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Everything posted by CarvingScooby

  1. Great condition...now I wonder Rocker Tanker or Swallowtail ? :rolleyes: RT
  2. Nice finding... Me & Rod start 9ishAM. Blueb came later with Luka. Toys: Rod - Crazy "Tricambered" Banana 156, Scooby - SG185, WCRM177 Start in bad condition, Visi was limited to variable all the way to 12.30. Snow condition crushty corduray - groomed drunken groomer with deep gulley in some spot and lots of base ball ice chunks to soccer size. Had to move one big one on JJA, I was wondering to start new sport "soccer carving":rolleyes: Take a break around 11.30 and plan to join Blueb with on ski...:onot happening as soon as I saw the sun shining on Rainbow. Finish at 2.30. RT(25)
  3. Now-Blueb as DEMOlition :eek:board carver :rolleyes:. Paging...to any board builder who need structure test....;) Cheers RT
  4. Wow, never seen this. Is your BTS spring also red? And the bottom nut was adjusted on high? If so the RED spring combine by tighten the bottom nut up - the stiffness became larger thn the flex of expose threaded rod. This mean that the flex you've got on your boots cud came only from the flex of the threaded rod and it became fatique. Solution: Larger dia of threaded rod required for this set up & setting or reduce the expose thread or change spring stiffness. Or modify the bottom end rod with a pin so the rod can pivot more freely instead bends to the pressure. Is that make sense?:o Happy Snow and stay safe RT
  5. Start early at 9AM. Tiny carvers gather Gary, Rod, Beagle and later Blueb join after teaching last week "fun" school kids group:freak3:. Toys: Gary-Head Ski163; Rod-"Sick" Triple decambered Banana156(?); Beagle-Prior169(?); Scooby- SGRace185 & WCRM177; Blueb-Virus Vampire177 Fun dry carving day after a wet week. Nice granule groomed with a couple inches soft compact layer under neath ontop the evil icy stuff on the very bottom. The granule groomed layer hold for a few hours due to noone on the hill before start loosen to sugar icing. Getting rusty after a week off. Widen the stance 0.5" on SG to 19.5" by moving the rear binding backward to stablize tail for finishing turn and it worked. Stays on SG till 11 before switching to WCRM177. The WCRM is alot lighter and easier to switch but not as smooth-ride as the SG on uneven bottom hard pack. I guess SG longer effective edge and the tapered tail made it more forgiving. Blueb ride looks effortless on the Vampires even thou he explain he had to crank the flex early before every turn otherwise board will go wide. Call it off @1PM heading to Crazy Raven Pub for wet sosializing:rolleyes: RT(24)
  6. Hey Leeho, awesome boards. U mind share the specs (Waist, Nose & Tail width, scr)? And distance measurement: from Nose and Tail to the closest screw row insert and distance between Front & Rear screw row insert. Greatly appraciated if u share ridin report. Thx. RT
  7. With instructor jacket...must be Ruwi, I doubt Tenorman wud go out in the rain...unless he just received his 2011 F2:rolleyes: RT
  8. Congrat and welcome. Kaoru (wife of Flywalker) convert from skier to HB, luv it right away, start rippin on her 3 rd day . http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=31521&page=3 What's up with the ladies here...they just luv the extreme don't they? RT
  9. No way.... and they were talking about the game across the world ..arrrgh got fooled:freak3: I sud had known...Thanks thou...u probably knew who rides those boards...:rolleyes: Cheers RT
  10. On CBC an hour ago in La Molina Saturday Jan 15, 2011. See the the boards between them in the back ground, (on the right) Coiler in Red Black Circle and Donek in Green Flame RT
  11. Big Air: The Canadian Press Sat, 15 Jan 2011 14:48:00 CST Share | LA MOLINA, Spain - Canadian Zach Stone won silver in the big air contest Saturday in the opening event of the FIS Snowboard World Championships. The 19-year-old from Collingwood, Ont., tied for second with Seppe Smits of Belgium at 48.9 points, but was awarded the silver medal through a tiebreaker. Petja Piiroinen of Finland won the gold with 51.7 points. Stone's silver is Canada's first ever in the big air discipline at the world championships.
