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Posts posted by ~tb

  1. No doubt. Pretty ballsy to stick it on f/2.8.

    Great toeside technique:


    sniff sniff. . . im so happy that I have finally caught the eye of jack. I have worked so long and hard for this day ;-)

    All kidding aside, thanks for the compliment jack! it was hard to do anything wrong in that snow though!

  2. Ric,

    This is without a doubt some of seans handy work. He deserves a lot of credit based on the fact that the weather (and riders) were not cooperating very much. Sean is quite good with his equipment and provided a great service to the event. As some pointed out, those pictures of the women ripping it are incredible!

    Thanks for the Great Pictures sean.


  3. Thanks for taking the pictures sean! They look Great! Its too bad that we didnt have better light on some of the great snow days! You definately put some great efforts in to get these pictures to turn out. . .

    And by the way paul, I switched to the 182 axxess for the Bowl . . . Im not that "Balls to the wall." It was great trying to keep up with you all week!

  4. I already shipped some stuff. . . but I was hoping to ride monday . . . and then I need it to be in denver for thursday. that only gives me tuesday and wednesday for shipping wihtout anyone f-in up. mixed emotions. . .

    Anyone flying united notice that if you are traveling with ski's, that they dont limit the length . . . but if its a snowboard, they limit to 184 cm. Funny bastards

  5. So starting to pack for SES . . .

    I know for sure I am carrying on my boots. . . and then I had an idea. . .

    In an attempt to keep the weight of my checked bag down, I was thinking of clipping my bindings onto the bottom of my boots and carrying them on as well. Anyone every carry on a pair of all aluminum bindings post 9-11? I'd hate to have a piece of critical equipment confiscated on my way to SES.

  6. Hey guys, correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't "powder mode" stop the backward flex, but not the forward flex? If so, it wouldn't help to avoid the failure I experienced. Am I missing something? :smashfrea


    you are completely correct.

    I had my box of goodies open last night and was looking at a 5 position adjuster. the "powder mode" only stops the backward flex, but the forward flex is unconstrained exactly as in walk mode. For this particular failure, this would have made no difference.

    I have blown out one of these before back when I was riding the sb225s while riding in powder mode. I have ridden locked down on both front and back boots ever since.

    Long story short, riding in powder mode VS riding in walk mode are EXACTLY THE SAME LEVEL OF RISK. The only mode that is any safer is to ride locked into a number. So, if you like riding in walk mode, and the only other option you would consider is riding in powder mode. . . stick with the walk mode. If you ride in powder or walk mode, and dont mind switching to riding in a locked mode, I would reccomend doing so.

    Just my 2 cents.


  7. I found mine. . . size 25.5 to 27.5. Mounted once, never ridden. only problem is that one is more sunfaded than the other (I left them stacked one ontop of the other in a window for a year or so, one has "yellowed" and one has not)

    If anyone else needs a pair, please drop me an e-mail.

    todd_brown at bose.com

  8. To echo what Geoff sid above. . . 195 is the way to go. Most versatile board I own period! Im a long board guy . . . I have a 205 (or 2) ridden some 210's. I have doneks in 175, 185, 185, 195, 205 and 205. The 175 is too short, the 185 is great, but just doesnt handle the high speed as well. I can do everything on my 195 that I can do on my 185, but it handles high speed and chop even better. The 205, though an absolute blast, is just a little unruly for the east coast (narrow runs and crowds). If I lived out west with wider, more open runs, I think I would be pushing for larger than 205.

    Couple things to keep in mind.

    205 is the largest board that fits in most of the long board bags such as the dakine dualy (making traveling with anything longer difficult).

    205 is the longest board that fits inside of a WRX without putting the board up on the dash. (175 is the longest that fits behind the driver seat).

    210 is the longest board that fit in several car top boxes.

    Long story short. . . get a 195. its a great long board size. Anything above I feel is too mission specific. If you have a huge amount of money for several mission specific boards, sure, add a 200+ board to the list, but if you are looking for one specific board to add to the quiver that is longer, get the Donek 195 that Geoff has. It is definately my favorite board of all time (and I no longer have one. :confused: . . ). :mad:


  9. Looking for a solid 180cm plus rock board.

    Had my first day out back on this east coast crap . . . made me realize that I need a rock board. Last years rock boards were retired at the end of the season, my new boards need to stay new. Looking for a decent 180 something for around $100. Dont care about scratches etc as long as the core still is safe (pop can be gone, but damaged core around the inserts is what scares me).


