kidding - the E Deck is coming with me the next time I go up. Unfortunately, it is dry as can be in Santa Fe. I'm holding out until we get another decent snowfall. Until that point I choose to continue to lust after the perfect board.
  10. BlueB - can you comment on Ultra Prime vs Proto? What are your thoughts?
  11. Appreciate the heads up on price. I'll start saving up - it looks like I'll have some time, since I can't find a single one available on the internet!
  12. I've been told that Ultra Primes are also excellent bump boards so.... I'm also looking for a nice Ultra Prime, on the smaller side. 158 or 162.
  13. Got an UltraPrime you're willing to part with? What size Wire, Coil, Amps do you have and in what condition?
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