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Posts posted by Hotbeans

  1. The only binding I've ever ridden has been os2's, so my opinion is from someone who started with them, and is still riding them:

    -Really adjustable..great if you have hardware in your ankle and need a wierd angle, obsessively adjustable if you aren't sure what angles you need...

    - Don't tighten the kingpin first--you run the risk of putting a nice cutout on your topsheet. The cutout will be precisely the diameter of the kingpin..

    - The floating ball-nut under the mounting plate sometimes floats when you really are trying to get the kingpin on/off..ie: it spins. I just pick up on the binding and 'most' of the time, the nut wont spin.

    - I initially found them "twitchy" which I understand correlates to stiffness. I used to leave my boots kind of loose to build in some forgiveness. Now, I'm enjoying the precision and cranking my boots (head stratos pro) tight.

    - If (and mine do about once/10hrs ride time) get loose, you'll notice the movement- if not on the slope, then while on the lift.

    Overall, I'm quite happy with them. Although, I do have a pair of td2's coming to me to do a comparison with.

  2. I have been running catek's since I started carving, of which I'm only in my second season..

    I just switched over to step-in's and rode same angles, set-back, everything and noticed an immediate improvement in my ride. And, I mean a hhUGE improvement! Some of what I noticed that I was focusing on while carving: ankle flexion/extension had more input into the carve, I was noticing that front of boot pressure was equal between front/rear, and, I had more control over diameter of arc carved. My coiler SLC now behaves as if it can do salolm AND (nearly) laid out gs carves!

    Can switching over to intec's be the reason, or did I just finally 'get it'??

  3. It appears that I'll be updating to intec's... Let's see.. in the last month, I've picked up 3 sets of bindings and 2 boards. Ahh, yet another vice getting a firm grip on my reality..

    and taking the last bit of space in my basement..

  4. Wife and I usually have a case of Guiness and Sierra Nevada Pale Ale on hand.

    I like most all the stouter stout's, oatmeal stouts. I do brew up a batch now and then. My problem, among others, is that I start drinking it two days after it's bottled. Actually, I guess I start drinking it during the mash stage..

  5. I'm happy to have met fellow hunters/carvers.. ... (there's a joke in there somewhere..)

    My son and I went out all day today. First hunt for him. It was somewhat frustrating as 45 minutes into the first stand of the morning, he stated, "I need to sit down."..and sat down in the wet leaves. He did pull off a nice 2.5hr stint in a tree-climber stand at the end of the day. The count was 13 doe at closing time...no shots fired.

    Good luck to you guys. If you'd ever like to come out to PA for some hunting, let me know. We have 170 acres..I'd be happy to guide 'ya!:AR15firin

  6. I think Bumpy was saying if one kid has to sit in the class and saves him and his family a life of pain - that would be worth it.

    I can agree with that. I get bent out of shape pretty quickly when someone creates the impression that they weren't responsible for their dumb*%$ move...seems there's always a lawyer present who'll agree. As one lawyer states on tv, "WE'LL GET MONEY FOR YOU!".. (oh, and they'll take 50% in fee's.).

  7. "You know if it makes just one kid think about the consequences and saves him from crippling himself-it's worth it."

    At the risk of adding fuel to this discussion, could you define 'worth it'?

    IMO, there is relative worth. The individual, the family, the friends, the state, the nation? There is the individual's potential earnings and local, state, federal taxes paid. And, if the individual is crippled for life, eg: life support, quadrapalegic, etc, then there are the medical bills, insurance, stress to family. Lawyers will have precedent to successfully argue other "at fault" suits and make some $$. Individuals, companies, organizations will have to have an attorney (and insurance co.)review their relative risk. The fee's will benefit both. The next person to consider taking on the half-pipe without a clue will at least have the comfort knowing that there may be a chance for a huge reward if they get injured.

    Certainly not all-inclusive, the above situation represents the negative aspects of a bad decision. Are there positives? I don't know.. The chance of reproduction will be somewhat limited. The individual will take the brunt of the responsibility for his/her actions, and, if not crippling, will take home a very important lesson.

    Should we as a society be protecting those individuals whose thought process short circuit when attempting to assess risk?

  8. I agree. Facilities, individuals, companies....everyone needs protection from lawyers who take (and some seek out/promote) these cases. My point is that the lawyers who feel that some jack$#@ has a case against whoever owns the property that they hurt themselves on, need to be given a lesson on common sense.

    Unfortunately, our country is run by lawyers. So, we're stuck with this moronic definition of "responsibility" until we change them out...

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