  10. Alright, this is off topic and not meant to hijack the thread, but. . .

    I have owned a 188 and a couple 197's. They rode well. . . but whats the deal with the cult following. Is it just because they are hard to get that they are so sought after?

    I am a long board fan, and I have ridden many long boards that ride notably better than the 197, and you can still get them easily/new. I remember for a while, the burner was the only board longer than a 185 that was available to the public. . . but now, there are several. If you have the money to get a hard to find burner, go to Prior, or Donek or coiler and order a board. I have ridden several Donek 195s that BURY the burner. I have ridden a coiler 19o something that was incredible as well. Tinkler appears to have a mean product too that I hope to try out this winter.

    I sold all my burners once I owned a donek 195. The burner just couldnt keep up with it, and I had seen too many broken tails. Figured I would cash out before mine broke as well.

    just my unwelcome 2 cents.


  11. Sean,

    I like the concept of a good base grind and 1 base, 1 side. Setting base bevel is a pain in the butt and most people run 1 base. Changing the 1 side to 2 or 3 side is pretty darn easy for anyone to do. I think that this is a move in the right direction.

    A good base grind and 1/1 tune is worth more in my book than a wax job!

    Cant wait for the new toys to come!

    Keep up the great work.


    Hey guys. I thought I'd update you on how we're shipping the boards these days. We've stopped hot waxing. With Jenifer doing all the shipping and final board prep with a baby in tow, we decided it was a bit much for her to have to wax. We did, however, buy a stone grinder last season and have it dialed in pretty well now. I think most people would prefer a nice flat base with a good stone structure to a hot wax, so hopefully it's seen as an improvement. We are also putting a 1 deg base bevel and a 1 deg side bevel on all the boards. I like it a bit better and have had good feedback so far.
  12. Pretty random I guess. . . but I happen to have a brand new in box, Bose Sounddock (never opened etc). Anyone intersted in buying it (to make money for snowboard equip) or trading for it?


    things I need. . .

    Always interested in boards in reasonable condition.

    Boots and or liners. Size 26 Af600's

    Bindings. . . Preference is Catek OS2's but have use for others.

    Non snowboard related stuff (looking to get into kiteboarding as well, so used kites etc)


  13. yeah. . . slalom skiing is the closest you can come in my opinion. especially by a tournament ski boat. No wake. . . . nice glassy day is almost as good as perfect cord in the AM. maybe I will go skiing tomorrow morning.

    ALL wakeboards you end up riding like a freestyle snowboard. there are some that carve better. I really like the Obrien Valhalla and Vice. They have a set of fins that are designed to bite when on edge that really remind me of something like a really really good freeride snowboard.

    But bar-none. . . slalom waterskiing comes much much closer to carving. Get a good ski though. Double boot, right flex pattern. . . as aggressive as you are comfortable with.


  14. On most counts. . .

    But fiberglasssupply.com is the place to go.

    I have been buying my carbon there for several years now. Best prices, best selection, fast shipping. Just dont use a discover card when ordering (looooooonnnnnnnnggggg story).

    Every year or so I go on a hunt for a cheaper supplier, when I think prices have gotten outrageous. Fiberglass supply always has come out on top for the weight and size and quantities of cloths most of us are interested in. IF you get ready for making LOTS of boards, there is another set of contacts to buy what you need by the whole roll. But that is $$$$ especially in carbon.


  15. Alright folks,

    lets not turn this into another catek VS bomber thread. Both bindings rock, both have their strengths, both have their weaknesses.

    To the question at hand. . . I have never experienced this, possibly because I strip my bindings off my board at the end of each period of riding, and I fiddle with my cant/lift setting more than once every 2 weeks. This means they always stay snug.

    Go with what SWT says, run just a little more torque on the cant/lift screws.

    I personally found that there was a wear in period on my OS2's. The cant/lift screw cups took a small set at first. after my first week of riding though, they found where they wanted to be.


  16. In regards to ~tb's comment re. salt damage: being on the West Coast, specifically in the Sierra's or Siskiyous, this never even occured to me. They don't use road salt in CA or NV so that's never been an issue, however w/ Scorpio being near the coastline, it could be an issue due to ambient(?) salt in the air??


    I doubt that ambient salt in the air from the ocean would be much of an issue. . . road salt is my main concern. If you put a board outside, and drive on roads that are salted, your edges can be wrecked in a 3 hour drive. sighhhhhhhhh. when will my parents learn.

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