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Everything posted by Dave ESPI

  1. I tore my ACL in my shoulder in soft boot gear 2 hours later than when I had a huge binding failure on my race plates and suffered no injury.It really all just comes down to luck of the draw, riding cautiously, and chance. No way to "insure an unjury free life"...... just live with the risk, and enjoy all that it entails :)
  2. I ride 1996 3 strap Burton Custom Freeride bindings. I kid you not that they are the best bindings I have ever owned, and love them for racing, and even just out freecarving. I ride 55 degrees front and 35 back both agressive since day # 1 of my career as a boarder.
  3. Sito, yeah that is the email that bounced back to me whenI tried them :(
  4. Went to Killington Mountain with POW. ....for the last day of eastcoast riding. Killington Mountain had 9 trails open. We tried the carve boards and hardboots on the first run we took, nut the snow was impossible to carve in as it was the consistency of a SNO_CONE... all we needed to add was the flavored syrup. We all griped a bit, but learned very quickly how to utelize the snow to our advantage* and had a blast.... Anyone who ONLY rides in hardboots is insane, and we were more than glad we brought the soft setups and rockboards. By 11:00 it was entirely a mogul field from all the skiers making piles of the soft corn-grain sized icy snow chunks on the main run under the lift, so us boarders really had a workout ! By the mid afternoon some of the side trails had been skied off in patches and we were finaly able to make some headway speed and not worry about moguls as much. A fun day all in all as to be going out in MAY is just awesome in of it's own right Well, I guess that it being a perfectly sunny day, and no one comming back injured or broken, we would do it all over again :) * Went back to the car for soft boots and the big wide planks :D Dave (DaveESPI), Pete, Steve(POW), Csheiza <!-- / message -->
  5. I have coffe maker and gourmet coffee here ;)
  6. LAST CALL ! sofar there is 4 of us going.......... well 2 are skiers, but they are racers, so they will be able to keep up ;) Any Hardbooters want to meet up, 11:00 at the base lift, I'm sure we will be there.
  7. I tried sending an e-mail ( got bounced back as no good) The Phone Number onthe back of the instruction booklet does not work, so how Do I contact SNOW PRO ?
  8. My personal gripe is when forum members battle over an item, nad the price gets inflated beyond reality. If I show interest in something... as in I NEED THIS BOARD... PLEASE DO NOT COUNTER BID ME..... and someone comes in at the last 2 seconds and snipes it without watching it since day 1... THAT irks the piss outa me. But hey...... it's a free world, and thats all part of the game. Linking to sites and deals or whatever that I normaly would never see is a great way to help others in the hobby. I don't look for the same items every week, but when they do come up I like to know of a special noteworthy item :)
  9. In the northeast.... If the snow is softer than the bindings.......... you've got problems ! :lol: POW, figure on comming Sat night and staying here if you want. It will save you an hour or so travel time and not needing to wake up at the crack ass of dawn to get to Albany before heading up. I called Hanz from out in Mass, but no response back yet. I'll send Bill a PM and perhaps another rider.
  10. Steve, that bike looks kicken rad !I have a FSS MTB also, but no disc brakes, and it is almost 10 years old. It is in need of being replaced.... where you getting that bike from ? Right now I'm trying to finance a new 1/5th scale gas Monster Truck ..... I should have the cash all together by the 20th of May..... just short of 2 grand later... LOL
  11. Last chance to ride on the eastcoast I believe will be May 6th at Killington. I'd love to go if any bombers would like to carpool. LMK.
  12. I'll be boarding.......... the skies :lol: It's RC season... time to whip out the RadioControl cars, jets and Heli. The garage at my friends house just doesn't cut it and the "animals" want out... Nice "landing" right ? and Yeah, those blades whipping at 3500 RPM do indeed hurt the shins..... luckily they fold up.... and get stuck in styrafoam garage doors...
  13. Thanks BB. In no way am I calling the SnowPro bindings "Junk"... and actualy they were really a nice riding binding. I'm looking into getting "LARGE" sized ones for my powder board actualy as now that I look ( a lot closer than before despite the box saying LARGE in big letters when I got them from e-bay a year ago) they are indeed Medium... it is the only explenation I can comeupwith as to why it is railed out so far for a size 12 US and 29-30 Mondo ( Which is fairly common size in Mens.) I'm 150 #'s and tall, but I ride low and tucked agressively on the board and really amp up the angles of attack, so I drive hard when I do initiate, so I think that this was the key ingreedient in the disaster stew I was brewing since the boards I tend ride are stiff even in the freestyle boards with soft boots.The ACL is healing, but I may need PT and/ Or surgery if the shoulder does not roll back into position eventualy as it is "pidgeon toed" in and rolled forward now. I R FR33K LOL.... as to "famous USA bindings..." yeah I had a pair given to me and I just laughed and donated them to another vintage "collector" on this forum last year in May or so... knowing full well I'd be in the hospital if I even tried to ride them. I'm really dissapointed with the direction that Burton has gone in the past few years.
  14. Yeah, I really am glad I did walk away.... but later that day I tore my ACL in soft boot and board setup throwing a front flip off a jump in the park. :lol: It is still better than having a leg busted in 3 places anyday ;) I think I may drill the plate and base, and make some sort of a rod that will fit down in and be threaded with a recessed pan head screw since I really won't be changing the size of the binding as I ride a Mondo 30 boot. I also wonder if these bindings are a "Medium" instead of a "Large" size. They are cranked all the way out for toe and heel to fit the boot. The bails really are not super tight, but they are snug as they should be. At any rate, I plan on getting some TD-Titaniums over the summer. I can't ride with knowing there is a "possability" of these things comming loose in a catastrophic manor while doing 45 MPH + racing in GS next season..... IMHO, The SP race are OK bindings for kids or "beginners"... but I think perhaps I have surpassed their learning curve usefullness since I'm running close to what racers apply to their boards with G-force and flex torque on the components while riding. I'm going to e-mail the company at any rate.
