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Everything posted by B18C1

  1. B18C1

    Deeluxe Suzuka

    Boots are in OK condition. Heels are pretty used from walking on asphalt. Plenty of scratches on the shell and one of the top Velcro strap is missing. Otherwise, working fine. Liner in good condition. I realized a few years in that they are too big for me, and I upgraded to Track700. I've had these for a while and they've been in storage for at least 3-4 years. I reside in Ottawa, Canada, but will consider shipping. All I'm asking is $100 + Shipping. Thank you. Julien
  2. EDIT: I just read the for sale rules - I just want to clarify that this item is in excellent condition, but is USED and has been heat molded once. Hi, I am selling a set of of Deeluxe Speed Thermoflex liners (MONDO 27.0) They were purchased with a pair of Track 700, but ended up being too big. I used them on 3 or 4 occasions ended up purchasing the same liners in size (26.0). Therefore, the liners will be shipped in the size 26 box, but they ARE size 27.0 (as seen in the pictures). Heat molded only once and excellent condition. They've been in that same box for the last 2 years. $75.00 + Shipping. I reside in Ottawa, Canada, but will ship anywhere. Thanks! Julien
  3. Merci pour les commentaires, et pour la suggestion Real - nous allons exactement faire ca. Heureusement, oui, les objets dans son auto sont couvert par la compagnie d'assurance de son domicile. Comme tu dis, on retrouve jamais ce qu'on avait, surtout une planche alpine... Mes sympathies pour ton bateau !!! C'est fou comme histoire. Ca doit etre frustrant en @#@!#@!#
  4. Bonjour, Mon frere s'est fait defoncer sa boite a ski ainsi que sa voiture il y a 2-3 jours, dans laquelle il avait malheureusement laisse son equipement overnight. Il s'est fait vole, entre autre, une planche F2 Silberpfeil 168, le meme modele que la planche ci-dessous. Quelques autres objets important qui ont ete voles sont les suivant: Ski Dynastar Contact 10 Bottes Raichle AF600 (Verte/bleu et jaune) SVP gardez les yeux ouverts au cas ou ils serait a vendre dans un pawn shop ou sur un site internet. Toute information est apprecie, et recompense pour bonne info! C'est rare de l'equipement de race, donc on compte la dessus pour le retrouver le petit @#!@#$ Et j'aimerais aussi tous vous rappeler l'importance de ne jamais laisser son equipement de ski dans sa voiture
  5. Merci pour les reponses. J'ai contacte Sharks au sujet des semelles que j'ai achete la bas, et je me suis fait dire que peut-etre que ca serait mieu si je ne mettais aucune semelle, a cause de mes pieds plat (Et mes liners thermo fit). Je vais essayer ca la prochaine fois., Autrement, j'aimerais eviter le podiatre, vu les couts assez eleves. Mais cette boutique a st-sauveur qui cree des semelles custom m'interesserait. Je vais m'informer plus a ce sujet. Si tu connais le nom du magasin, svp m'informer. J'ai envoyer un email a 'yoursole.com', expliquant ma situation. J'attend une reponse. Merci encore pour l'aide! julien
  6. Je me suis achete des semelles 'semi' thermo fit volcano, et apres les avoir utilisee deux fois, je realise qu'elle sont la raison pour laquelle j'ai mal au pieds en descendant les pentes. J'ai les pied plats et il me semble que la semelle a ete concue pour un pied avec une arche plus prononce, ce qui cause une douleur qui ressemble a une crample quand mon poid est sur mon arche plantaire. Je recherche un endroit ou je peux me faire faire des semelles custom exactement a la forme de mon pied, autours de Montreal si possible. Connaissez-vous des places? A quoi ressemblent les tarrifs? Merci!
  7. Problem fixed, thanks a bunch Hans This post you made in the other thread explains it all - Here it is in case someone else is having the same problem:
  8. Hi, Thanks for the replies. My boots are 2009 Track 700, and I made sure all screws are very tight. It is somewhat loose when I push the boot sideways. It would seem as if the heel's metal pins have a slightly smaller diameter than the receiver's holes. Is there any possible adjustment?
  9. Thank you for your very enlightening reply. I assume that means the problem is the heels and not the receiver? Would you say it's dangerous?
