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Everything posted by Seb

  1. Seb


    Check www.usasa.org for friendly races state by state Seb
  2. Seb

    World Cup at Stoneham

    First thing, weather...the additionnal snow didn't start until after the event. Race conditions: the course was still very icy, the snow was pushed on the side and left no room for major error. For the men race, Matthew Morrison and Jasey-Jay pleased the crowd with a 3rd and 4th place. Matt had a big fan club ( family ) who jumped over the fence after his 3rd place finish he obtained after a mistake from JJay who had a 1,4 second lead in the first run. Jasey Jay had a good weekend after his 6th place yesterday. Quebec crowd is not used to his success since he often had disapointing results here over the years. For First place Benjamin Karl ( AUT) won over Andreas Prommegger ( AUT ). Benjamin from Sigi Snowboard team, had a perfect day and kept Kessler from a swept. He is now leading the championship. Tyler Jewell had good runs up, beating Bozetto in his first duel. In quarter finals, he made a mistake in his second run and lost against Prommegger. On women side, no finalist from Can or USA. Seb
  3. Seb

    World Cup at Stoneham

    Snowboard results: Women side: Jacobellis won the finals, not without a crash at the end. with 50+ feet advance, she mislanded the final jump, turn wild and hit the "balloon" Nokia gate that was located 2 feet in front of the finish line, she spinned and crossed the line on her back, right in front of Maelle Rikker ( CAN ). Francon ( SUI ) completed the podium and local Dominique Maltais finished 5th, due to a fall in semi-final. Men side: was an all-French podium with Vaultier, De Le Rue and Valery. Canadian Rob Fagan finished 4th, Jasey Jay with a rare SBX apparence finished 6th and Ryan Hickey 7th. This morning, we had the 4 in. forecasted during the night, they will be light through the day. PGS to come. Seb
  4. Latest news on conditions for the World Cup at Stoneham, Quebec City. Friday is Boardercross, Saturday = PGS and Sunday = Halfpipe. We had some snow wednesday ( 10 in. ) but the crew succeed to remove it from the PGS run. The run is mainly "very hardpack = icy" due to rain we had a week ago. Thursday was a great day for training ( sunny, 25F ). Forecast for Friday night is 4 in. and another 10-12 in. for Saturday night. PGS could be run between the 2 snowfalls. As temperature is close to 32F, this could be a mixture of rain / snow. Seb
  5. After the rumors heard over the weekend, here is the confirmation. The World Junior Championship that was supposed to be held in Khanty-Mansiyk, Russia ( Siberia ) are cancelled. The ski station was a new facilities and supposedly, they had problems with "stability" over some ski lift towers ( rumors ? ). The World will be relocated right after the final World Cup race in Valmalenco, Italy. http://www.fis-ski.com/uk/home-page.html?actu_id_1125=775&actu_page_1125=1 Race are called from March 16th to 23rd, it's like tomorrow.... I started a new thread to make sure nobody missed it Seb
  6. After the rumors heard over the weekend, here is the confirmation. The World Junior Championship that was supposed to be held in Khanty-Mansiyk, Russia ( Siberia ) are cancelled. The ski station was a new facilities and supposedly, they had problems with "stability" over some ski lift towers ( rumors ? ). The World will be relocated right after the final World Cup race in Valmalenco, Italy. http://www.fis-ski.com/uk/home-page.html?actu_id_1125=775&actu_page_1125=1 Race are called from March 16th to 23rd, it's like tomorrow.... Seb
