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    Bend, OR
  • Home Mountain/Resort?
    Mt. Bachelor
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    see user name
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    How would I be able to keep up my alter-alter-ego "Tree Ninja" if I divulged such information????

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  1. Zoom, you are far too honest. Me, I am a 5'11", 105 pound, size 0 Brazilian super model. :rolleyes: Oh, did I mention I can carve too??? ... I guess I forgot to demo anything at OES b/c I am still waiting for my own version of the beat up, hand me down Coiler metal "slalom" from Jasey Jay, Bruce, Bruce's wife, MikeT, noschool .... (anyone else??) that I am totally digging and haven't let anyone else get ahold of since I first got my hands on it in February. :) Which, I suppose is why Zoom was forced to demo anything she could get her hands on. Sorry, Zoom ;) PS: Jeana says:
  2. Ok, well, after Mike dragged me over to the Bomber forum and made me read this thread, I finally had to break down and actually register ... Thank you everyone for coming to OES and making it such a great event. It makes it all worth it. Now, "snowboardmommy" will go back to vicariously lurking through MikeT See you all next year!!! :lol: (Jeana made me add that ... although seems to be a close second favorite) ~Bonnie
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