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Dr D

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Everything posted by Dr D

  1. I haven't had the pleasure though I would love to say I had. the man changed so much of what we knew to be true in the world of large bore handguns. The .44 MAGNUM is a real passion of mine. He was indeed a mans man and a real contributor to many different lives. A real shoot straight and speak the truth kinda guy.
  2. :lol: Like I said historically 50% of what is known fact is later proven totally wrong. Which 50% is anyones guess just like the mars data above etc etc. I read the spring report on Elk populations in MT in the local paper this AM and was tickled to see they had reported the "counting method" The count done shows large increases in herd size this year which is great news if its true. Here's the scientific method of choice. They flew a helicopter over the open areas in one (yes thats right one) hunting district in MT they chose the district based on the amount of open area. Apparently it's hard to see through trees:lol: Any way they extrapilated total state population from the number they were able to count in the open in one small district. there are 5-10 districts in a given county. Never mind the racket from the helicopter etc. they are counting only what they can see in one area with no accounting for predation etc in other areas. Its scientific though don't you worry:biggthump When did science lose its healthy dose of skepticism? We can guess based on what we see in things like tree rings etc and how it correlates with what we think we know, But we don't know it to be true and history proves that we are at least half wrong. If you are really committed to an idea you need to try and prove the opposite as well. I am just saying don't take the prof's word for it. THINK its fun and you can do it anywhere!
  3. First things first - drop what you're doing right now, take 3 minutes and check out this page RIGHT NOW: >>> http://www.tierneyrides.com/2007blowout.html (If you don't have a T-Board yet - then this will blow your mind!) Second - I need to apologize... I said I'd send a 24 hour warning before our CRAZY 72-hour spring blowout went live. Well, due to some annoying technical issues, I'm sending you an 18 Hour Warning instead! Either way, this is the lowest price we'll EVER offer for the T-Board Indy. It's a one-time deal, folks. In fact, there's only ONE reason why I'm doing this... I've explained why here: http://www.tierneyrides.com/2007blowout.html Go there now, check it out, bookmark it - and get ready... I'll send out a 10 minute warning before it goes live. Cheers, - Kurt Tierney 92$ off
  4. Did he even eat fish?:lol: Good dialogue from both ends of the spectrum is a good thing maybe a better understanding of each other would help prevent some of the evil in the world? there full circle:biggthump
  5. The happy medium is truck gardens and local raised products as much as possible. economically they went away because of cheap factory farm stuff on the market, now that the awareness is there about health issues involved the market is willing to pay a premium for these items. You will see a huge increase in small farms and others willing to produce under those market conditions. Farm fish wouldn't be so bad if we didn't feed them the same crap we use in our feedlots. ORganic fish farms are the happy medium there as well. better product higher price and the market is increasingly willing to pay it.
  6. Dr D

    Great books

    I love Heinlein I read everything he wrote twice by the age of 20. Some good philosophy in that stuff:biggthump My latest faves are ATLAS SHRUGGED by Ayn Rand and another called objectivist epistimology.
  7. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: are they local?
  8. the flowboard does feel to short. I am going to drill and mount them on a 42 inch deck and see if its better. I like the feel of the trucks though other than the short wheelbase.
  9. I found a shorter turnier board helpful and hardboots are easier to control if youhave a good soft interface binding. Its hard to do on TD's:o Any how the tail swish thing is good. If you ever skiid bumps its kinda the opposite I always hit the bumps dead center with the nose and let the tail slide off on side or the other. If skiers made them you can't ride the trenches it just doesn't work geometry is wrong. Sack up and hit em straight on:biggthump upper body quiet lower body crankin:eplus2:
  10. We still have lake trout problems but they keep them in check by massive freeforall fishing derbies. Every spring they tag a few and throw them in with a 50,000 dollare prize attached to the guy who catches it. No limit fish til you get it. draws quite a crowd and they still can't get rid of them. Interesting note on the cutthroat, hungry horse dam has isolated all the cutthroat above the dam and has accidentally preserved the purest genetic strain left in the Rockies so they are "studying " how to best screw that up .:lol: :lol: AS far as I know kokanee were the only species affectd by the shrimp. We still have good whitefish populations they even fish them commercially. All attempts to ressurect the kokanee are doomed to failure unless you know how to rid the largest surface area lake west of the mississippi of all the shrimp which incidentally love it here.
  11. Dr D

