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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. Dr D


    I spent 7 hours on the OSIN 4807 while it snowed tractor trailers and UFO's. I haven't had so much fun in years. bring your powder boards its getting deep. It snowed all day and this afternoon it was snowing so hard you could not see 2 chair lengths. I had a half inch of snow on me by the time I hit the top of chair 1 the last run. the armour paid for itself today on several occasions due to my overexuberance. the last time I was literally run over and stabbed by a fifty year old skier while running down a cat track. this idiot comes up on my left side and then proceeds to skate without noticing that he is 3 inches from my backside edge. I rocked up on my toeside to avoid getting stabbed by his pole, he then skates his right ski underneath my board and then all hell broke loose. what a moron. he says I am sorry I didn't know you were there when I started to skate. HELLO I am huge and you just came from behind me what did youthink I just vanished into thin air when you passed me. and they say snowboarders cause wrecks. :angryfire anyway conditions are currently spectacular champagne powder in copious amounts over a very nicely groomed base. I saw a guy running a 185 identity under the powder with no problems whatsoever. Its so light you can run under it on the groom and plow right through the piles. It looks good for your trip anyway.
  2. Dr D

    ski boots

    I have a set of reactors that I actually like ok. the are a little wide for the TD2 bails and are a pain to close. I run them with intuition liners with mixed success. they are ok until I get on the narrow longer boards then everything seems to fall apart. Its no doubt a technique issue as well. anyway I have installed the BTS and the race tongues and the intuition liners so we will see if its enough. they are definitely stiffer than before.
  3. You can now get three or four different ball chairs. these are basically a hoop with four wheels that the ball can sit in. it allows you to roll around like any other office chair. this is caled active sitting and I highly recomend it. I use three of them in my office and sit on nothing else. you will over time improve your balance and your core strength just by sitting on the ball. they also make several air filled cushions that accomplish the same thing for the folks who feel funny sitting on a beach ball at work. the small inner muscles of your spine that are for stability get a work out all day long and you become much less prone to injury as they get stronger. This is also a great lumbar rehab tool.
  4. Dr D

    ski boots

    what inner boots are we talking about here? any in particular?
  5. Dr D


    I can get up to the mountain saturday tuesday thursday and again saturday with dano. phone 406-253-5420 if you guys need anything let me know. otherwise I will just look for the tore up groom and the scent of alcohol:biggthump
  6. Dr D

    ski boots

    My skier buddies have been trying out the skwal on my Td2's with no fit issues so the newer ski boots must be somewhat shorter than the old days. It was my first clue that the boots were part of the problem watching them drive it around no problem while I bottomed my boots out all the time. In the old days the burton bindings with the rails could be adjusted in to allow more lateral flex so all the lateral flex was in the binding and the boot allowed for the forward flex. If they stop making good boots we may have to reverse engineer something.
  7. I will be up on the hill thursday and saturday as well.
  8. In the works. he had one up but the response was overwhelming the process so he shelved it for the time being.
  9. Jon Mcginnis 406-250-2220 Garage 174 with the extra layer of carbon
  10. may have a set of raichle's available in a 29 cheap. they have one bake left probably I have baked them twice. I am installing new intuitions tonight so I will let you know.
  11. http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=12782 a full set with an extra binding for parts etc. easily adjustable and full metal plate under the plastic.
  12. Dr D

    Want To Buy

    http://www.bomberonline.com/VBulletin/showthread.php?t=12782 fast board 160cm in really good shape
  13. right price range and a new custom board wide and stiff and long enough to do the job:eplus2: he doesn't make them any longer YET:angryfire
  14. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: physics should be a required course and some people should have to take it twice! :smashfrea :smashfrea :smashfrea
  15. New board custom built for him and in that price range. at 6'3" and 275 size 12 I love mine. Jon Mcginnis builder. let me know if you want his number:biggthump
  16. We call it weekend warrior syndrome:lol: You likely have a misalignment/ subluxation that has been there a while. New vigorous activities tend to inflame the soft tissue in the IVF putting pressure on the nerve. We see a lot of these the first few weeks of the season coming in. It'll come and go unless you get it fixed. In the meantime use ice on the lower spine 15-20 minutes at a time. No heat on the spine no hot packs no hot tubs etc. it increases the swelling putting more pressure on the nerve. You feel great while the heat is on it but you will pay later. If you need a referral let me know where you are at and I will find you a good one.
  17. Dr D

