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Posts posted by ~tb

  1. "I've read some more about the cants and lifts it seems people who want to EC

    want 0 cant 0 lift just flat, What would you say?"

    I think that this is a slight overgeneralization. Lets say all the EC guys were using boot cuffs that were fully canted in. This would be painful and ineffective for a large portion of us. a boot fitter sets your cuff cant to match your biomechanics. Similarily, one should set their bindings to match their biomechanics and boots. Both the Catek and the Bomber allow for this level of adjustment. The catek allows you to tweak a little more readily than the bomber. The bomber is a little more rugged.

    Personally, I am still on the Cateks. I just havent gotten as comfortable on the bombers (yet). I think that its all between my ears though.

    I find that from day to day, condition to condition(temperature to temperature), I tweak my cants and my lifts on my cateks on hill. This is where the catek is superior. Something doesnt feel right, you can fix it quick and easy. Down side. . . you find you are always tweaking stuff while the guys on bombers are getting another run in! Pay off, the next run you come back and lay down a turn that none of you would have been able to prior to your adjustment.

    They both rock. you like to tweak . . . get the cateks. You want to set it and forget it, get the bombers.

    you want the bombers but dont know what cants to get. . . go fiddle around on a set of cateks, get as comfortable as possible, measure them, and order your cants.

    just my thoughts.


  2. I had this beautiful donek 195 (hey . . .I have a new one too that I forgot about). nice long and stable, great at GS carves. . . but ask most people I ride with, you can hook that thing up TIGHT by getting it way up on edge. My favorite board of ALL TIME. Think it might fit your needs perfectly.

    (edit as this post was somewhat missleading. Im not offering to sell the board, but if you stumble across one. . . buy it)

  3. That study looked at people on level tracks. How well does it work when the slope is steep?

    To Echo Neil's post. . . I dont think that GPS takes change in elevation into account in speed very well. I could be wrong. Anyone (jack, bob. . . gadget geeks of the world) have better info on this?

  4. I am so psyched I found this site! I am a one-time skier and switched over to boarding about 8 years ago living in Sun Valley ID. I have had to take the last two years off due to injury and traveling but am healthy and ready to have a great winter. Problem is, my gear is ancient! I have the Nordica SBH hardboots that are still in good shape, it is my boards that are relics. My all time favorite all-mountain board is the Burton M6. I have a couple of these since they were demos in the shop I worked in. I am looking for something similar but newer. I am 6'3" and about 215 and the M6 I have is a 163 which is boarderline too small. I also have a Rossi race board that is super stiff, and a Burton Big Air 183 I think, only good for bottomless powder.

    So, any suggestions would be great, I would like to purchase something asap for the upcoming holidays. I do have a couple sets of plate bindings but would prefer a whole setup as I think my plate bindings may have cracks on the under side of them.

    suggestions? Want a all-around board - stable on the groomers, quick in the bumps, be able to take anywhere.

    thanks much, I live in Denver and can meet you anywhere if you are looking to sell what I need.


    Mike. . . . ill be short and sweet.

    If money is no object. . . Donek, Prior or coiler all have boards that will meet your needs and then some. Most of them also sell the bindings to go with them. Based on the fact that you live in Denver, I would reccomend (my favorite of those three) donek bar none over the rest. simple reason, they are in your back yard. You can go talk to them, see some boards being made, and order what you want directly from someone in your nieghborhood. I am TOOO jealous of the luxury you have there. If you need help picking a particular board to fit your needs. . . I can offer some opinions with some further details of how you like to ride, what angles you think you want to ride and your foot size. Sean has the ability to build you ANYTHING you want. . . but probably already has a stock board to fit your needs.

    As for bindings. At your weight. . . I would go with either the Cateks or the Bombers. The "local" sentiment stated above would say buy some bombers, they are only an hour or two away from you. The end user in me makes me want to say . . . damn I love my cateks. Both are awesome bindings and will serve you well.

    best of luck!!!


  5. Spent last night in the workshop at U of C, where they let no-ideas like me loose with all the ski and snowboard tuning equipment and teach you how to tune your own gear.

    The instructor recommended a very interesting edge setup for my board - basically the same setup that they use to tune shaped skis. The base bevel is 1/2 deg through the flex zones at tip and tail, and 0 through the bindings. The side bevel is 1/2 deg through the tip and tail and 2 through the bindings.

    I'm thinking this is a fairly radical departure from the safe and boring 1 and 1 that I've been using. Anyone have any comments on how this might ride? Or use anything similar?

    I also found out that the Outdoor Centre there has a batch of brand new Prior split boards that they're renting over this season for $30 per day including skins. If any of you are up this way and looking to do some backcountry, renting one of these rather than carting your own gear might be a nice option.

    I am guessing that someone with far more tuning experience than I will chime in here. . . but here's my 2 cents.

    I believe the above stated tune would probably perform just fine. But what a pain in the butt!!! for the increased effort of that tune job, would you be able to feel the supposed increase in performance? If you can, than go for it!!! I think that most people here have setteled in at about 1 degree base bevel and 2 degrees side bevel for good all around settings (there are some exceptions. . . slalom boards, reallly icy, soft snow. . .yada yada yada). I would be willing to bet that if you took two identical boards, put the above stated tune on one, and the more traditional 1 base, 2 side tune on another and rode them both in a "blind taste test" that MOST people couldnt feel the difference.

    But, do try . . . and report back!

    On another note. . . try the 1 base, 2 side rather than your current 1 base, one side. Especially if you are in icy conditions.