    updated garage sale

    I sold them both to Rob Bierney along with some spare parts. He had blown one out and lost some of the parts in the snow so it was an emergency sale:biggthump
  12. Again all the data is based on assumptions. we know maybe ten percent of whats really happened in the past especially prehistory. The rest is "educated Guess" As far as the current climate change the best guess I have seen lately is that the MARS probe data shows a parallel temperature increase on mars. Couple that with recent sun activity and you have a cycle much bigger than any on earth. The sun is experiencing some upheaval "storms" I don't know much about the process but its normal and cyclical as I understand it. If that's true then most of the GLobal warming hype is just that. I don't think we should rape the planet but we should understand that things adapt and change. whitetail deer live in town better than they ever did in the woods if you look at populations and herd health. Spotted owls have been found doing just fine in NEW growth forests. (the panic about spotted owl populations was based on a count done in old growth forests. noone thought to look and see if they were adapting) etc. Sealions have adapted to easy living in front of a dam. IMHO we need to relax and lose the self loathing and look for simpler commonsense answers that help nature and don't put thousands out of work. We have the technology to improve our impact on the earth and we should use it but we shouldn't run around screaming that the sky is falling. historically 50% of what was known fact at any given time was later proven wrong. which fifty percent are we screwing up? now there is a question
  13. Where did you come up with that?? All I am saying is that a knee jerk reaction will swing the pendulum the other way far enough to cause even more problems. example. flathead lake was home to a huge kokanee salmon population native to the lake. Every year they run up into glacier park and thousands of bald eagles among other things come to feed. It was nature at its finest. the FWP, goaded by some environmental interest, decided to introduce mycee (spelling?) shrimp to the lake as a new food source for the salmon because their numbers had declined a little. Long story short the shrimp aren't out when the salmon really needed them as a food source and they hatched before the salmon fry and eat the same things as the salmon fry. We no longer have any kokanee salmon in flathead lake and no eagles come anymore etc. Life runs in a cyclical pattern some cycles are bigger than others and for some reason we are arrogant enough to assume that if the cycles are longer than our life span that they don't exist. I only advocate a more moderate approach not wholesale slaughter.
  14. Both are true. The natural balance was thrown off long ago before hunting and conservation laws were in effect. We have been the only predator/competitor for the larger predators since. When we quit actively managing predator populations due to environmentalist pressure they started overpopulating. we are obviously encroaching into native habitat in some areas all though out west most of those areas are parks wilderness usfs or otherwise protected from encroachment anyway. Traditional counting methods need to change and they need to be managed responsibly. I know its not a common thought among environmentalist types but hunters collectively have the most to lose if animals are over hunted and mismanaged. Hunters as a whole take a great interest in proper game management and promotion of the various species. That wasn't true earlier in our history before game laws etc. Commercial hunting was what really hurt game populations. since the advent of hunting laws and game management and the abolishment of commercial hunting. game populations have skyrocketed. Some Fur bearing species, wolves and buffalo were so far gone that they have taken much longer to recover. we are at that point with wolves now. AS for the new rules for wolves that is all we are asking for. Nobody is promoting the wholesale slaughter of wolves. Wyoming is also included in that group of states. Montana and wyoming already meet federal guidelines for delisting and Idaho is close. They are required in some way to delist as a group and all three have to comply before it will happen. The tribes have a vested interest in maintaining populations on their land for cultural reasons and the state game depts have huge oversight and input from various government agencies. The management will be highly regulated just at a more local level.
  15. I didn't say our weapons are part of the ecosystem but we definitely are. IT goes without saying that we have a moral responsibility to maintain balance. Notice I said balance. completely removing ourselves from the ecosystem is not the answer either. I have no idea where you made the leap of logic that says I think we should exploit the planet.
  16. That may be one of the dumbest statements I have heard. No offense but our natural weapons are the tools and brain power that came up with them. like the man says other than that we are soft on the outside crunchy on the inside and taste good with catsup! We didn't come equipped with gnarly claws and teeth or armour plate but we did come with a brain and opposing thumbs. Always interesting to see the viewpoint that humans aren't a natural part of the ecosystem. where'd we come from mars after the fact?? cheers
  17. we don't have any of the viscious little bastards where we live:lol: C5 does though!
  18. looks like a serious allergen spreader to me:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  19. cool I wondered how they did that! I know just enough about computers to be dangerous:lol:
  20. heres a kitty for you:lol:
  21. [/url] here is a big one (note that the hunter is well behind the animal making it look even bigger but its still a big cat) the first four were taken out a kitchen window as the cat looked in at the children playing on the floor.
  22. The cougar population glut has nothing to do with wolves they don't eat the same things generally speaking. Cougar prey on mule deer mostly with an appetizer of housecat and poodle. C5 is right they are more accustomed to living around people. They are moving into town as much as town is moving into their territory though. Male cats are ranging further and further to find home range territory that isn't already taken. In some areas there are multiple young cats living in close proximity to people. they have been found east of the mississippi and have been seen throughout the midwest in recent years. They are overpopulating because of improper game management. they are not even hunted in some areas of the west (california) ANy animal deprived of its natural predator will overpopulate. We are the natural predator of the cougar. Here we have been told by the FWP personel that they will not even waste time investigating cougar killings in residential or farm areas. They aren't allowed to properly manage them and the problems are so widespread that when one is stalking your dog or your kids we just shoot them. ITs not an every day occurrence mind you but it happens. This is ongoing over the last 15 years in this valley. In 1991 we had repeated attacks on our horses by mtn lions. we called the FWP and they would not respond. the neighbors above us called when they caught it stalking their small children. The game warden responded and looked all over for it only to discover it stalking him. He shot into the ground to scare it and it charged him. He shot it at point blank range killing it at his feet. The next time we called, only weeks later, they told us to do what we had to do they didn't have the manpower to respond to as many predator reports as they were getting. pics to follow
  23. The animals are adapting faster than our data for one. Cougars have a 250 square mile range on average according to the data. Yet last fall we paintballed 9 of them in the drainage above my house in one weekend. paintballed so we could accurately tell if it was a different cat or the same one. wolves are quite often alone or in pairs and they travel so far and so fast that the radio tracking collar folks can't keep up with them. what you say is true "if they travel in packs and if you find one there are no others within fifty miles." What we are telling you is that the basic fundemental "facts" that the statistics and counts are based on are no longer or were never true. therefore the data is not true either.
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