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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. what a way to end the season. the best cord we have had all year what a totally fulfilling day. Total blast and I got to see das amputator is action one last time to!:lol: pics later
  2. 10 inches in the last five days baby:biggthump :biggthump
  3. The guy is like the terminator:eek: I can't keep up with him for more than 3 runs on a normal day maybe I can hang with him now:biggthump Good to hear he is back up and at em. see you up there.
  4. you have just described a homemade AMFIT. they are molded in the seated position rather than the standing position for the reasons you stated more or less and the foam is a relatively hard foam with full "volume" underneath to a flat bottom surface. topsheet material varies from leather to neoprene to plastazote to dryz etc depending on your preference. you have the right idea but it seems like a lot of work what did it cost you out of curiosity?
  5. Yes and no the feet in this case may not be the initial cause but the they are contributing heavily to the continuation of the problem. I quite often find that I get the spine problems cleared up and then have difficulty maintaining that status because of foot instability. A set of orthotics then solves the problem. Something like golf is different. you actually get a measureable improvement in your game because its a consistency game and stability lends itself to constistency quite well. so anyone golfing would benefit in that way. they would just not have prescription changes in the orthotic.
  6. :lol: ah ha! ah ha! that would be correct grasshopper:) You also need a good chiropractor to fix the misalignments and help your body rebalance. It is likely that your knee or knees need adjusted as well as your spine based on what you have described. you are right about movement complicating the picture. That would be the main reason for a less ridgid orthotic because the arches need to flex and move to adapt to the changes occurring during motion.
  7. generally speaking that is the case yes. IF it is more pronounced on one foot you will probably find that the arch is collapsed on that side more than the other.
  8. AS far as prefab ones go superfeet are great. Anything from walmart not so hot, in fact they suck:smashfrea
  9. Interesting study but it does seem to prove my point that its not just a foot thing. they didn't look at the spine and back issues at all. Its to bad but medicine is so specialized they tend to forget that there is a body attached to that foot. I would have to suggest that the benefits of any orthotic outweigh none and the benefits of a custom outweigh those of a prefabricated insole. the benefits aren't strictly confined to the feet. Its a foundational thing. If you are stable the rest of the body mechanics work better than if you are unstable at the foundation. http://footlevelers.com/human_body/how_spinal_pelvic.php here's a brief description of the biomechanics involved as found on the website of the other brand I use.
  10. uhh yeah what he said:freak3: anyone who has read my posts knows that punctuation and spelling are severe hinderances to my typing abilities:eplus2:
  11. I recomend them for running actually and they have roughly a 2 yr lifespan. they are relatively hard foam so less wear than a softer one. you would need a seperate set for running shoes as the hard boot ones would be very narrow compared to a shoe.
  12. I am a Chiropractor and I deal with orthotics regularly because Of spinal stability issues. As I previously said the hard orthotics favored by pediatrists are not the best for your spine I prefer the softer models for that reason. when an orthotic is made from a mold, the patients (oddities/imbalances) are recorded in the mold. the mold is then scanned and set to neutral via a program similiar to CAD any necessary arch increases are added by me or the Doctor doing the work. I can also make allowances for all the little things mentioned in the previous post.(bunions etc.) The mold and Rx are sent off to AMfit who then cuts the orthotic out of a solid block of foam with a CNC router. the topsheet of your choice is glued on and they are sent back to me. Most bootfitters are going to mold to you and do some rudimentary leveling. you will get more stability but not necessarily anatomically correct. Adjustments are made to the orthotic as its being made to either support or correct indinvidual problems. I would suggest that ,short of the high end specific stores, this isn't being done most places. Just to clarify the mold I am talking about is made of your foot. the mold is then used to model your foot on a computer program at which point necessary adjustments can be made to support your foot in whatever way is necessary. the end result of these changes is then cut out of a solid block of foam by the computer using a CNC router. Cool stuff to watch. the end result is an orthotic that brings your foot neutral and supports your arches sufficiently but still has flex and give to it so that your feet can move and flex normally. hard orthotics don't allow the flex to occur properly in my opinion. here is a link to the company I currently prefer showint the mold. digital scanners are also used and the company makes both ridgid and semiridgid orthotics (hard and soft) http://amfit.com/products/casting.html
  13. I don't know why not. they will mold your bladders for you. I suspect that its 6 of one and half dozen of the other though since most will mold for free if you buy from them.
