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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. still on for midday at hellroaring? if you have a little radio we are all on channel 5 with the privacy setting of 05.. reads 505 on the screen
  2. big Mountain Big white is in canada I didn't see it but it was probably on the shot of the day section
  3. Dr D


    Again Paul and I fought off waves of powder until it got heavy and wet late in the day. something like 14 inches while we were on the mtn. I don't know where the ski patrol is measuring but they have been underreporting all year. Very strange. Paul and I dug down to yesterdays groom on an untracked run at about 3pm and the snow was as deep as from pauls elbow to the tips of his fingers. incredible. incriminating fotos from hellroaring saloon will be posted later. Some of Shreds best turn were between the bar and the upstairs restroom:lol:
  4. Good rounded breakfast. protein is key for a long day. I tend to lean towards eggs and wheat toast hashbrowns with a nice glass of OJ to bump the Bloodsugar up until the protein kicks in. I carry good carb snacks on the hill my current favorite is called a Bumblebar. lots of sesame seeds a little flax and some nuts all in a rice and cane syrup to hold it together. A little dark chocolate for emergencies:biggthump
  5. absolutely and a recent study showed:ices_ange that there are now twice as many visits to "alternative health care" provider's than to mainstream providers hows that for an oxymoron? Its a consumer driven market like any other and you will see a big shift over the next ten years.
  6. My raichle hardboot liners work quite well in my softboots but my softies are a little big for me. I think you'd have volume issues if the shells aren't a little big to start with. I have found the vans with the thin heatmold liners to be very comfortable softboots. I don't think most people bother to mold them but it makes a huge difference. Don't let just any body mold them they shrink easy if they get to hot.
  7. Anecdotal evidence gets a bad rap in my opinion. Particularly in reference to certain types of care. Obviously just because one or two people say they got results doesn't make it so. but, if you are talking about thousands of people shouldn't that carry some weight? Placebo effect is interesting in this context as well. In many studies the placebo was lets say 30-40% effective and the drug was 50-60% effective sometimes the margin is as little as 12% between placebo and test item. If the placebo is that effective and doesn't cause massive heart attack in 5% maybe we need to study why placebo's are effective. If Anecdotal results are in part attributable to placebo effect is that a bad thing? Not in my book! the oath says first do no harm as I remember it. scientific method has been lost along the side of the road to profits somewhere and we need to restructure how research dollars are obtained. If there isn't a body of science that is wholely unbiased we really aren't learning anything we are just deceiving ourselves. That said "Alternative" medicine including Chiropractic helps millions of people each year with or without the research to prove why!
  8. ITs a possibility certainly. however we don't just treat healthy patients. The really sick ones are just comanaged. I personally take care of several terminal cancer patients, I have two with brain stem injuries, one with MS several with parkinson's etc. they may be recieving other types of care particularly in the cancer cases. Anecdotally in my office the MS and parkinsons remitted and are currently holding that status for longer than average times. One of my cancer patients has been dx with liver cancer for well over a year now. there are also studies showing immune response to adjustment, increased t-cell count in HIV post chiropractic, etc etc. Interestingly enough much of the research that we find helpful in understanding what we do is done not by chiropractic researchers but by medical researchers. The concept that the nervous system controls the immune system is a relatively new idea in the research community but it bears out what chiropractors have been saying for 100 years. the piece in question discovered the nerve connections in immune tissue and then studied what happened to immune response when the nerves were severed. It ceased. there is no doubt tons of research that needs to be done. The research that is being done needs to be read objectively and researchers need to be held to a high standard. Try reading pharma research and look at the studies that are discontinued because the desired result isn't attained. Research is going to the highest bidder in this country for sure. It is definitely worth reading te body of science that exists worldwide for perspective if nothing else:biggthump
  9. Dr D


    saturday was great we retired shred and crew to the hot tub by 2pm and Paulk and I closed down the lifts riding deep and steep. The guy has chops I will give him that. hard boots and a narrow board on 60 degree slopes with 4ft of powder. we had a blast. Its looking like good groomers for the early part of the week and maybe some fresh stuff later on. updates as possible.
  10. thursday at hellroaring saloon 1230 -1:00 or call Dr D 253 5420
  11. Dr D


    actually I am the proud owner of an easy jungle as well. It is a totally different beast than the lacroix. the lacroix contest is a full on speed demon and quite frankly scares the hell out of me:D
  12. Dr D


