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Posts posted by Aracan

  1. I had a hole-in-one once, but never from zero to solution in one step. My starting word is "stray", because "stern" was the hole-in-one already 😉 I prefer starting words that contain many common letters, and the final "y" often comes in handy.

  2. It is definitely happening. Glaciers are disappearing fast, the first glacier resorts have ceased operations here (probably for good). Where I grew up, there wasn't a single Xmas without snow at least until the mid-90s, and I remember winters with 6'+ snow in my parents' backyard (at an elevation of 2,600 ft). Now it's a coin toss between white and green on the 24th.

    We are also having an extremely warm autumn. We used to buy season passes at a discount in November. This year I doubt we would get our money's worth.

  3. Level are nice and all, but they don't hold up to dragging your hands in the snow. As dredman said: rather pricey for something you have to work on every season. I ended up laminating fiberglass on mine in places. I have been using Thor gloves the past season, curious to see how they will hold up. Given the current temperatures in these here parts, they will probably last very, very long.

  4. Spent the whole vacation at the weekend home. We were very glad we didn't have to spend time at airports or drive anywhere hot. Once we biked over to Hallstatt, had a drink and watched the tourist hordes, went home even gladder. Changed the broken speaker on the wife's Jeep. Did some swimming, drinking with the neighbors, gaming, and reading. Very nice.

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  5. I remember that scene. At the time I assumed that while an EMP would probably fry the electronics of the HDD, it might conceivably leave the magnetic disc itself readable. But that is definitely not my area of expertise.

    Then again, I do know quite a bit about the baroque era. I found the Baroque Cycle very well researched, but I did not enjoy it as much as Stephenson's other works because I did not learn a lot I hadn't already known. So it seems he usually does his homework.

  6. Unfortunately, I don't have the binding before me right now, may take a week or two before I can supply a photo. According to my wife, who is an engineer and knows her way around materials science, there was no necking or anything. I also check my bindings regularly, because the nuts on F2 bindings are a known point of failure. I ordered new front and rear bails for all three pairs in the household.

  7. As you can probably guess, I got a reminder about this the other way: F2 front bails, beefy though they may look, will not last forever. My rear one broke in its 7th or 8th season. Thankfully it was on a moderately pitched slope with soft snow. Better to replace them before you are less lucky.

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  8. On 3/16/2022 at 2:50 AM, 1xsculler said:

    I’ve never ridden a wide (23.7) board before so I have no idea what to expect. 45/40.

    On a wide board it's worth a try to set more splay. Assuming 40° is the lower limit for the rear binding while still avoiding overhang, set the front to 60° for a try. Don't forget to bring a screwdriver in case you don't like it.

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  9. Just discovered this thread after finishing the Patrick O'Brian canon for the third time. Before that I reread the classic noir novels by Hammett and O'Brien.

    Also recently read: Drop City by T.C. Boyle (very funny!)

    My Early Life by Winston Churchill, which I can highly recommend.

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