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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. try steeper angles and really drive your forward knee into the mtn on your heelsides. the farther you drive the knee the tighter she'll go and hold without hopping or chattering. I noticed what you describe early this year and discovered that I was really just afraid of the nose chatter that happens when the board takes a tighter arc and doesn't hold it repeatedly on heelsides. by driving the knee into the hill the chatter stopped and control returned. I ride with my heels and toes on the edges so no boot out and 45 degrees of angulation would be about right. I think you will find that if you rotate forward a little you will absorb the crud and bumps better as well. my 2 cents:cool: I am riding vans switch ntypes and ntype step ins on osin 4807 168 and a 178 and a Garage freeride board. so it works on a variety of boards.
  2. I have been driving with my front knee on my soft setup at ridiculouslyhigh angles and it works great. It holds the edge in the snow. I haven't even paid attention to the back one so I just asssume it follows I guess??? anyhow I have had a hard time translating it to my hard boot technique in that I feel like I have no movemet in the boots that I worked so hard to get super stiff. I guess I will try softer tongues etc again. If my style keeps progressing faster than I can aquire appropriate gear I don't know what I am gonna do. I use cuban's hands idea and drive the front knee into the turn and it works well on softies with 50/45 and 55/50. Its very exagerated compared to the hard boots my knee moves twenty degrees at least from my toe. As long as I drive the knee I can lay over a beautiful set of linked turns down ed's run with snow scraping grace previously unheard of on softies. If I could only get my alpine setup to do the same thing I would be on to something:freak3: I gotta do the commit and trust thing next I guess:lurk:
  3. Dr D

    Break through day-

    yeah it gets all surfie:biggthump I got out the 4807 and had a blast:eplus2:
  4. Dr D

    Break through day-

    glad to hear it! you would have had a sloppy time here this year. this last week it got really warm and its total spring snow conditions. no alpine after 11 if you don't want to auger a nose in.
  5. Proprioception is best understood as a program that gets stonger the more often that it is run. In that respect any motion is going to improve proprioception especially core strength and balance. certain motions obviously will improve when repeated ie (muscle memory) things like throwing a ball etc. we develop asymetrically anyway as lefties or righties and so on. I also doubt that a few days boarding will have any negative onesided impact on a youngsters development any more so than having them write with one hand only in kindergarten does. Bottom line getting them out there in the first place is way more significant in our couch potato society. Get them out doing something and teach them to love active lifestyles.
  6. Absolute east coast conditions today.wide open untracked untamed fields of carefully groomed and finished glazed concrete:rolleyes: Hard as steel groom today but funny thing every one that showed up was in the lodge. I was maybe one of ten people on the quad at any given time all day. boy it sure sucks to have a local mountain where a guy can get so lonely:lol:
  7. Dr D

    Hip Pain

    sounds like you got it under control:biggthump
  8. great point ! even if all things were equal between riders size wise we all have different styles and different levels of flexibility ourselves so one mans sweet ride is not necessarily the next guys.
  9. Dr D

    Hip Pain

    A true short leg? Did you break it on the growth plate or something similiar? Lots of people have a short leg that is caused by the rotation and twisting of the pelvis if one side is locked or stuck in a forward position it pulls the hip socket forward and up effectively shortening the leg. This is easily fixed on the other hand if you have a true short leg where the femur is shorter that is something that is harder to deal with. IF its new a heel lift is appropriate if its been that way for years a heel lift will often aggravate it since the spine has already adapted to it. Fallen arches could also give a false short leg. Custom soft arthotics are the way to go there.
  10. Now add in the benefits of a line of boards with identical sidecut depth across the line. the antiprogressive caternary sidecut. Brian Perhaps you can explain the genius of the identity line better than I. I just know they hook up right now and let you go with ease. takes the work out of it. Oh yeah and the sidecut varies, for instance on my freecarve it starts at 9.5 and finishes at 12.5, so you can vary your turn radius by shifting your weight into a different part of the edge very cool. for the racers back in the pack you can reverse that and get a board that will hold a line through the ruts.
  11. Dr D

    Hip Pain

    we are talking about small misalignments here not major problems. your active lifestyle makes you an even more likely candidate. I would suggest a car analogy. If you have a car in need of a front end alignment and it is sitting in the yard and never driven its not really a problem per say. however if you drive the same car to california you will be missing some rubber when you get there. the more you use a misaligned joint the more potential wear you have. A quick trip to the chiro would also incidentaly find anything major as well and provide you with cheap diagnosis and refferal to the appropriate specialist. If it is a simple misalignment problem treatment is easy and affordable. better to be proactive than reactive:biggthump
  12. Dr D

    Hip Pain

    Washington is a good place to find a good one and I may even know them personally depending on where you are from.
  13. Dr D

    Hip Pain

    15 degrees + difference is a lot! I would say that most people favor 3-5 for comfort. From a chiropractor's viewpoint : If you have any functional problems in your pelvis it will change how you distribute weight and absorb shock creating painful areas where the distribution is uneven. SI joint fixation can cause among other things Low back pain in the L4-L5 area and hip and knee pain. your rather exagerated angles would only aggravate this problem I am guessing. Since falling on you -ss is one of the major causes of such misalignments and fixations it stands to reason that as a snowboarder you may have this problem. I would recomend a stance change and a check up at a good chiro. If you tell me where you are at I will happily find a good one to refer you to:biggthump
  14. -65f with windchill at Big mtn. had to cover my face on the chair to avoid losing it:biggthump chem heaters in boots and gloves and a big one against my belly no problem except for the face thing on the chair. the groom was sublime so it was worth 4 runs or so:freak3: on a seperate note I have been in the high country elk hunting in -85F with wind chill. hiking out we had to stop in protected areas to vent our clothing to keep from sweating believe it or not:eek: on the open ridges the wind was over 40 mph sustained with gusts up to knock you down strength. If you have the right gear and don't have any problems come up its not a big deal. If you have an unforeseen difficulty arise you can be screwed.
  15. can't tell you how many times that has happened! I hear em b-tchin in the lift line about whatever on a day that I am having a blast. It helps to know the mtn for sure and to be willing to ask if you don't. If there are locals (the guys with perm passes) riding then its good somewhere because we don't go up on bad days!
  16. I was wondering what prompted the revival:lol: :lol:
  17. found out after you guys left that SHRED paid the lifties off to shut em down for awhile so he would have an excuse to nap:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. ya mean the classified section
  19. I was up on thursday last week in hip deep powder. SPent the whole day in Hellroaring basin:biggthump WE even hiked up hellroaring peak for a run. absolutely incredible.:D :D :D :D :D :D :D
  20. beaut of a day:biggthump I got into some bad chow last nite and couldn't afford to get that far from home this AM. I will be up thursday though:biggthump should be some great carving now that it FINALLY stopped snowing:lol: It is really warm in the valley today so afternoons might get a little soft. No more fog this year knock on wood:smashfrea
  21. saw the skwal dreams you've been having How about a trade for lacroix 185 skwal contest. I bought it new in plastic last spring and had inserts installed and a new grind and tune since I rode it. it is as new
  22. check out the Big mtn daily rub in and add that we are done with the voodoo fog for the season. Sunny paradise way cheaper than others listed here.:lol:
  23. big MTN big sky Schweitzer basin
  24. the wood grain waves are super cool!
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