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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. :lol: :lol: :lol: Hey look there's a lime green moose in the front row!
  2. 6' 4" and 275 LBS very few boards longer than I am:eplus2: I don't get offensive comments in the lift line. :lol: Maybe its the profile of the body armour under my coat:confused: any way I have found that most everyone I meet is very nice and quite respectful:lol:
  3. ITs not all about the straightlining jack:lol: ITs definitely a because you can project however the unique sound and the volume thereof would be totally worth it:biggthump
  4. Dr D

    POW boards

    Well since now I am not the first one to fart in church :lol: I will heartily agree. Hardboots are great but why screw up a good powder day with them:smashfrea A good softie setup lets you experience the float and fluff properly.
  5. Dr D

    4807 178

    bring it along next time you are out to the big mtn. I am lovin mine:biggthump
  6. u12 has a few new in the plastic on ebay. a couple of wintersticks as well. beware he is a little strange and hard to do business with but has got some nice stuff always.
  7. Dr D

    Crazy Canuks :)

    looks like a good way to lose your left nut:smashfrea The dude lands the jump and his head whiplashes up and down for the next ten feet. that's gotta be good for the chiro bill:lol:
  8. ouch sounds like work keeping it on its wheels. 172" displacement 110 HP 160 ft/lbs of torque. incidentally the smallest engine of this type actually in production WWII was a 600 cubic inch monster four feet in diameter.
  9. whatever you build will have an effect on the flex pattern of the board. on some boards this would be a good thing:lol: On others you would render them nearly unridable. the boards out there that are engineered for devices like this are soft in the middle and the plate completes the flex pattern. I would suggest that the conshox falls into this category. the benefits would reduce considerable if you put it on a board that was already quite stiff. I would suggest you tailor the size to emulate the proper stance width for the board rather than using all of the inserts available. if it likes a narrow stance then use those points and vice versa. you will have less effect on the flex pattern that way. I would also use aluminum it'll slide on the slots easier and you won't have to figure the plywood flex into the equation. It'll also hold whatever you attach to it better.
  10. the manufacturer Rotec says that the engine has enough surface area to cool adequately no matter how it is mounted provided that there is airflow. So on a bike its no problem to mount it either way. AMerican Iron had a centerfold right up on this bike in Dec 06 issue.
  11. sweet bike the engine is an AUssie design built for the home built airplane crowd it is like 155 horsepower and very smooth you should see the other side of the bike each cylinder has its own straight pipe. very cool and very loud. Jesse JAmes also built a bike with this motor in it and its actually facing forward like it would in a plane. It looks like if you laid it down it would go clear over and come up the other side:lol: THis one is much cleaner and sweeter looking than jesse's here's one of jesse james radial and one of the reverse side of this bike
  12. look on the bright side your pelvis was in the same three pieces until you were fully mature anyway? pretty impressive CT just be glad the bones did their job and protected the soft important stuff inside them! Feel better quick man
  13. Dr D

    POW boards

    has anyone ridden a DUPRAZ?? I suspect that the feel is similiar to a 4807 judging by their website info. Anyone ridden both?
  14. Dr D