    I am sure that setup affects these as well. I had trouble with toeside turns of all things. my back foot is at about 85 degrees so my knee doesn't hit my leg. I don't have any trouble skidding but they are definitely more stable the faster you are going. slow speeds on flatter ground feels like a balance beam. I also used some old wild duck bindings that had a slight cant to them. they were mounted such that the cant leaned outward. I found that to be very comfortable vs the TD2 with zero cant. the cant sort of makes up for the fact that you feet are so tight together and central. I am tossing around the idea of hitting fin up for and upgraded plate set complete with 2 or 3 degrees of outward cant.
  13. I subscribe to a number of journals give me a day or two to find it and I will have it up here for you. An average car wreck case in my office totals somewhere between $1200 and $1800 One MRI is often more than that at the ER
  14. I have two sources of custom orthotics that I get at wholesale so no worries there. I am having a set made as we speak for less than half what the bootfitter can get them for. It is a definite help to add footbeds that fit thats for sure.
  15. If you are a long term patient who has been under care for a while monthly visits are certainly adequate. A new patient should count on anywhere from 12 to 36 visits of up to three times a week to get to a stable point where the monthly visits would make a difference. Most patients come with a problem that has been there for years and its unrealistic to expect a total tissue remodel in a few visits. your body is doing the healing not the chiropractor. It takes time. Bones don't heal overnite when they are broken and neither do ligaments and muscles etc. It requires the most valuable asset we possess. TIME. the Chiro just removes the interference and monitors the healing process.
  16. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. A recent study of patients under long term "wellness" based chiropractic care for longer than five years revealed that they spent 35% of the national average on health care. To clarify, that means that including what they paid their chiropractor and all other health care they still spent 65% less than their peers on healthcare. higher levels of patient satisfaction etc as well. It is all perspective I guess. some noninsurance practices are now charging per case rather than per visit. In terms of value for the dollar its not even a contest. I routinely see an entire car wreck case for less than the initial ER visit would have been for the same case. And for the record Chiropractic in Canada is at least 20 yrs behind the U.S. in most cases. No doubt a byproduct of the socialist approach:barf: I am in no way intending to malign any particular DC or even the profession with that statement its more a commentary on the laws they have to deal with and the professions governing body up there.
  18. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Rinse Lather Repeat at least monthly wether you think you need it or not
  19. Hmmmmm lets see ignore what the professional with ten years of education on the subject has to say and yeah do it my way?!?!???? Please research and find a good competent practitioner and then do exactly what they tell you to do. Nothing is more frustrating as a Doctor than to have a patient ignore your recomendations and then blame you for their lack of progress. :smashfrea
  20. getting it fixed by a competent rehab oriented chiropractor. the joint has to be restored to its normal range of motion and the soft tissue structures around it have to be rehabed to make it a permanent fix. this takes time but is low risk and low cost compared to surgery and very worth it. referrals Lucky you choices . the Boston area is home to some really good ones. Dr John Parker Hanover Dr Paul Milone Marblehead Dr Juan Ferry Weymouth Dr William Harris Weymouth Dr Mallen orient heights chiropractic East Boston
  21. actually rotation combined with forward or lateral bending is the worst as far as a disc goes. a day of compact riding would irritate and inflame causing swelling in the intervertebral foraminae (the holes where the nerves wxit the spine) when you stand back upright the holes close down leaving less space for the swelling. This (the swelling part) doesn't happen in a normal joint. It happens only in a joint that has lost its normal Range of Motion. if you lie on your back and pull your knees to your chest the IVF's open creating more space and some relief, just a way to prove the point. The above mantra on heat and ice is correct except that in this situation the swelling is internal to the muscle layers and is not readily noticeable to the casual observer. that is why ice is recommended for the spine instead of heat. IT is difficult to teach this stuff in thread bites so if any one has questions feel free to get in touch with me. I would be happy to have a conversation in more depth on the subject.
  22. where does a guy buy a good ski boot liner?
  23. I can't speak for big sky having never been there but I board Big mtn three times a week. The claims are correct. IT snowed a good foot while I was on the mtn yesterday and they only claimed 8" on this mornings report. so if anything the snowfall claims are light. the settled base is accurate I am sure. we are a little low for this time of year at the village level but ITs snowing every day lately. Big sky has a reputation for great powder. I was more than satisfied yesterday IT was epic on big mtn. Every run was causing manic laughter and fits of giggling. The best day that I remember ever being up there. Its looking like a good year. several of the really big storms have missed us to the south which would put them right on top of silver mtn. I would guess that 200 inches is accurate. there is always that groomer guarantee of theirs to consider as well:biggthump
  24. with the rather glaring exception of the massive whiplash when they first let go. Needs a followup visit to the chiro after:biggthump
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