  15. As mentioned in 2 other threads, I had a major binding malfunction with my snowpro RACE model bindings. The metal adjustment screw sticks up and into a hole in the back of the heel plate. It is a very shallow hole, and I think my riding has progressed far beyond the flex and strain that these "race" plates can handle. I was riding down a diamond, and laying some agressive turns in very heavy snow and on a heelside transition.......... well, all I know is the board dissapeared from under my feet, I did a 180, my front leg was "missing" from the board and I slide 30 feet down and over into a race fence. as I looked back up the hill after doing the " OMG WTF>>> AM I OK"... body check.... I see a black piece in the snow and another snowsports instructor picking it up saying "woah... is this yours? what eh hell just happened" ? I looked at it and went " WOW COOL !... I just totaly tore my bindings out!" EDIT: NOT COOL..... they are "kaput". The lip on the heel plate bail is destroyed and the plate slides out now if I press any pressure to it in a turn. Has this happened to anyone else ? I have about 50 or so runs worth of time on the bindings so they are still "new" It could have been seriously disasterous. I take solice in knowing that my bindings and board are securely strapped to my feet...... the LAST thing I want to be "nervious" about is the foot comming out... esp the FRONT one !
  16. BURTON vintage 1980's baseless open binding and 52 contact board for sale OK, I've had this board for a few years, and have ridden it 3 times. It is in superb shape for a board that is almost 20 years old, and the bindings are factory burton size Medium/Large. All the latches and ladder straps are complete with no damages other than a missing "recoil spring" on one ratchet. the base has no major scratches. the top of the tail has a few nicks from being in line, and there is one rock push in the nose on the toeseide edge, but was professionaly repaired with no adverse or serious cosmetic.functional changes to the board. Top deck is maroon, bottom is a blue/ plum color. Bindings match the board color scheme. I wish I could fins a pair of Large/XL bindings for this board as the mediums are just a tad too small for my feet, and this board being as nice as it is (and rare in such shape) I will have to pass it on to another collector as I really only want to keep ones I can ride. I'll edit and post a pic in a few min. thanks. D.
  17. DINGBAT..... you missed out ont eh single most EPIC of days at Jiminy. Sleet ? hahahaha maybee int he parking lot, but up the mountain it was totaly awesome with like 4-6 inches of powder, slush, boilerplate under it, and groom just on top of that. I had a binding malfunction ( I'll post thread later) that could have been very VERY dangerous but luckily I had it happen a few weeks ago, and decided to take a slow trail and warm up before going off and laying some serious trenches ont eh steeps at a higher rate of speed....... I would have welcomed another board with open arms today...... THE SNOW WAS A W E S O M E ! I laid a trench that was atleast 6 inches deep just under the 6-pack lift as the 360 comes down and merges if you take a hard right and left onto teh novice hill that in all honestly could be seen from .... well..... OUTER SPACE ! :lol: If I had enough speed I could have turned a complete circle, but since it was a trail merger, I opted to flip around and ride fakie then re correct and finish my run. I hope they get some good dumping of snow overnight.... Could make Tuesday a really nice day of riding.
  18. RULE # 1: When tired, don't ride. You take a greater chence of really messing yourself up by being lazy with your edges, or sloppy with transitions.Carving takes way more energy than just riding a sloppy softy in my exp.... Glad you are having fun though, I have a friend who was at Killi today also, but a skier.
  19. Dingbat, yeah, I'd love to go to Stowe, I have Sunday off, but no ride (I don't drive right now) but I do fill peoples gas tanks for the ride to mountains :D I'm in Latham... you want to carpool ? EDIT UPDATE: GOING TO JIMINY PEAK FOR SUNDAY. 9-4 POW was there thurs/ or friday and said it was awesomely carveable. meet you there at the lift perhaps 10 am? I'll be the only snowboard instructor on a carve board ;)
  20. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ih=016&sspagename=STRK%3AMEWA%3AIT&viewitem=&item=260106927756&rd=1&rd=1 Good / bad ?
  21. Damn dude, oh well. I'm going to try to get out there on Sunday. My shoulder is feeling a lot better, and I really want to go spend an entire day carving once more this year.
  22. I'm planning on doing WEST MOUNTAIN on Sat. I have to work and have a Dr. Apointment on Friday due to the crappy morning weather today it got canceled.. GRRRRR. Perhaps next season or Sat to WestMtn if ya want since they got a lot more snow up north. cheers, D.
  23. What time and for howlong ? Maybe we could carpool for the day.
  24. I have a flat tail that is both rounded at the edges and slightly upturned on my Airwalk 157. It really does make for a smooth transitioning ride. I've only been on that, and my wide rossignol 163 dirrectional powderboard with the hardboots, and they both are nice with the rear up-turned tail.
  25. ONE MORE DAY ???? !!!! ???? Yeah, so they are planning on opening on 4-12-07 for a weekend provided we get dumped on with some snow. They have a good base still and I'm sure they will move a bunch of snow around to get good coverage. Maybe I need a calling into work with "Snowitis" day.
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