    POW boards

    I ride both a 168 and a 185 identity with hard boots. I prefer a powder board for powder. that said I have an OSIN 4807 168 and one of BLUEB's Dynastar 4807 178's I highly prefer the 168 in tight trees and glades and the 178 for wide open deep powder fields or steep and fast applications where I have room to maneuver. I haven't tried the 3800 yet so no comments there. Brace yourselves for blasphemy:biggthump both 4807's carve extremely well considering the soft nose and the stubby swallowtail design. So they are lots of fun on the groomers as well. the boat nose lends itself well to moguls ( the nose doesn't ride up it sort of pushes you back into the trough) autopilot:biggthump they also perform admirably in the slop. I have used both hard and soft boots on them and must say that they require lots of ankle mobility to really ride in the trees and tighter areas. Go soft or go really wimpy hard boots. the stiff carving boots won't allow you to react and recover as easily to changes in line and terrain and unseen obstacles. you won't be carving you will be surfing:biggthump A real Swallowtail is a whole different animal than the 4807 they are soft throughout the board and the tails are really fragile. the 4807 is quite stiff on the effective edge and very soft in the nose so the nose is more fragile than the tail. center your stance on the effective edge and carve away. this setting is way far back on the board so you are always in powder mode. No binding changes to go off piste. Bottom line everyone should have one. :lol: For your info I like the 168 the best and I am 6'4" 265 blueb has a great deal on them and he's topnotch to deal with. They are also all over ebay. the osin version anyway.
  15. you could do the guy a favor and get hitched! who knows it might just work out:biggthump I would do your research first though odds are if he got married here it could still take as long as 3-4 years to get his papers and he could stay here in the meantime but if he went home for a visit he couldn't come back until the papers came through. Some consulates etc are backlogged several years or more. If you went to the land downunder and got hitched the paperwork would be much quicker.
  16. Go to canada or mexico and walk back across the border! IT has worked just fine for millions. Really, its a tough situation its very difficult to get in legally and simple to get a fake greencard, say $500 would do it. They should quit fighting about how to reward the illegals and work on rewarding the good people of the world that would love to come here legally and actually become 'AMERICAN' my .02
  17. IF the groom is chopped up lay it over farther! or you can switch to ski mode and bounce the turns in the fall line. Hey BLUEB are you ready to try the 185? Same stable turns with more edge and a longer radius so its less twitchy.
  18. HAving recently returned to the mountains after a ten year stint elsewhere I feel I may have a unique insight on the problem. I see every time I am up on the hill a blatant disregard for the code by almost everyone. ten yrs ago if you straightlined you got your pass pulled. simple as that. I don't understand the impulse myself but maybe its fun who knows:freak3: Anyway I don't see the code anywhere except for the fine print on the back of the pass. I don't see patrollers very often unless they are rolling out to pick up the wounded. IT appears in my area at least that the ski patrol has become a glorified ambulance service. We used to have some problems on race weekends with "racers and wannabees" bombing everywhere but now it seems to be everyday. My answer is to go midweek, wear body armour and a helmet, not start a run until no one is uphill of me, and stop in the middle or at least frequently and do a paranoid check of my 6. I guess that passes for my code. like we have already heard it isn't much consolation being dead right. I have had as many near misses with straightlining park monkeys as with skiers so its not an us vs them thing its an institutional change in enforcement of the rules.
  19. update update update 5 inches of new snow in the last 24 hours. quite warm and moistish however it has revitalized the groom and freshened everything up nicely! :biggthump
  20. never said he was manly:cool: In fact the girls were quite in charge! He sorta had that look on his face like Paris Hilton's chihuaha. you know the one that says just kill me now:flamethro
  21. no I vary the angles depending on board width. I see your point on it being the same thing. isn't there a component involving dropping the hip or just getting your body laid over?
  22. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: I didn't ask how it worked I just observed the process! :lol: :lol: :lol:
  23. two excited jibber girls drag their collective boyfriend up to me at the top of a lift and say "See jon this is one of those alpine boards" I say "well not exactly" she says(no kidding) " IT IS TO! " I say " well all right then":biggthump oh yeah I was wearing soft boots at the time!!!
  24. no two seperate concepts. I have no problem cranking it over on edge with the soft setup but the narrow boards and hard boots are another deal that I need to work on. the driving the knee thing is literally cranking the forward knee left on a regular heelside and right on a regular stance toeside. or rotating the knee counterclockwise away from the toe and toward the heel on a heelside (regular stance) and vice versa for the toeside. It really drives the edge in and makes it hold. the amount of pressure and how long you hold it determines the turn radius to some degree and certainly how far around the circle you go before releasing the edge. IT seems to go hand in hand with the hands thing you talk about. total edge control. It solves all the soft boot issues of chatter and loss of edge control etc. I just can't get the same feel on the hard boot setup.
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