  6. Next season when I go to Switzerland I want to hook up with the Swoard guys and get some skills. I should be pretty good after that :biggthump

    Skipuppy, The Swoard guys do rock in their own right. . . but there are pleanty of people local in the northeast that can get you there sooner than next year. Im sure that pleanty of people here, and elsewhere would be more than glad to meet up with you and get you ripping up the cord in NO time. Drop into the ECES or just meet up with any of us northeasterners this winter. Another excellent source would be all the guys that do sunapee every thursday (I believe) in feb.

    back to racing!


  7. the guy is on a dynastar course asym . . . not even their own board. . . if they had class, they would at least have gotten a shot of a guy on a PJ. At that point, I would atleast give them credit on the self humiliation front. Ya know. . . kinda like jewish people telling jewish jokes, or blondes telling blonde jokes (etc etc). . . its almost ok.


  8. Not sure how many of you get Ski Vermont Magazine . . . but thought I would post that it was a pleasant surprise to stumble across a picture of one of our own on Page 50 in an article called "Crazy Love" by Peter Oliver. Total fluff article, but hey . . . a hardbooter! More than we normally get!


    The rider's BOL user name is scloyes . . . errrrr. . . those who know him can figure out the rest. Im sure the shot was taken at stratton. scloyes, will probably chime in and bash him self at some point. . . im guessing the picture is actually from the winter of 2004.


  9. I tried getting a team together two years ago . . . I hit the tragic wall of finding a decent female team member. Sure, its all for fun, but we all get a little competative. With the fact that you MUST have atleast one female, and their score always counts . . . without a decent female, its tough to be competative. It also puts undo pressure on the female in that their score ALWAYS counts (unless there are two women on your team). This means, they arent ever "allowed" and off day that doesnt impact the team.

    Any rippin females in MA interested?

    Bob . . . you can ride in a skirt and count. . . right ;-)


  10. Millen,

    Make a treck to some mountain that has a catek loyalist or two. I think you would be pleasently surprised how comfortable the cateks can be made based on the adjustability options. If you find someone who really knows how to adjust them, you can pretty much tell them where you feel any stress, and with a few small twists of the wrist, have it disappear.

    If you can make it to Vermont, or to the ECES, I could run you through it VERY quick. Or, during your first day of riding, keep in mind anything that isnt 100% comfortable in your lower body. Even over the forum, I think we could get you dialed in very quickly.


  11. I have ridden the shorts, and the longs. I was in the same quandry. . . right on the edge between the two. I have settled in on the short plates for several reasons.

    1) they are shorter, well duh . . . I can not ride the same angles on the long plates on my boards. The long plate would drag before my boot would.

    2) they are lighter. . . sure, not by much, but I can feel the difference

    3) they are a hair softer. Dont think you would measure the difference, and its probably between my damn ears, but I like the way the shorts feel better.

    4) They are pleanty stiff. I forgot where, but I believe Jeff shared the finite element analysis of the short plate. . . im not too concerned about any form of "equipment failure" associated with the short plate. I think I would classify myself as an aggressive rider, and have never been concerned about these. (The weekest link has always been my boots . . . I used to rip a heel off my boots almost every season).

    just my 2 cents. . . but you are a little closer to the edge then I bsaed on your boot size. Set the plates up, and then take a picture of them from the side.


  12. Doesn't bother me at work. too much welding going on. I get bothered more when entering or leaving work, have to walk through a smoking area outside the building. I had less exposure to second hand smoke when it was allowed inside the building than the way it is now.

    My employer dealt with this one. The have identified 2 smoking locations on campus. Its all the way on the edge of the property. They erected a bus stop looking structure in the middle of no where with an ash tray. The smokers must journey through the parking lot, to this one location to light up. No cloud of smoke right outside the door to walk through. The other nice side effect of this, is that once done smoking, the smokers still have a reasonable walk through the parking lot back to the building. I believe this gives them the opprotunity to "air out" prior to reaching the building. They don't smell too bad by the time they come in.

    My ALL TIME FAVORITE though, is the line of doctors, outside the chemo and radiology building huddled together lighting up. Can you imagine. . . your just finished a radiation treatment for lung cancer, and come out through the front door in your wheel chair, through a huge cloud of cigarette smoke, being made by your doctor, and radiologist and RN! Really uplifting im sure!


  13. Geoff,

    At work I have at my disposal 4 Ipod nano's, a couple clickwheel ipod's and 2 of the new videos, one 30 and one 60. The videos can lock up while running. It has been my experience through testing thus far that video can be more problematic then audio. The audio recovers elegantly, however the video stays frozen. To the end user, the audio might skip while running with the device, but the video could freeze.

    So, here is the crux of what you need to be thinking about.

    The Ipod Video should be as good as any Ipod (less the nano) to date when it comes to listening to audio while exercising. You wont be able to jog and watch video at the same time, so that should not be of concern. I would have to reccomend the nano to anyone looking for a device to use while working out. Get one of each.

    Are you going to be at Bob's this week? Or tonight? I could swing by and illustrate the issues So you can make an educated decision prior to yours arriving.

    I can also bring you a frequency plot of where you need to be concerned about the performance and where you don't.


  14. Yeah, I should have added this option as well.

    I ride cateks right now, however, I know for a fact that I use outward cant on my rear foot. Just a hair. I agree with jack and bob. MOST excellent! Heelside locks in like no tomorrow. But I Do feel you loose a hair of power on your toe side.


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