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Everything posted by crackaddict

  1. I'll take a "maybe". Wicked! Anyone else? I know you guys have been itching to ride Revy... Keep an eye on the snow report. Right now it's dumping, the corduroy is buried deep. https://www.revelstokemountainresort.com/conditions/snow-report
  2. Any of you Vancouver carvers planning on dropping into The RACES in Revelstoke? It's not too far away, the conditions have been excellent all season, there's free accommodation, amazing terrain, and a handful of dedicated carvers to ride and drink with. January 25th to Feb 10th. @BlueB? Want to bring out those prototypes?
  3. I gots a zero cant for the e-rings. Very local.
  4. Is this happening again? That was such a riot last year, I want to do it again. Also, all you Albertans are invited to The RACES in Revelstoke January 25th to February 10th. You know about that right? I understand that most of you have jobs and won't be able to attend all the festivities, but I do hope you'll each find a few days to make an appearance and leave some tracks.
  5. So many great stances to choose from... But not a lot of duck footers on this forum. Did I just out myself? Well it's true I like some variety, and my back foot does tend to open up when it snows. Don't judge me, but in a busy week I'll ride four different stances: -6/15 for splits and pow boards, 15/30 on wide softboot carvers, 30/45 for AM hardboot carvers (24ish waists), and 55/60 for my real narrow boards. @moose: Looks like your toe pieces are bigger than mine too. You might sneak most of an inch with a smaller toe like the new Phantom/Spark collaboration. Because I know you want to move the whole stance back in that ultralight pow pow. A cheaper option is a custom aluminium plate to mount under the one offending tech toe and bring it back an inch or two, or put a couple of t-nuts in your base like the DIY splitboarders used to and put your tech toe wherever you like. @b0ardski: Who else is doing reverse sidecut at the tip and tail? I''ve only seen the Thirsts and the Furbergs. I think I like it a lot though. Seems to really smooth things out and make the ride more forgiving and less hooky.
  6. @bigwavedave Awesome. Now it's a party! Feel free to come earlier and stay longer if Sun Peaks seems boring... We should be able to do better than a mattress in The Crackhouse for you. You'll be plenty comfortable, no worries. The Arrow Lakes are actually part of the Columbia River. (The part they flooded with the dam in Castlegar.) Doesn't freeze, Shelter Bay ferry runs all winter. Early season has been excellent here with so many powder days! Not so much carving yet, but the corduroy should reappear tomorrow for a bit.
  7. @Moose, Thing is, those toe piece inserts need to be dead centre of mass on the split ski or you're gonna have trouble climbing... You would have to add weight to tail if you want to move the inserts back. (Not much, and you can just do the one heelside ski.) Other solutions include: 1. Phantom Rocket Risers (adjustable mounting, and both the riser bars fold forward) 2. Wider stance 3. Lower angles 4. Different board (some boards have more space between the toe inserts and the front binding inserts) Really though, your splitboard is not also your carving board. With the boot sole length on your AT boots there's no way you're gonna carve hard with an "all-mountain" carving stance anyway (15/30). So overhang. Ride a stance that you can comfortably land toeside jump turns in tight trees or steep chutes. -6/15 is a popular directional stance (for back country and boardercross I think). 3/21 or 6/24 if you need to face forward, but it's the duckfoot that makes the landings easy. Or is the snow so light in Summit County that you don't get moguls? And all the riding is so far above treeline that you just carve sweeping arcs across open bowls with steep angles and big smiles? Enjoy.
  8. Buell is right about the Phantom Bindings. This is the top of the line, highest performing splitboard hardboot setup. The real key to the performance on the skin track is in the tech toe. Phantom makes their own, but you can also use Dynafit or another brand. But only AT boots are tech toe compatible... Your RC10s are way too heavy for the backcountry anyway, but you wouldn't need the UPZ touring pieces, those are for ski bindings. People cut and drill the shit out of those boots to make them soft enough for powder snowboarding. Here's a photo of my setup... Yes, I took a hole saw and a hot knife to $800 ski boots to make them perform more like snowboarding softboots... (I'm still waiting for someone to make me a splitboard boot which is as light as the AT boots and has the tech toe, but a sole length like the UPZ, fin-tec heel compatible, and fits and rides like quality softies...)
