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Everything posted by dredman

  1. 2 Ravens I am sorry but I will not be able to make it to the event this year. I wish you and the whole SkES gang a wonderful time! Say Hi! to Rabbit for me!!
  2. Excellent groomers, Good visibility from mid to bottom, so Chair 2 was riding very nicely till noon... Then Toni Matt was riding very nicely from about 1/4 of the way down to the bottom. Hardly anyone braved the fog on Chair 1 so even in the afternoon Toni Matt was riding very nicely. At the "Frabert" (= screw-up of the week) in the Bierstube tonight, the ski patrol told a story from the week that involved a ski patroller with mittens that have safety strings on them... who stopped to take a wiz.... the fellow finished up his business and could not find his yellow pee hole in the snow... he continued to look around and his clothes were not wet....shrugged it off...then put on his mittens... Yep, filled it right up. The skies look clear tonight and the groomers are once again buffing out the snow for another day of fun. Tomorrow, visibility and conditions permitting will be a tribute the the Honorable Shred Groomer. Johnasmo will be riding the Violator 188 and I will be on the Das Amputator 201. The Das Amputator was built in 2001 by Donek and designed by Shred, while the Violator was built by Coiler in 2005 and also designed by Shred. Not sighted today was Big Canuk and crew?? You need bail? Cheers, dredman
  3. Ahh... Actually a very fine carving day. Got a bit lumped up in the afternoon but was still riding good till last chair!! There was quite a large pack of riders spread all over the mountain. The only casuality that I know of was Dr.D breaking his binding rather severely. Tomorrow should be even better carving conditions if we do not get any snow tonight and the crowds should be non-existent! We last saw Shred in the Bierstube watching the football game... Tomorrow morning Chair 2 9:00...AM that is. Allee, hope you had a safe and uneventful ride home.
  4. Ahh, day 1 of WTF.... HUGE CROWDS! SUNNY SKIES.... WAY TOO SOFT OF GROOMERS... But good times. The weather and temps are looking very favorable for tomorrow. The groomers are up and working right now. With the warmer temps during the day then cooling in the afternoon.... I am hoping for very nice firm groomers in the morning! (at least on the lower slopes) Till tomorrow!
  5. This is a sad day. Click HERE for the full story.
  6. Even after several showers....I still smell of the hot springs.
  7. Well Saturday was a carvers dream! Super nice groomers, not much traffic till late in the afternoon. BDD was looking excellent on his new Donek. Sunday gave us nearly a foot of delicious fluffy pow! The Black Chicken of Death even made a glorious appearance! We finished out the day soaking in Heise Hot Springs!! So BDD and I will be up on Wednesday! The hill opens at 12:30 so we will see you there!! BCOD (2 Ravens) get healthy and see you on Wednesday! James, come on over and see how we do it at the Canyon!! Kelly Canyon Style
  8. Well BDD and I rode from 1 to 7...Excellent carving!! Had about 3 inches of fluff on really nice groomers, little to no traffic on the hill and huge smiles on our faces!! Saturday is the next session. 2 Ravens want to join us at sweet little Kelly's on Sunday? Cheers, dredman
  9. BigDogDave and I will be rocking the Canyon tomorrow afternoon and evening. Come one and all if you want to join!! We will be there Saturday also...not sure on Sunday yet...Ghee???Snowking??? BlackChickenofDeath are you interested? Crack Addict how about you?
  10. Montucky Militia will include... Johnasmo BigDogDave The Black Chicken of Death (2 Ravens) and myself!! Woo hoo!! See you all there!! (that was a warning)
  11. As Fin once said "We do not make snowboards, we make snowboarding damper." Whats not to like about dampness?
  12. Believe it or not.... This was the only picture that either Johnasmo or I took all weekend. Sunny, good groomers, good powder on Saturday. Sunny and good groomers on Sunday.... The entire Flathead valley was socked in with low clouds...But sunny and wonderful on the Big and no where else. Not too bad of a way to start the season!!
  13. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=22003 Hope this helps.
  14. I would advise anyone that is planning on riding the WMR more than 3 days this season to pick up a frequent skier card. After 2-3 days of riding you will be saving money and only spending $41.00 per ticket. These cards must be purchased by December 24, so you better get moving on this deal. Things are shaping up for a reasonable opening weekend here.... Just a bit more snow and it should be great! Any of the local talent planning on being up on Saturday? Cheers, dredman
  15. Hmmm... Right now it is shaping up to be a typical opening weekend with limited terrain. The backside (yawn) should be in pretty good shape but Johnasmo and I are really questioning if anything on the front will open up... besides the cat track to the village area. Here is a link to what the NWS predicts the weather will be like. So looks like there is some more snow headed our way. The WMR (Big Mtn) site is still being cryptic on what will be open. However they are saying "it will be the best opening day in years". I mounted up my rock carver and am very hopeful that Toni Matt or Chair 2 will be open on the front. If this next storm cycle brings us lots of joy then maybe even the metal boards will come out....please, please, please... I would advise anyone that is planning on riding the WMR more than 3 days this season to pick up a frequent skier card. After 2-3 days of riding you will be saving money and only spending $41.00 per ticket. So...is it worth the drive??? Well you would get to enjoy Montucky. And yes Johnasmo, myself, Angry Rick, West, New Dave, Mario, Sqwall Bunny and the rest of the gang should be around!
  16. Casper, I will be riding in Whitefish this winter!! It has been cold and we have been getting reasonable amounts of snow. The hill is opening on Dec 4!!! <object width="640" height="385"> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZH-wWxtry0?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></object> John is responsible for the videos. I believe this is a mix of your footage and his from last season that had not been posted yet. I think it is super sweet when you compare this footage to years past and see the progressions of your, 2 Ravens and BigDogDave's riding. Very impressive! And to actually catch some footage of Johnasmo's riding!! Super fun times!! We will have to plan another Targhee weekend for the end of the season! Enjoy! dredman oops... this one <object width="640" height="385"> <embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwu_wPsBhh4?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></object>
  17. <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkxk5P3on0Y?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkxk5P3on0Y?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object> <object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZH-wWxtry0?fs=1&hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZH-wWxtry0?fs=1&hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>
  18. BCOD.... Lets hear some King or Ghee updates from your corner of Wyadho. PS. say hi to Rabbit.
  19. The majority of the 30 inches that were enjoyed a week or so back is nearly all gone. There was a recent dusting 2 nights ago. Snow level is only down to about half way and the top looks pretty thin. 20% to 30% chance of snow till Friday night, then 40% -60% for a couple days after that. It will come, and it will be so good!
  20. However... he still rode 3-4 days (if that many) after getting put back together (plate and screws). As I remember, he needed a little less than 100,000 vertical feet to capture the most vertical ridden at WMR for the season. So Angry Rick and I would ride as blockers to protect him from someone else colliding into him. And yes he did get the Big Vert for that season. Early season snow in the video was excellent! I had not ridden a soft gear/freestyle set up in many many years. The turns were very surfy and so fun! Cheers to all, dredman
  21. http://www.bomberonline.com/vbulletin/showthread.php?t=27536 More good discussion on the plate on powder board topic. Enjoy
  22. I must be getting old... now I remember... or do I?
  23. Judging by Two Ravens last message... The Montucky Contingency may have forgotten or not known that we missed the Black Chicken of Death's Birthday... If we did... Happy Birthday BCoD!! I highly doubt from BBD or Johnasmos perspective that you are really old, nor are you from my perspective. Happy Birthday!! (I think that is what you were getting at?) Never older, just better!!
  24. Just got my son a pair of the P02's for my son. Worked great! Thank you!
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