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Everything posted by KingCrimson

  1. Flying by on my face anyway... Got 8 untracked top to bottoms at East today, 8 inches of fresh. I guess I had fun.. ;)
  2. They are annoyingly stiff when you get the flex to hit its hard stop.
  3. I know lots of people who live in Lake Elsinore. You should ask them too. :p
  4. My quads are burning just sitting here watching this video! ;)
  5. Are you trying to use super stiff RC10s at BX angles?
  6. The dude falling wrists first with his knee deployed in Meniscus-destruction mode! You!
  7. Ski! If we show up, I need you to stop my dad from doing his divergent ski tip crap.
  8. Lost count after 35 or so on the East quad. My dad's guess was like 47 for the day. Did I mention I'm in good shape after all the Laser sailing? :lol: It was pretty good snow and I had good breathing room with a slalom board.
  9. I'm not familiar with only brushing wax. I know there's a lot more mass on the board than I'd care to remove with only a brush. Nor does a brush get much off in my experience.
  10. I actually cant stand dominator all temp.. It seems way too hard to scrape, brush, and buff for how bad it is in super wet snow. For hot snow, I find the cheap orange Demon crap is actually fantastic- it's almost greasy when its melted, and its extremely hard. Have fun scraping! :) That said, its probably better than high temp wax in the morning, you usually bail around lunch anytime right?
  11. I, again, forgot to make the distinction between drills and riding habits. :o It's fundamentally the same thing, your knees are fighting. Oldschool skiers just getting into newschool carving often end up getting plenty of edge angle on the outside ski, but are lacking on the inside one. On a snowboard, it's only your back knee trying to get the board on edge, and your front one is fighting it. It probably twists the board, but mostly it limits your r.o.m. and it looks awkward and silly. Stop being so disagreeable. ;)
  12. Socal riding you need structure structure structure. and hard wax. and overlays. And hot scrape + citrus solvent after every day riding. Especially down at MH where pine tar is a huge issue. Wax+ buff the nose especially well, and round off the shovel edges really well. I used to have lots of cartwheels until I started taking good care of my boards. And base bevel.
  13. Sorry to hear that John. Conquest is still recovering from the last time you thrashed it..
  14. My impression, based on your instructional writeups, has always been that you emphasize the front boot cuff. I'm not talking about "petting the dog" or any of that weirdness, but look at your picture compared to JJ. Your hand is only slightly more forward than his, but his knees have all the room in the world. What do you want me to call it? How much knee bend range do you have in a heelside like that without reducing rotation? Personally, I can't compensate for grooming flaws, chunks, minimoguls etc riding rotated like that.
  15. I remember some post of Jack's in which he points out how easily he could touch his boot cuff in his riding position. Certainly makes more sense as a drill.. :o
  16. I don't swing my hands around enough for it to make a difference, unless I'm making an ass of myself and not focused. I'm not talking about doing any swinging motions of the hands anyway. I think it looks awkward and stupid, and the Kagayaking videos are a great example. Body positioning, for myself at least, is more cause and effect than just "doing" it. When I thought I was angulating on toeside, because I was tightening the correct muscle in my abdomen, I was still "reaching" for the snow (I wasn't actively reaching, but I was inclinated enough that it appeared that way) until I tried to grab my heelside edge. I never really had the wild hands problem. OVR was always super adamant about keeping the hands quiet. My ripped up gloves fall off my hands if I flop around much at all, so I'm pretty confident that my hand is quiet, albeit not anywhere near my boot cuff as Jack often recommends. I don't use my hands for mass adjustments, I like to save the wear and tear for getting in fights in the lift line.
  17. Scribble over that with a sharpie and you'll be good as new. Nobody noticed the cleaved-off nose repair on my Coiler..until somebody said "Hey, is that marker scribbled all over your board?"
  18. The general consensus on BOL dictates that your outside hand on heelside is to be cranked forward and kept near your front cuff. I rode the entirety of last season like that. However, I also a-framed my heelsides, and couldn't really bend my knees a whole lot, it just didn't happen. The forced rotation was choking off my hips and making me do outrigger heelsides- butt close to the snow, but miles away from the board. Goofing around in the frozen chop yesterday, I started "flying" the outside hand. That isn't to say I was breaking angulation, but I was letting it float somewhere between my boots and appreciably higher up than before. Edge holding wasn't changed, but I was considerably more stable when it got rough and firm in the shadows. I attribute this to my knees being further apart and more mobile- because I wasn't choking them off by rotating into the turn too much. My torso also naturally sat much more upright because I wasn't "reaching" anywhere, I was just diving into the turn. It might be a bad idea to let the hand fly for beginners, by the same accord it's bad to reach for the snow and try to EC, but it certainly made a huge improvement in my riding to find the happy medium. I've also been riding with a former top-level racer, so my technique is significantly more race-oriented than East coast style. This was all goofing around my 160 Burton Speed..which is actually a lot of fun because I weigh much less than when I started. Racers aside, has anyone else been happier forgetting about the cuff-reach?
  19. I made my own footbeds. The balls of my feet are essentially right on the boot board. I put excessive arch support. My 29.5 cm feet fit in 27.5 shells with 27 liners. It's fun! I think load bearing footbeds are important in snowboarding so you can use smaller shells.
  20. Only 10k people on a 200 acre hill. no biggy.
  21. Got 7 hot laps off the quad and untracked turns till that got crowded. Then I ran laps off the secret hits on Conquest.. The season has (re)started! Hero cord for everyone!
  22. Given that Sigi rides on Sidewiders with a plate, I certainly hope his boards have been designed to handle aluminum bindings. I wonder how that board snapped though, it doesn't look like it's point loading. I'm curious if it broke at the carbon reinforcement they pop in near the inserts. On a positive note, the nylon topsheet held up very well.
  23. Looks like the **** for freestyle bodyboarding if it has a steep bar that makes it tube up like that with fun little spillers at the end. I stopped surfing when I started playing around with bodyboards in gnarly shorebreaks..Too much fun to bother with a surfboard!
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