    ski boots

    Well first I guess you need to know that I am 6'3" and 275 lbs. I don't have much trouble with shallow angles but as I get into the skinnier boards and the forward angles I am having problems with the forward flex being to soft. The Donek is 201 and a 19 waist so it has been tough to run and the skwals really need ski boots in my opinion. I haven't been able to drive the boots into the edge toeside since I can bend the tops down until they touch the toes. Last night I installed the BTS with red springs wound fairly tight and the racing tongues which are a lot stiffer (pleasantly surprised) so we will see how that works. I think I will need ski boots to run the skwal efficiently so I was hoping to find a boot that crossed over well. I am just frustrated that my carving in soft boots is rapidly getting better than my carving in hard boots. Its partly a comfort issue as well. the boot fitter assures me my shells are properly sized and we blew out the fore foot a little but the next time I went out the plastic had pretty much assumed its normal shape. I have wide feet so the whole 104mm forefoot thing is attractive. More wide foot choices in the skiboot world. I have a 29 mondo size but I often wear 12 + street shoes to get the width.
  18. The ones with the metal plate underneath are the way to go. It sounds like your stepins are different from mine( see pics the rear binding ) IF I am right yours are the newer ones. Mine have high lateral supports in the back but it doesn't seem to effect me much. both are metal plate and metal block etc so similiar flex and quality.
  19. Dr D

    ski boots

    I am sick of fighting my boots. If the race tongues don't do the trick I am venturing into the world of skiboots. Anybody riding with ski boots that has any favorites or advice it would be welcome. I learned to ride alpine in my rear entry raichle skiboots in 1990 or so and since I have got back in the sport I have been unsatisfied with the stiffness of the boots available. I can fold my burton reactors and my AF700's in half even with the forward flex mechanisms locked etc. I just got a BTS system and some racing tongues to try on the 700's after that I am out of ideas. I am a big guy but maybe there's more to it than that. any ideas?:( I haven't looked at ski boots in years and don't know where to start. whats with the new park/ freestyle boots and the new "soft" boots LAnge soft 90 rossignal soft and soft lights?
  20. Same snow cheaper on the other side of the border. check out valhalla adventures. This would be south of fernie on the american side http://www.valhallaadv.com/index.htm
  21. Dr D

    garage sale

    good question I didn't know there was a difference. how do I tell?
  22. Dr D

    garage sale

    I rode it with size 12 feet and 270 pounds. I found it to be a little soft for me:eplus2: ITs a very stiff board though and was made for the heavier crowd. there was also a STAT 5 for the lighter weights. The angles weren't unmanagable but would be noticeable if you haven't ridden hard boots before. the waist is what 23.5. that's a good bit wider than my Donek. I am leaning toward wider myself for boards tho. the skwal is filling the skinny carver niche just fine so the boards are gettting wider.
  23. Done it with great success with a pair of burton race rentals on the front and the burton step in that cams closed on your heel when you step on the bar under your heel. works great huge bennies for us big guys. bending over sucks. I don't think I would use the os1 as they are so much stiffer the flex pattern would be weird. go with the other one.
  24. see me when you get to Big mtn I have a 4807 in 168 that I think is to short for me after riding it once. I might be talked out of it. I would love to have it in the 178 its a blast in the bumps.
  25. Dr D

    garage sale

    they are standard burton center plates with the exception of being four hole instead of three hole they should fit any burton binding. they are designed to use burton bindings on other boards that don't have the 3D insert pattern. the stat six is a burton alpine board there are pictures of it at the beginning of this post. It is a relatively rare board as the stat line was only made for one year. the specs are in one of the pictures it is a GS board and is quite fast. there was a stat 7 tested but not released to retail because burton felt it was to fast. the listed running length is 147 the overall length is 160
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