  9. It only takes a few runs to adapt but go easy at first and pay attention getting off the lift. I'm getting the split 160 freeride. The new blue one with 13m sidecut. Should ride a bit more "normal". Been riding the white solid 168 freeride for a couple of seasons. Unbeatable for gnarly terrain and chop, not my first choice for fresh open bowls and I still avoid groomers on the Furberg. The RACES is January 25th to February 10th 2019. Free accommodation 300m from the gondola. See details in the Carve Sessions section.
  10. Careful on that thing. It's kind of a rite of passage to crash a Furberg on your first run... It's a different kind of ride, takes some getting used to. But nothing gives me more confidence in steep tight trees and chutes. Kind of weird on the groom though. Do you have the white one with the 18m sidecut? You'll love it! (In pow.) Come to Revelstoke for the RACES, powder boards see a lot of use here...
  11. Thanks Rus, This is a rare board with only one retailer on this continent... Plus, they're offering me 10% off for a pre-order. It's gonna take a few weeks at least. Hopefully you guys will have some snow by then and my new Thirst will be ready for pickup. This is the outcome I wanted. It's a little slower, but way cheaper. Plus, now I'm committed to riding those perfect winch groomed black diamonds with you guys again... I keep dreaming about those... James
  12. Thanks Guys. Found a duty calculator online. Shipped to Canada will cost about $360 CDN, shipped to the US will be $387 USD! I will have to buy the board through a US retailer, and they'll ship free anywhere in the US. It'll take longer, but I save a lot and will be able to justify that trip to Schweitzer...
  13. So I'm trying to get a board shipped from Europe (Furberg Freeride Split). If I have it sent here to Revelstoke it will arrive with a bill for about $150 CDN for brokerage and federal tax. Can I save that coin by picking it up in the US? When you guys get boards from Europe or Japan do they arrive with postage due on what was supposed to be a 'free shipping' offer? They always do in Canada, even when shipped from the US. Also, has anybody experienced delays at customs on snowboards? Winter is on now and nothing rides steep chutes and tight trees like a Furberg. I'm debating having it shipped to Idaho to pick up along with my new Thirst. The money I could save on two boards is to finance a short trip to Schweitzer. Thanks.
  14. Also, Revelstoke is on this season's Ikon Pass: https://www.ikonpass.com/en/compare-the-ikon-passes $749 USD gets you five days at Revy, Big Sky Montucky, and 24 other resorts, plus unlimited riding at another 12 resorts, mostly in Colorado and California. If you're planning to travel a bit this winter, this is the way to do it. And this, from Revelstoke Mountain Resort, five days ago.... Seventeen days 'till opening and the forecast is looking good.
  15. Just in case you're not psyched yet, keep an eye on this page: https://www.revelstokemountainresort.com/conditions/webcams
  16. Dave! It'll be great so see you again too. Welcome welcome... The more the merrier... J
  17. Hey Barry, Revy is where the snow falls. We are in the only inland rainforest on the continent, which means we get more precipitation than anywhere else that isn't coastal. And because we're not coastal, our snow is lighter. Did you move from Tahoe to Cannon this summer? What are you gonna do with all those new Moss boards now? Sorry about screwing up your plans. Really though, your answer was contained in the question: Do you really want to spend two days travelling each way just to ride (completely jet lagged) among strangers who don't speak your language? OhD, It was so great to ride with you last year. You are one of only two real hardbooters I've seen in Revelstoke in five seasons. That's another part of the reason I want to bring carvers here; to prove to the locals that I'm not such a freak... Hope to see you again this winter. James
  18. That's awesome Mark, you're in. Congratulations! Check in is anytime after 2pm. James
  19. Hell yes! I love it! I tried to get something like that going last year: The Carving World Tour (of the Northern Rockies), I called it. But I started too late and it seemed by then that the NES dates were non-negotiable, I also didn't have as much vacant space at The Compound as I do now, and a lot of riders had their priorities all messed up (I mean, they had to work or something). So I sort of did it on my own: Revy - Nakiska - Revy - Montana - Revy - Schweitzer... Except I never made it to Schweitzer last season because it didn't stop snowing there all winter, and I'll only travel for great corduroy. Powder doesn't interest me unless it's bottomless; I need to trust that the snow is consistent before I can really let loose. So ya, who's in for a caravan tour?