  10. Hi, I just purchased some Intec Titanium bindings and after I installed/adjusted their size, I was rather disappointed to notice the binding in the back has quite a bit of play. The other one seems just fine and really tight. The heels are very well attached to the boots and I am positive the problem is in the intec receiver. I read through the F2 manual provided and was unable to find any possible adjustment to solve this problem... Is it common? Is there anything I can do? Thanks!
  11. Sorry j'ai decide d'en acheter des neufs. Chaussons 27.0 toujours a vendre
  12. Salut, Ces liners la venait avec des bottes Track 700 2009. Ils ont ete molder seulement 1 fois et utilise 2 fois. Ils sont trop grands pour moi, il me faut des 26.0. En condition neuve - retail a 170$ Je les laisse pour 120$. Merci.
  13. Tres bonne initiative Pour ma part, je prefere acheter localement et je trouve ca assez difficile rechercher de l'equipement de race sur lespac... Les keywords ne sont jamais les meme!
  14. My apologies for my last thread requesting a bigger boot size. After visiting my boot fitter today, he recommended going for Mondo 26.5 - 27.0 max. instead I am looking for fairly recent boots, compatible with Intec heels. Please shoot me your offers, I am ready to buy! My email address is : rss_j@hotmail.com Thank you. PS: Also looking for very recent F2 Intec bindings - and intec heels Pretty much sold on F2 intec but willing to consider other intec bindings
  15. Salut Real! Hahaha je me souviens que ta 177 mavais rendu la vie dure! Ca tournait cette affaire la!!! N'empeche que c'etait toute une planche, et c'est la raison pour laquelle je m'en cherche une pour cette saison. Tu es chanceux pour la Coiler, bel achat! J'espere qu'elle va bien. Oui mon frere et moi esperons pouvoir venir a St-bruno comme dans le bon vieux temps. Sinon ca sera a Bromont, on pense y aller a chaque Samedi aussi. Content d'avoir pris de tes nouvelles Real, fait attention a toi et on se voit sur les pistes
  16. Hi, I sent you and email 2 days ago. I am still very interested! Let me know if they are still available please. -Julien
  17. Salut! J'imagine que je suis en retard pour la passe de bromont... S'il y a d'autres personnes qui sont interesses, on est deja 4 personnes qui vont acheter avant le 19 octobre ! En passant salut Real, ca fait un bail. Si tu te rapelles de moi, j'ai essaye ton board a st-bruno, on y allait a la gang chaque vendredi. As tu toujours ta F2 speedster 172?! Daniel est-il sur le site aussi? Au plaisir, Julien
  18. +1, Thanks for the day and for the ride ! Was great meeting carvers from my area ! Thanks to YYZ for the food too!
  19. Hi, I'm going to the SOS this friday, but yesterday, the heater in my car actually died, meaning I have to drive with the windows opened basicly to avoid getting fog on the windshield.. And god it's cold !! I still use the car to go to school of course, since it's 5 minutes away , and I will use it to go to Osler bluff if I can't get a ride from anyone even though it's an hour away. But I would REALLY appreciate if someone was going through Barrie and could pick me up, I would pay for the gas ! And carpooling is also good against pollution , right? I live near Bayfield street in Barrie (Close to Georgian College) So anyone please let me know if I can get a ride from someone, I would really really appreciate that, thank you very much !! :p See you all friday no matter what! Jules (Rss_j@hotmail.com) or (514 248 7387)
  20. My friend spent the week snowboarding there. She told me that monday and tuesday, the conditions sucked, (They wouldnt groom because the snow base was too thin) but wednesday, it was mainly groomed hardpack, since we got some snow during the night. Haven't talked to her today.. The base is still pretty thin tho, so I wouldn't risk a brand new board if I were you. Sorry for the lack of details, that's all I know, hope it still helps. Good luck! Jules
  21. I usually put my rear boot in walk mode when the conditions are bad and I keep my front locked. Helps me bend my rear knee and be more stable... Anyone else does that?
  22. Fortunatly, Barrie area is now covered in snow ! Let's hope it doesnt rain anytime soon..
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