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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. generally speaking its not a good idea to take the wrong meds. See a Doc soon and get off of them. I would recomend heavy doses of probiotics in the mean time as they are immune stimulative and antifungal to some degree. the antibiotic will have killed the good bacteria living in you as well as the bad. Garden of life primal defense is the best I have found but at the very least use acidophilus. Garden of life also has an antifungal product that works well. garden of life dot com
  2. histoplasmosis????? fungal infection of the lungs common cause bird**** bat**** etc exposure. common in the eastern US. antifungal meds are the appropriate treatment. dry unproductive cough is the major symptom mesothelioma would look similiar on xray as would TB mesothelioma is the cancer caused by chronic exposure to asbestos aka asbestosis
  3. fluid in the lungs? she said the lung fields were normal? other than the mystery spots that don't cause cancer?
  4. well the antibiotic isn't going to help if its viral:smashfrea :smashfrea canadian healthcare or not a Dr should know that at least???
  5. can you remember anything else she said? any tests besides the xrays? what are your symptoms besides the cough?
  6. now that I have one how do I adjust the trucks? I understand one of them is supposed to be locked but both of mine feel like that and I can't flex them enough to turn even a little bit. Is it possible to have them screwed together to tight? the front one will flex if I reef on it but its really tight and wants to stay flexed after I get it to move it doesn't want to go back.
  7. He isn't a member of the "greatest generation" but he is lamenting the loss of those values. I realize that I know him personally so that colors what I percieve from his comments so I will share that in an attempt to help all understand. He isn't attacking the individuals present at this attrocity, only the system and culture that created them. ITs certainly not the victims fault in any way shape or form. We have built a society of sheep and pacifists. There is no doubt about that. History clearly shows the end of that road leading to auschwitz and the like.:(
  8. http://v.mercola.com/blogs/public_blog/Could-Antidepressants-Explain-the-Virginia-Tech-Massacre--10928.aspx It is interesting to note that to date the widely reported school shootings, Columbine etc, were all committed by people on phsychoactive prescription drugs. I haven't heard if this latest incident was related to an antidepressant but with his history of mental illness it seems likely.:(
  9. I feel a good scrap coming on:biggthump
  10. The point is that the "old" gentleman would have done it at any age. People are who they are. I believe Dr Hays is lamenting the loss of a value system that would have driven every person in the room to act in defense of themselves and others instead of allowing themselves to be lined up like cattle and shot. As a survivor of the Holocaust the "Old " gentleman was someone who owned those values. NEVER AGAIN is a common sentiment among those survivors as I understand it.
  11. This is from a vietnam veteran sniper who has just graduated from graduate school at the age of fifty and probably one of the wiser heads I know. Interesting angle that I haven't seen out there anywhere else. " "It is a sad state that we as Americans are in these days. At Virginia Tech...an old man barred the door and received multiple gunshot wounds as young healthy....some athletic....adults cower and ran from that senseless evil. While others ALLOWED themselves to lined up and executed. I thought education provided and enhanced objective thinking in people...not turn them into cowards and sheep. I can't believe that a young man or woman did not cover that old gentleman and allow HIM to escape. GOD forgive me for my harshness but maybe those are a gene pool that we don't need in America. What are we to do when those are the kind of people that define our future as a nation? These are no longer kids at 18 plus years. I have known many fierce, tough young men and warriors at 17 and 18 yrs and know a few young Hillbillys in WV that would have retaliated on that satanic idiot quite sufficiently. ..but sadly ...those kind of young men are becoming fewer every day. This kinder, gentler nation premise is just not going to work. Our first president had it right when he said "Eternal vigilance is thr cost of freedom." You aren't free when you live in fear or have to rely on someone else for protection...and personally...I don't need or want someone to protect me. " Dr Hays
  12. check out the ripstick if pumping is what you want to do. they only have two wheels similiar to a tierney and the deck twists in the middle. they are made for pumping and are a real hoot my kid has one that I run every once in a while. there are some knock offs of it up on ebay right now. http://www.ripstikusa.com/
  13. how about the freebord it looks like a skidder but you would be able to stop. catching an "edge" looks like a nosebreaker.
  14. catch an edge on that thing and feel the pain:eek: other than that it looks like the best "snowboard" choice yet
  15. isn't the bushing thing supposed to approximate the "pop" I think its engineered stiff in the deck with the idea that the bushings can be changed to adjust the pop from one weight rider to the next?? Am I wrong?
  16. I wondered why you never see someone stop one of these on film.:rolleyes:
  17. Anybody riding these things care to comment on the ride? I would also be interested in how the ride varies from a Tierney. howz the stopping power etc. I haven't skateboarded since I was a kid but I am jonesing for my carving fix bad enough to try it out again. I am waiting for my Tierney deck to arrive but the flow board thing sort of grabs my attention as well.
  18. aaaaaaagh 10 more inches of fresh on a closed mtn:smashfrea
  19. I intended that as a societal generality not specifically something that was missing in your particular case. By in large the "shooters" in these types of situations have been individuals largely ignored by society that made a last desperate act in hope of getting noticed.:( Nice sentiments work better the more people participate and believe in them. take a moment and notice someone today that you would ordinarily ignore its simple and who knows you might make a difference.
  20. Love Give it to everyone around you and give liberally. You never know if you are the only one that touches someones life and brings them back from a bad decision. It might only be killing themselves. the opposite of love is not hate its indifference.
  21. From what I have learned from John Mcginnis it would depend entirely on the flex pattern of the board. length wouldn't have anything to do with it.
  22. Dr D

    Quick Question

    admittedly the first post I ever read from the guy and it was the week he became a moderator. you know what they say about first impressions....... I have read pages of his posts since this thread came up and found most of them to be quite reasonable but then if you are the guy that gets targeted with this kind of stuff you might not notice. I think its been beaten to death but lets live and let live around here. diversity makes it interesting and fun to be here. The moderators are human just like the rest of us lets get back to the usual inane banter and ease up on the Draconian measures:biggthump
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