  20. Corey! Fantastic. It will be my great pleasure to ride with you again! Don't worry, I won't put you in the Crackhouse... Moderators and vendors can have first pick at the best rooms. After that maybe we'll do it 'first come first served', just to encourage members to commit early. Also, you should know there won't be a 'no passing' rule in Revelstoke. My new Thirst is 191cm. (The super-secret, very limited run 9SW custom.) So you'll either have to let me go first, or expect to be passed. The good news is that the 'no collisions' rule is in effect so we'll all be safe(ish), and I won't pass you on the backside... And Corey, if you know about a border crossing with "friendly officers", let's cross there... James
  21. Hey Barry, Was that confusing? You were formerly a member of BOL and you are now a current member of ASB right? Should I have written instead: "anyone who was a member of the now defunct BOL"? The idea is, anyone who was a member of BOL can come and stay for free. I figure, at this point, pretty much every member of ASB was also a BOL member, so they qualify. This was meant to exclude only folks who might hear about this offer and join ASB for the free room. There's a lot of demand for housing in Revelstoke in the winter, and people do crazy shit so... That little provision was inspired by Alexi from OES who, I'm sure you'll remember, offered demo boards last year to any member of BOL who had been a member for at least two years and who had some minimum number of posts. It's a low bar, but there has to be some sort of limits when you open your house to the universe on the internet, which is something we do at The Compound on multiple platforms. Maybe next year it will be anyone who has been an ASB member for at least a year? We'll see. Anyway, I really hope you'll attend. There's more corduroy here than I can shred by all by myself (not for lack of trying), and they keep making more every night! I just want to ride at home with some like-booted carvers and put my extra space to good use. So welcome... James P.S. Just because I know a lot of people are probably wondering: no, I don't smoke crack, I climb cracks in big rocks. And yes, of course the Crackaddict has a Crackhouse... There's nowhere else to get my fix here in the winter!
  22. The Compound in Revelstoke is hosting a carving session this season, and hopefully for many seasons to come. This is the first annual Revelstoke Applied Carving Expression Session (The RACES). Free accommodation is offered to any former member of BOL (read: any member of ASB whose account was transferred over from BOL) for as many nights as they like between January 25th and February 10th. We are located just 300 yards from the gondola... The only other provision is this: if it's not a powder day, you have to ride hard boots (Rob Stevens and Mig excepted...). We have four empty bedrooms, seven available couches, and not less than a dozen decent mattresses in The Crackhouse (our community climbing gym). We have hosted up to 25 people at a time in the past, and everyone was comfortable. If we get more than eight riders at once though, some of you will have to bring your own bedding. There will be some demo boards from Thirst and Exegi. We can maybe try to get some Coilers too if there's enough interest. If we have over 20 riders, we'll also be eligible for discounted lift tickets. On the evening of February 2nd, Oliver Delorie (oliverlukedelorie.com) will be performing a live concert at The Compound. This night is not to be missed. On February 10th (after riding of course) we'll all carpool or caravan down to Turner Mountain to carve up some perfect Montucky corduroy and keep the party going (about seven hours' drive). Despite the acronym, no actual races will be held. Except for maybe a Chinese Downhill on the Last Spike: a ten mile wandering journey which very slowly descends 5600 vertical feet. If you don't know what a Chinese Downhill is, see this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_Qe3HBqFhTU. Winner gets bragging rights and maybe a Play Doh trophy. To learn more about The Compound, check out these links: https://www.helpx.net/host.asp?hostid=38561 and https://www.facebook.com/theCompoundinRevelstoke/ If you want to attend the session, please post your dates and the number of people in your party to this forum. No PMs please, let's keep the psych public! This is going to be a blast, cash in those vacation days now!
  23. I'm in. Signed up yesterday. Stop procrastinating and get yourself signed up before the deadline to make sure this event is gonna happen.
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