  7. Heard over the weekend, the ski station where the race is supposed to happen in Russia is having "technical" difficulties with some of its facilities. FIS delegates were rushed in to assess the situation. World's Junior could be relocated ? Could be the reason why on the Canadian press release, they were stating not to make any trip arrangements before March 4th ?? True or False ?
  8. Superbes conditions pour la course de race tenue à Mont Blanc dans la piste Renard. Beau soleil, bonnes conditions de piste, des anciens compétiteurs qui étaient là, etc. 46 compétiteurs de tout âge étaient présents. Le format duel a donné un après-midi riche en activités, ils ont même fait une catégorie "master" avec 3 coureurs. Félicitations à l'équipe du Mont-Blanc pour l'organisation...et leur groupe de jeunes Seb
  9. Thx Boardbum, my goal is to go every year ! Make it 4 :):):):) years in a row. But Boardercross is not my type... Seb
  10. Each country is limited to 24 athletes maximum, 6 per discipline maximum, 16 per gender maximum. As posted before, CSF intent is : "The CSF shall ordinarily select up to five male and up to five female athletes in each of the Halfpipe (HP and BA) and Snowboard Cross disciplines, and up to two male and up to two female athletes in the Alpine discipline." According the latest FIS World ranking, within the 100 male riders in each discipline, Canada has: 16 athletes in SBX ( 2 juniors ), 12 in Halfpipe ( 3 juniors ) & 7 in Alpine ( no junior ). I guess CSF feels they have more potential for medals in SBX & Halfpipe. Seb
  11. Rob, your email doesn't work. Would you email me, I had question Thx Seb
  12. Announcement was made today for the Canadian Team So here are the highlight in Boardercross and Alpine WOMEN SBX 1. - BRODEUR Michelle (Alberta) 2. -COWAN Ziggy (Alberta) 3. -BRENNEMAN Carle (BC) 4. -THORP Carly (BC) 5. -MCDONALD Jesse (BC) MEN SBX 1. - CSOKONAY Dan (Alberta) 2. -ARNDT Andy (Alberta) 3. -PASUTTO Justin (Alberta) 4. -ROBANSKE Christopher (Alberta) 5. -SMITH Pierce (Ontario) WOMEN ALPINE 1. -DEE Emily (Ontario) Others potential athletes are on the injured list ( my guess ) MEN ALP 1. -CARTER, Matthew (Alberta) 2. -BEAULIEU Sebastien (Quebec).......Also known as SEB.....I guess, it's ME !!!!!!!!!!!!:):):):) I'm going to Russia !!!!!!!!! 3. -SNARR Thomas (Alberta) Complete news: http://www.csf.ca/en/about/news/?id=386 Seb
  13. A ne pas oublier dans votre agenda de mars...le samedi 8 mars prochain, les meilleurs riders au monde seront à Stoneham pour la Coupe du Monde en Alpin. Il y a aussi une course de Boardercross et de Demi-Lune, la journée avant et après. Gardez-vous un petit trou dans votre agenda. J'y suis allé les 2 dernières années ( Le Relais il y a 2 ans, Stoneham l'an dernier ) et c'est super intéressant. Seb
  14. 3e course à Mont Blanc Dimanche 2 mars: Parallèle GS ! A ne pas oublier pour $20 ( Carte SNQ pour la journée: assurance ) +$20 ( Spécial Billet ) +$35 ( Frais de course ), vous pouvez venir courir dans un parcours et rider toute le journée à Mont Blanc par la suite. Voir avis de course: http://www.surfquebec.ca/v2/course_mont_blanc.pdf Les jeunes de Mont Blanc sont aussi super cool à voir Seb
  15. Seb

