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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. Dr D

    4807 178

    whether it is the dynastar changes or the length difference I don't know but the 178 dynastar is quite a bit stiffer than the osin 168. I had a great day on the 178. 10 inches of fresh yesterday:biggthump
  2. IT' s snowing like crazy like a foot since the morning report. I will be hitting the pow in the AM. In the trees the voodoo fog doesn't matter:biggthump
  3. then again it might spread the fear of the fog far and wide! Remember MONTANA SUCKS now go home and tell all your friends!:lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. I don't know if we'd allow ANOTHER of those wierd Ohio people on the hill or not:lol: I will take it to comittee and see! Maybe
  5. Dr D

    4807 178

    probably the difference is in the rider weight class and my forward angles. I would expect that I will find it more comfortable in the trees as I get on it more. It was 3-4 inches of heavier new snow on top of crusty mogully crud in the trees on saturday. I know the 168 would handle it but I found the 178 to be a little uncertain considering the possibility of impact :D It'll settle in I am sure but it is definitely a different board. longer side cut and stiffer etc.
  6. no whiners allowed that sort of thing. we can't be inviting everyone just the "cool" people:lol: I think we can order in the chocolate milk special and even get that special waitress you like so much!
  7. Dr D

    4807 178

    ITs definitely not as turny and maneuverable in tight spots as the 168. It will however do a full laid out turn and carves even better than the 168. I will keep both since I found it to be unsuited for moguls and chopped up stuff in the trees. the 168 handles those nicely. It was fantastic in the wide open fresh
  8. Since we have roughly ten guys showing up on a given year anyway how about a real session in late january at Big Mountain? Those of you who visit us every year please chime in! the resort is wide open that week it is the perfect time for a trenchin invasion. check out the big mtn daily rub in if you are new to the topic. what does it take to get some of the guys who build etc to show up? we have almost a year to get it up and running if anyone is interested. It is a low cost venue with excellent groom etc and we will have a direct flight out of atlanta for you eastcoasters. also direct out of salt lake and mineapolis st paul and Seattle. there is also the train from portland and seattle as well as chicago and points beyond.
  9. Hey shred Dave and I were discussing the possibility of a Big Mountain Expression session. I think the resort has room the week you guys come out normally for a full on trenchdiggin invasion. IF we start now we could really have a crowd lined up by next january:biggthump what do ya think?
  10. Redman could ride a screen door down the hill and make it look good so you can imagine how he looks on das AMPUTATOR. I chased him all day and watched him navigate herds of small children and canadians with ease. Really something to watch when a fine tool finds a master to wield it:biggthump ITs in good hands shred.
  11. I have been to both and would vote schweitzer.
  12. Dr D

    4807 178

    very nice and definitely as advertised. beautiful job of packaging it as well. thanx its hitting the hill tomorrow. It just won't stop snowing long enough for good groom. :D its really a shame that I will have to ride the pow stick another day:biggthump :lol:
  13. Tex check the wanted files somebody has been looking for something under 140 forever and recently upped it to 150 it might work for him.
  14. obviously you poor bastards still don't have enough snow:ices_ange Hop a plane it'll cure what ails you.
  15. I guess the whole thing is redundant since the half naked carver girl avatar was also quite distracting as well:biggthump although for different reasons.
  16. I figured it was mood driven:lol: Just don't go TEX on us and disappear for 6 months!
  17. I gotta say I find the avatar intensely distracting particulary when you are making strong statements:lol: It lends a sort of evil smiley-ness to everything you post. I'm not sure that it is always intended:smashfrea
  18. the 4807 will pay for itself if there is an inch or two of fresh on the groom. they will float on anything. bring it and if it dumps you get a huge bonus:biggthump
  19. I have yet to ride the 4807 without causing a scene. open mouth stares and the usual comment "wow that's a really old board man." actually its brand new. "no I mean it was made like years ago man" actually its a 2001 or 2002 board "HUH???????" they assume I am crazy and walk off at that point usually. I have been thinking about getting a tshirt that says " Its a state of the art POWDER Board , you wouldn't understand" the whole retro look thing really throws them. lots of people comment on the awesome look or the cool graphics etc. but the old school comments are by far the most prolific.
  20. Dr D

    F2 speedcross 165

    I am sure I will miss it:rolleyes: glad it has a good home. my wife was starting to object to additional boards entering the house without some leaving or I would never have sold it!:D
  21. I would assume he meant the opposite of what he typed.
  22. simple little foam wedge you can get from any boot fitter or tognar or the like. It fits well under the orthotic/footbed and also can be used under the bladder itself. they come in several thicknesses and for a few bucks solve a multitude of problems. I use them in mu af700's. they also pull the forefoot back in the boot which can bring it into a wider part of the boot if you are to tight in the toebox. The intuitions are thicker than some of the others and gave me more room to pack out the wide parts of my duck feet while maintaining a snug comfy fit elsewhere. the thermoflexes that came with the boots didn't work well in this respect. Also the intuitions seem to tolerate repeated moldings much better. the thermoflexes start shrinking by the third mold.
  23. Dr D

    4807 178

    I laugh manically every time I ride the thing. I found that the center of the sidecut is all the way back so the rest of the inserts are useless but other than that it carves like a dream in softies I don't even notice the soft nose as I am all the way back. when I rode it centered early on it felt as he just described soft in front etc. I moved back on it and wow what a beautiful ride. I ride angles very similiar to his pic. I haven't noticed a need to modify. It really is perfect unless the powder is 4 ft deep then I occasionally submarine it. I am looking at the 178 for this reason. I find it to be a great crud board as the boat nose cuts it well and its so damp that it eats up bumpy choppy snow like crazy. It also is great in the moguls. the boat nose rides up the sides of the moguls rather than cutting in and sort of auto steers the line for you. IT self corrects a lot of mistakes in the moguls. truly a fun board I hope the 178 dynastar version is as much fun. As for the tanker I have a 173 garage that fills that niche quite well. the osin is better in the trees and the tight steeps though.
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