  12. But WET all the way from Thursday to Monday http://www.theweathernetwork.com/skifx/CABC0697/cabc0308
  13. Skiers talking to each other: Wow! PRIOR made that too...:rolleyes: RT
  14. Great sunny day today on hard pack carving condition and sugar icing on top. More crowd thn yesterday. Start bit later today at 10 ish AM with Flywalker & wife, lucky some parking space available on the first 3 row. Blueb cudn't join today but as Toys were BOMBING Eagle chair today: xy9ine = DONEK GS170 - Glad you like it bli3tzkri3g = PRIOR WCRM173 - Wow that's bling bling top sheet Flywalker = KESSLER 171 - Board & Ian became friends now Kaoru = PROTON SL149 - Love the narrow deck Scooby = PRIOR WCRM177 missing one-who? Did warm up lap at Panorama thn move to JJA till 11.30. JJA got covered by new layer of snow, (I heard) from the snow machine that they run them the night before. Move to Rainbow at Lions chair condition icier groomed run for 4 runs thn move back to JJA. Call it off at 1.45PM Yesterday on Saturday Jan8, 2011 struggling with chatter WCRM177. Today had a blast with tweaking the binding adjustment, change to red elastomer+suspension kit and applied "Gilmore Bias" & it worked!!! Board smoothly glide on its edge with out loosin the grip. On steeper rainbow board still holding.
  15. Take off the screw completely and reinsert with silicone applied to the tread uo to the bottom of the screw head to sealed the hole. That's factory defect-warranty. If accepted for RMA (Return Merchandise Authorisation) don't do anything. RT
  16. Came around 9.30 with Ian aka Flywalker and his wife Kaoru. Lodge parking was available half empty. Snowed wet drops and later on turn to rain. Lions chair was the only chair was closed that morning but later mid afternoon was open. Toys: Flywalker = Kessler 171, Kaoru = Burton E-deck (size?), Scooby = WCRM173Wide Warm up lap did 2 runs on Easy Rider thn move to Eagle chair on Panorama for 3-4 runs and last run did Crazy Raven. Condition was mixed compact slush, chowder, slurrrrpy. Too many times close call went over the handle bar from sudden slow of the slurrrrpy sucking break. After the break me & Ian tried 2 runs on Lions before call it off for the day. But despite the bad condition Flywalker and wife run confident on new set-up. Friday will be a wet day, Saturday Sunday looks promising.
  17. Ouch, sorry to about the board. Pix will tell thousands of words... +1 to some degree of the damage...maybe Bruce can give some suggestion after looking at the pixs.. RT
  18. Board move to Vancouver (not to me), thn I wanted to take over (I did tested with raiser http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=31521&page=3 ) but found out I have too much beer for that board without raisers and now is spoken for and will be reside in Sapporo, Japan. But this week it will play for a few days at here Cypress. Welcome to join us this week, check Cypress Diaries or email me direct RT
  19. Go to the management/office/snow school: ask for Boris and private HB lesson. His teaching day is Tuesday. Or call 604.926.5612 first to set up. RT
  20. Came later at around 10 ish with Blueb group, parking still on main area but at the end. Line up at ticket booth...but crowd still manageable at the chair line up. Met Geo aka crucible, Blueb has to entertain his group and Luka, good thing later on he can have a few runs on Mid-way. Snow cindition mixed, hero groomed hard pack, some spots are softer and some icy but all main runs are carveable. Geo call it off at 2PM while I continue to 3.30PM Toys: Blueb = Prior WCRM173, crucible = Coiler GS(?)182, Scooby = Prior WCRM177 Amaze by the flex of the Coiler, I wudn't know it's a non metal deck. Has similar character of metal deck when vibrate. RT(18)
  21. DONEK GS170 to the rescue... might drop by tomorrow... RT
  22. Ouch, I wud too... now I don't feel so bad Cypress charging $70 tx incld (PEAK days). WhistlerBlackcomb $95 tx incld. RT
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