    GS board

    A Prior WCR 175 or a Prior WCR Metal 177 ? From Canada. Email sent Seb
  16. Première course SNQ, un PGS tenu dans la piste "Belanger" du versant nord au Mont Ste-Anne par ce samedi 16 février. Le froid glacial tôt le matin ( -27 à 8h00 ) n'a pas ralenti la gang de "racers". Plus d'une trentaine de coureurs, dont plusieurs jeunes de 12-14 ans. Un problème d'ordi a créé de retard et il a fallu faire la liste de départ par walkie-talkie, compilation manuelle des temps des qualifs, etc. Bref en pm, finales par duel simple élimination, 4 gars ( 14 et -) 4 filles ( 14 et - ), 8 gars ( 15 et + ) 8 filles ( 15 et + ) ont fait les finales. Bon succès comme première course de l'année. Dimanche prochain, 24 février, course SL 2 manches au Massif du Sud, qui nous avait accueilli avec 25-30 cm de poudreuse l'an dernier. Seb
  17. I live 15 minutes from Orford...and I drive down to Mont Ste-Anne every weekend and days I could ( 50+ days a year ) since the last 7 years...I think I...h..a..t..e Orford a bit. As said, always icy, windy and no real fun for a carver ( sorry to Orford people ). Mont Ste-Anne is so much a better mountain. Seb
  18. 300 km from Mont Ste-Anne Ste-Anne have a better season than Orford Holiday 01, did you enjoy Ste-Anne ? There will be a small alpine race tomorrow ( saturday 16th ) morning on "Belanger" on the North Side. I'll be there. Seb
  19. I sure will put the selection on BOL as soon as I will know. The intent of the Canadian Snowboard Federation is : "The CSF shall ordinarily select up to five male and up to five female athletes in each of the Halfpipe (HP and BA) and Snowboard Cross disciplines, and up to two male and up to two female athletes in the Alpine discipline. However, as provided for in Section 21 below, a smaller number of athletes may be selected,..." detail protocol: http://www.csf.ca/File/SelectionProtocol-2008JWC.18Dec07.pdf Matthew Morisson is too old for Junior's as per FIS rule. You need to be born in 1988 or after to be considered Junior. 19 yrs and under as per December 31st. Seb :)
  20. Canadian Team should be announced around February 24th-25th following the Noram Halfpipe race on 24th. Each country are allowed a maximum of 24 spots: maximum 6 per categories. Seb
  21. Le début de la saison des courses SNQ commence samedi prochain le 16 février au Mont Ste-Anne. Quiconque veut participer à des courses de race et avoir du plaisir peut venir s'inscrire. La saison sera composé de 4 courses normalement selon le site de la SNQ ( www.surfquebec.ca ): 16 février : Mont Ste-Anne ( PGS ) 24 février : Massif du Sud 2 mars : Mont Blanc 16 mars : Owl's Head Selon, l'avis de course, on peut s'inscrire samedi matin pour $35 pour la course + $20 pour une carte de membre SNQ d'un jour. Seb
  22. Please, hit the Montmorency run for me. First one on the left when you get down the high-speed quad on the south side. In the main pitch, push hard and hold on...this is my favorite ride. Conditions are just excellent this winter. I sent you an email re: bootfitting I will be there only on weekend. Need to go to school after a week at Park City,UT Seb
  23. First thing, the race was unusually long. Each run was 1min 30 seconds each. A typical PGS is more 40 seconds range. This has created more opportunity for mistake. Almost everybody were gasping for air at the finish line. Second, the base was soft due to all the snow they had in Utah ( huge amount ). The race was changed from a PGS to a GS, probably due to difficulty with the soft base. This again has created challenge. Everybody though it would be easy and tried to push hard..on soft snow. Third, the format has created strange report as only top 25 were allowed for the 2nd run. So 26th to 30th were reported "DNS". Seb
  24. Conditions au Mont Ste-Anne sont superbes depuis le début de l'année. Très peu de glace, beaucoup de belle neige. Samedi dernier, j'ai triché un peu en riding avec mon Freeride alors que nous avions 25 cm de poudre ( Sherbrooke avait reçu 4-5 cm ) Malheureusement ma piste favorite pour carver, la Momorency va être prise pour une compé de bosses. J'espère que tu auras du plaisir Photo: Moi en train de rider dans le pitch de la "Momo" avec ma Sigi Seb
  25. After finishing with the 7th time, Ben Fairchild was disqualified for missing a gate. Seb ( now 13th )
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