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Dr D

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  1. Dr D


    how many people own 12 Doneks? they are probably HOT:angryfire
  2. I prefer DUMB-#SS:angryfire
  3. tognar makes a horseshoe shaped one but I like the butterfly shaped ones the best. they are a 4-5mm thick piece of foam that has adhesive on one side that you stick to the outside of your liner to help form a heel cup. they really work better if you use contact cement once you know you like the feel and are sure you want to keep them on. the adhesive on them isn't that great. yes I have been running angles as high as 65/60 with softies depending on the board. IF you get inside the edges to far you really lose fine control fast. I generally run them as far forward as I can and still have the toe and heel of the boot just touching the edge. far enough in to avoid boot out but not so far as to lose edge control. I am running vans n-type boots and switch bindings with a lift plate which also helps with leverage and lessens boot out issues. I will post a pic when I get one taken. Today I ran my gaarage board and the angles worked out to 54/48 The F2 speedcross I just sold ran well at 63/57. I know its not possible but that's half the fun:biggthump IT requires being very low and lots of knee bending. I concentrate on pressuring the ball and toes of my back foot on toeside turns with increased pressure through the turn. I find that a little heel slop in the back foot is helpful. strange but true heelsides I just shift my hips and weight laterally into the boots which would translate into forward on the board I guess!?
  4. If its a structural misalignment the custom soft orthotic route will help stabilize it An adjustment from a good chiropractor will fix it. If its muscular imbalance working the countering muscles and stretching the quad will help. PT can prescribe exact exercises. If its binding setup as little as 3 degrees change may help and varied cant changes as well. check your boot cant settings if the cuffs are canted to much or not enough it can strain your knees as well. If its very painful all the time get an MRI taken. you can also get a variety of soft braces to hold the patella in position and force it to track properly.
  5. see edit above I run soft boots a lot for the comfort so I understand what you are saying. the thin liners don't lack in comfort if they are molded properly. the butterflies can help add to heel cup comfort.
  6. the thinner double wrap styles that can be found in vans or heelside work although they work better if there is an inner lace system in your boots already. I also found it helpful to add a butterfly to the outside of the liner to help with the heel cup. It is important to remember that you won't be leaning on the tongue successfully anyway, they are soft boots after all. So you have to focus on driving your weight into the board rather than into the boot cuffs if that makes sense. fantastic angulation by the way really good for a pair of soft boots. play with your angles and you will find that you learn something from each change that is applicable to all. I run a vans boot that has an internal hardback with adjustable forward lean. they may not be as stiff but I have control inside the boot rather than in the bindings. I use Ntype switch boots which aren't made anymore but you can find them on the bay. you could run the nype boot in a standard binding as well by removing the bail from the bottom of the boot.
  7. I did see a boot and sorry I forget the brand that had removable strips of plastic that went into the tongue and shell to control stiffness in various areas. I assume that like myself you enjoy carving in soft boots so I will spare the hard boot lecture. I use two band booster straps with good results. I would also recomend the plastic tongue trick mentioned above. I have gone to thermomold inserts with great success so if your boot has inserts you can trade them out for others that are stiffer. I have looked at Zipfit liners that lace up prior to inserting them that look promising but haven't tried them. they make a sleeve that goes over your liner and laces up that is designed to give support andtake up room in a boot that is to big. I think 1/2 size or so. Its worth a shot. on another note I find that with really forward angles (65//60) a little heel slop is a good thing. weird I know, but it forces you to use your rear leg forefoot to control your toeside edges and give it kind of a tele feel.
  8. I was worried about you there for a while! :biggthump
  9. I have heard of the whole honey /syrup thing but doing it in a hottub has me sort of confused . Just how does that party work??!?!?!?!? :lol:
  10. hey do you have any pics where you aren't naked????:lol:
  11. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: that's hilarious except that I am a big guy and I am afraid I might kill someone. I wear body armor and a helmet more for the straight liners than for anything else. If I hit someone it would not be pretty:barf:
  12. Check out the kangoo jumps. crazy looking springloaded boots that are an absolute kick in the pants to play with. Intense leg workout made fun also low impact rehab option. kangoojumps.com I have decided to carry them in my office as a rehab device and insentive to exercise. what a hoot:lol: http://kangoojumps.com/pags.php?d=O533O533&video=184
  13. do an internet search on anterior compartment syndrome and or shin splints. If it sounds familiar ice and heat alternating and gentle stretching. It may have been caused by the change in gear as even a slight change in angles can use and strain different parts of the muscle and contribute to an overuse syndrome. the swelling seems to indicate that this is more likely than shin bang. especially if you are in the same boots as the other twenty days. arnica oil rubbed in topically can be a big help for this and for bruising. there are also homeopathic arnica preparations taken by mouth that can help.
  14. I came screaming around the corner and over a drop on big ravine the other day to find a group larger than the one pictured sitting all over the run under the lip with the instructor (yes it was a group class) waxing eloquent on the finer points of carving (of all things) turns. After the emergency speed brake and the blind rage wore off I suggested he teach them how to not get themselves killed by not sitting below view under a drop and perhaps moving the 20 plus class of the run for lecture time. the instructor was probably 50 and should have known better but who knows:smashfrea Its hard to suck your base up over that many people :lol:
  15. they have me totally confused:freak3: I was on a mission to get stiffer as I could totally collapse my AF700's I added race tongues and the BTS at the same time and now I am finding that things are to stiff. I will be putting the original tongues back on for further experimentation I have found so far that the adjustments are readily noticeable right down to the half turn and have been very impressed with the feel. It definitely takes the flex out of the finicky plastic and puts it onto the springs. the only complaint that I have is that when tightening the toeside springs you inevitabley tighten the rears as a result. there is no way to isolate the front and rear adjustments. It is really a problem if you install lighter springs on the heelsides. The device will have to get more complicated to solve that issue if it can be solved.:D
  16. Dr D

    F2 speedcross 165

    yeah if its a circle that would be right. I am wondering how accurate they are made to spec or how accurately they are reported. This board feels like a quaternary sidecut or something similiar. It initiates and is turny if you want it to be but it will hold a long turn like a big board with a massive sidecut. It rides longer than a 9 for sure. I guess the flex patterns etc start to play in as well. At any rate a fun ride:biggthump
  17. The TD2 skwal base is 12.5 cm the plates are the normal TD2 upper. You can use any angle you desire. There are fewer parts than a TD1 no bumpers etc. I run them on a 12.5 lacroix contest and a 14 easy jungle. they would fit your virus just fine. you can buy the whole binding or if you have a Pair of TD2 already you can buy the bases for use as a second board kit and trade bindings between the skwal and other boards. dimensions etc available on bomber
  18. Dr D

    garage sale

    A lot of the little stuff is spoken for but nobody has paid yet. If you want it lets get it done tomorrow if possible otherwise let me know so I can offer it to someone else. some of the items have at least three people waiting for them.
  19. Dr D

    F2 speedcross 165

    there are three offers currently. If I haven't responded to you I didn't get your email.
  20. check your mail guys I replied to a few offers. If I didn't email you I didn't get your email
  21. Dr D

    garage sale

    you'll be a better judge than me its made for a guy your size I overpower it and fold the nose. I rode it once long enough to realize it needed a lighter rider. you would be perfect size for it I believe. 253-5420 call my cell if you get up there.
  22. did you know you can get a skwal base kit for td2's? should work if the standard td2 base is to wide for your virus. see bomber store under bindings.
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