  14. I am thinking that the 4807 178 is the way to go! that boat nose looks like a winner:biggthump softies set with no overhang is the way I roll anyhow so that is the plan. That crowd is enticingly close to the pond I'd be tempted to lay it over just to include them in the fun:lol:
  15. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: listen here now I just don't think the smiley quite conveys the seriousness of some questions. How about they spring for a broader collection of smileys:biggthump
  16. Are you skimming? the amputator might be a winner! provided you don't submarine that lack of a nose!:lol: Where do we enter? the site shows prices but no info on where to pay in advance.
  17. I have a bit of research around here somewhere that shows 5-10% improvement when orthotics were worn by the golfer. A solid foundation yields a solid reproduceable swing:biggthump I personally shaved 4-5 strokes off my game when I started wearing them!
  18. Stand upright and evenly on both feet and have someone look at your legs from behind. Ideally you should have both achilles tendons straight and vertical. if there is any deviation in the tendon one way or the other then you have pronation or supination and need an orthotic. this would apply for your normal shoes as well. Another way would be to look at your old shoe soles and note wether or not the wear on the heels is even or onesided. NEXT sit on a chair in such a way as to be able to stand without moving your feet. have someone watch your medial arches as you stand. If the space between your arch and the floor decreases significantly or more on one side than the other then you need orthotics. Again you need them in your shoes as well as snowboard gear. Even someone with good arches and neutral stance would benefit from orthotics provide they are not the ridgid variety. I don't believe that ridgid orthotics are really a good idea for the reasons already discussed. your arches need more than support they need to be able to flex and move. for that reason I recommend a "soft" orthotic. these are made out of a hard foam and have a fairly strong level of support but still enough flex to allow the arches to work as they were designed to. I use Footlevelers and Amfit in my office with a good deal of success. I would lean toward the amfits for winter sports activities. They are also quite affordable. the average set of amfits runs my patients $145 vs the 300+ you might pay at a pediatrist. I find that ridgid orthotics hinder motion enough to effect the mobility of the spine and that the softer variety quite often reduces low back pain issues significantly in patients with unstable feet. Email me if you have any further questions. I would also be happy to send out a mold to you if anyone wants a pair. in defense of the shameless plug I will discount them %25 to the bomber family. In addition to general support it is possible to make changes that are beneficial to heavier riders, diabetics, corns, bunions, hammertoes etc. I would need a tracing of the footbed currently in the shoe or boot along with the mold.
  19. I guess I should have known something was up when the conspiracy took a shot at Cleveland. That and the latest in coiler topsheet designs ala Cleveland. Oh well whoever it is got a good "what are you smoking letter via ebaymail":lol: :lol: :lol:
  20. check this dreamer out!???!?!?:lol: http://cgi.ebay.com/Burton-PJ7-Racing-Carving-Alpine-Snowboard_W0QQitemZ200095932958QQcategoryZ36297QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem for only $1000 you to can own one. SHRED check it out one has finally surfaced you don't have to make cheap copies anymore:lol:
  21. He's gone back to alaska for the season but he's usually around when the snow flies. The guy could ride a kitchen door down the mtn and make it look good:biggthump . AS for angry??? I know him as a laid back quiet kinda guy. There is a no BS kinda air about him I guess but really a heck of a nice guy.
  22. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: OUTSTANDING
  23. Anybody had any experience with this trading system? nation wide trading for goods and services etc. I had a guy approach me about getting me to sign up so he could pay for his care through the system rather than with $$. Not sure what to think.
  24. HE still is I bought a 185 identity off of him this spring after watching him hike the summit on snowshoes with it strapped to his back. Short or not he has my respect:biggthump hardboots in a back pack and 185cm of Alpine horsepower sticking out the top trudging up a mountain. totally dedicated dude.
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